View Full Version : orange alienware breed icons and 7tsp installer

May 9th, 2011, 02:26 AM
i was just wondering if anybody would be able to or willing to make the alienware breed icons orange and put them into a 7tsp pack for me and anyone else who would like to use them of course. this is to match lefty's orange 7 theme. if you could i would greatly appreciate it :D

May 9th, 2011, 09:19 AM
yes, could be to create the orange icons for Windows, using Adobe Photoshop, but it would not look nice :sad:

May 9th, 2011, 09:21 AM
I will try here to add some color options (orange hue)
but not now,i have now school when I have a little more time :girl:

May 9th, 2011, 09:29 AM
or if you got a little more time
visit the webpage www.google.com (http://www.google.com)
and try to find some clever application to change the color
Exist are many applications for rapid change of color icons :smile:

May 9th, 2011, 03:04 PM
This is what i got when i changed the hue of the icons with icofx

May 9th, 2011, 03:52 PM
This is what i got when i changed the hue of the icons with icofx
super,super,you chose a very good application
nice work

May 9th, 2011, 03:59 PM
This is what i got when i changed the hue of the icons with icofx
http://i52.tinypic.com/159b2d.jpg (http://i52.tinypic.com/159b2d.jpg)
super,super,you chose a very good application
nice work

thank you :D
and for my second question, do i just use the same ico to change the icons from the larger setting to the smaller one since the ico has the different sizes already within it?

May 9th, 2011, 03:59 PM
Now you can choose your own color icons according to the theme or background
again,very nice work :greedy:

May 9th, 2011, 04:06 PM
sorry,your answer before me
no i use normal adobe photoshop or IconPackager 5.0
i use ico file size 16 x16,24x24,32x32,48x48,64x64 and default size 256x256
png size 96x96,128x128,192x192,256x256 and default size 512x512 :girl:

May 9th, 2011, 05:14 PM
uno u can edit your post moonnique

edit: instead of doing 1 after another :cheeky:

May 9th, 2011, 07:19 PM
i am having some trouble switching out the icons with resource hacker. i keep getting "Out of system resources." whenever i click on any of the files. btw this is to make it into a 7tsp installer. any help will be greatly appreciated :D

edit: ok i have successfully converted the color and created the 7tsp installer for anyone who wants it :D
it will be in the 7tsp icon pack section

November 19th, 2015, 05:32 PM
Se pueden descargar esos iconos tsp?
Translation: You can download these icons tsp?

November 19th, 2015, 07:31 PM
Se pueden descargar esos iconos tsp?
Translation: You can download these icons tsp?

Hi Txingudi & welcome to VC. Enjoy your stay and please remember to post in English or at least provide a translation. The Alienware Breed orange icons can be downloaded from this thread: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/33232-7tsp-Alienware-Breed-Orange-Icon-Pack

November 20th, 2015, 01:02 PM
Too bad I can not put up with the beautiful they are ..

November 20th, 2015, 05:11 PM
Hello, could not adapt these icons orange to work in Windows 10? Thank you