View Full Version : Need help with w7 themes

May 25th, 2011, 08:15 AM
Hi every body i made a some nice themes by using resator prog but i cant change the name of my new themes or the color of font or adding a cursor pack i don't no how to do it or with witch prog thank you very much


May 25th, 2011, 10:25 PM
Hi every body i made a some nice themes by using resator prog but i cant change the name of my new themes or the color of font or adding a cursor pack i don't no how to do it or with witch prog thank you very much
well you could do it as follows: first test your theme in windows style builder or vista style builder which ever you have if it works then OK. Now save it to your desktop. Rename it to whatever you want to. Create a new folder on your desktop, and give it the same name. Open that folder and create another new folder inside that one. Rename it also to the same name. (Make sure that the name is exactly the same!)

Now paste your .msstyle file into the second folder you created.

Copy one of your existing themes's .theme file and paste it into the first folder you renamed. Rename that to your themes name. Open that .theme file with notepad (Right click and open with notepad) Inside the notepad file you will see places with the original themes name. All those names you have to change to your themes name. Exactly the same. Save it. In there you will also see paths to your cursors and wallpapers. Take note of these. You now have to open the second folder you created. (The one with your .msstyle file inside.) in here create a wallpaper folder (Make sure it has the same name as inside your .theme file. Take the en-US folder as well as the Shell folder from the same theme you took the .theme file. Open the en-US folder and rename the .msstyles.mui in there to the same name as your themes name. Remember that the file extensions must remain at the back. Save. The Shell folder you can leave the same.

So on your desktop you will now have a folder that says (I will just give it a name) Blue Gloom. When you open this folder you will have another folder that says Blue Gloom. Also you will have your Blue Gloom.theme file there. Open the Blue Gloom folder. In there you will have a wallpaper folder (With your wallpapers inside. Names the same as what it is in the Blue Gloom.theme file.) You will have your Blue Gloom.msstyle file, the en-US and Shell folders.

Double check that all your names are 100% the same everywhere. (The theme will not work if just one error!) Check that all the names in the Blue Gloom.theme file is Blue Gloom, and that the paths to your wallpapers are correct and that the names are the same as in the wallpaper folder.

Done. Now paste the Blue Gloom.theme file and the Blue Gloom folder into your C:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder and check it! If you don't have WSB program than let me know the names you want the themes and the cursors you want added include it all in a p.m. to me i will change it all for you and send them back than you can open up the themes in notepad to see how i did it ;) :cool: P.S.You should use WSB for making themes :p

May 25th, 2011, 11:21 PM
lol thanks nofx1994 kids are driving me nuts wasn't thinking :D'oh!: :sorry: lmao

May 26th, 2011, 08:10 AM
Thank you very much bigcyco1 i well do what u saying exactly and if doesn't work i am going to give u a call big thanks from my friends from Baghdad .

May 26th, 2011, 01:29 PM
Thank you very much bigcyco1 i well do what u saying exactly and if doesn't work i am going to give u a call big thanks from my friends from Baghdad .
o.k. no problem and your very welcome! ;) :smile: