View Full Version : Windows Style Builder Help

June 4th, 2011, 11:43 AM


Hi guys, I have quick question for you. I'm developing theme inside Windows Style Builder 1.5. This theme Is JUST FOR PERSONAL USE, and also this theme is not builded form ground up. So my questions are:
1.) I want to remove bottom windows frame. in my theme left and right frames are already removed, but as I sad I didn't make this theme for ground up and I don't know how to change this property. I hope that screenshot that I provided will help you. (SCREENSHOT 1)
2.) Don't know what's best way to explain this: Is it possible to make highlight of the menu expand( Probably you wont understand this, but second screenshot should help you little bit). (SCREENSHOT 2)
I know that I'm bad at explaining things but this theme means lot to me so I would appreciate if someone can help me. Also if you need I will upload msstyle file so that you can help me if you want. THANKS IN ADVANCE, and sorry for my bad English!!! THANKS