View Full Version : Razorsedge's Custom OS Pack Version 2

June 7th, 2011, 03:03 AM
Updated version of my custom os pack

There is both 7tsp versions and a version that has all the icons and pngs separate

The separate version includes the splash screens for photoshop and audition along with all application icons you can find that version here:
7tsp versions do not include application icons or splash screens






June 7th, 2011, 03:44 AM
Devil take there are no words, :shocked: this is the second large gallery icons thank you very much razorsedge for sharing :cool:

June 7th, 2011, 06:34 AM
thnk you razor you are really great....

June 7th, 2011, 06:56 AM
thanx man these are a superb set of icons :cool:

June 7th, 2011, 08:17 AM
I got a message "could not find pack.ini"

June 7th, 2011, 08:42 AM
ryan open the file

and you'll find x86 and x64 bit versions , and just take what 1 u need out drag an drop onto desktop

i had the same problem untill i opened it up :)

June 7th, 2011, 01:05 PM
thanks for the comments gys :)

After downloading the packs you need to extract them first as there are 2 packs for download one with topshell for the details pane to be put at the top of your window and one without topshell so it's at the bottom.

Inside each is 2 different packs one for x64 os's and one for x86 os's so you need to extract first to get the right pack for the os your using.

June 8th, 2011, 06:18 AM
ryan open the file

and you'll find x86 and x64 bit versions , and just take what 1 u need out drag an drop onto desktop

i had the same problem untill i opened it up :)
Oh thanks for your help
I didnt know that both versions are in the same zip file

June 8th, 2011, 10:06 AM
Thanks Razorsedge, I'm using your first pack now and its phenomenal! Thanks for all the effort you put into these packs :cool:

vlad tepes
June 19th, 2011, 07:42 PM

August 17th, 2011, 12:10 PM
very good work. I am impressed. Each theme is worked out very well.

Prince NRVL
August 19th, 2011, 01:35 AM
thank u mate. amazing set

August 19th, 2011, 07:06 AM
Now this is
what a "Complete"
pack should be..
thnanks mate

December 28th, 2011, 12:42 AM
Thanks for this. You always roll out the goods.

igor costa
December 28th, 2011, 08:36 PM
nice set[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333], thank you

Please do not post in black or grey text
on the dark forum skins it's unreadable
Thanks VC Staff

March 1st, 2012, 12:57 PM
Excellent creation you have here. Thanks a bunch for sharing these.

May 15th, 2012, 12:18 AM
wow this is fantastic.... really fabulous / / thanks "Razorsedge":loving::loving::flirt:

May 15th, 2012, 12:27 AM
outstanding work,thank you very much:tu:

May 15th, 2012, 03:12 AM
Many many thanks!!!

June 3rd, 2012, 08:29 PM
:flirt: great work thank you :tu:

July 19th, 2012, 06:18 AM
links reupped and updated :)

July 30th, 2012, 02:53 AM
Link dead!!

July 30th, 2012, 05:24 AM
Link dead!!

fixed :)

sry bud not sure what was going on there was the right link clicking on the dl button would give me the 404 message as well copy and pasted the link into my browser and it would go to the dl link pasted the link back into the dl spot and is working now have no idea what the issue was lol

September 9th, 2012, 06:14 PM
link dead again.

404 File not found.

September 9th, 2012, 11:12 PM
link dead again.

404 File not found.

Might have just been a mediafire blip in server when you tried checked link verified it by having 2 others try and dl from post link is working fine :)

September 10th, 2012, 05:21 AM
Yes it works now. Dang I went and put them on the hard way, using Restorator. Awesome icons, really nice work. Not a complaint by any means, but could add a VLC main icon to it.

January 15th, 2013, 02:55 AM
Thank you!!

January 15th, 2013, 05:55 AM
:tu:Wow.....very nice work! Thank you for sharing..................

January 17th, 2013, 05:33 AM
7tsp pack missing.. only pack with pngs is :(......

March 15th, 2013, 06:06 AM
thanks 4 sharing sir

May 7th, 2013, 04:25 AM
many many thanks!!

May 7th, 2013, 07:03 AM
This is very nice, thanks for sharing! :Smile:

April 13th, 2014, 03:10 PM
sweet work thanks

November 21st, 2014, 08:46 AM
No file, the link is not working ... http://virtualcustoms.net/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABACAQAAAAAYLlVAAAKHElEQVRo3sWZe5AcVRXGf7efM7OzbzYxD2OyPMyCARIwPAywhIhAaQlGIOKrRAUKyhKkFKWKCqCCSoBCKKhCNCoQsUxBCSEgbEoLFXmogDwSNEgSSEISEnY3 5jp6b7XP/p2T3dPz2YjpXRXHndu9z3fPefcc75zWije40uh2B8QDm2Y9WEHZ2K9G8nG/r8oKGBHg0HO4jJgJov/jxpooUwBEf7wfUaADv5Az/9OAyfzOLfTUX81wKQQvvwOLSyiwknMzXmzla9yCW3Nl56M/Razjs0cxKEsRpooBAoJOHjIMtBLGegGprIDBIRabeMRFlDgGo7kzfzFJ6OBC7mZ2czhXk6zsWODKcCEXuA4LgFeFq2cTmQagDNZTRHBEHc29SilHWuC6xs8Yq938BAUgKCo uRc9QE1QzrYwTIKjFBWGGfgyouM06hDdAgIgCO4knMbfWASAASgimat1XeoIef5nwpOlAtVWSC08gQShUSGTqXEfWKNWsNwUgidzOTF/wpAJwZjlBCt3peDC4I gUuRIgVsDEBRw6eGh0cVD58AhaqJB7mDdUx4vvYNwCHoDixUW 2a6sXKaaGTA igBRMI8KnFdxUPD48KFTxqSICXuEKtfTcADqfY9bR56fgPcTqYwSy6cFFaVJUant59BCMaeVRDTcBfOb ufJE0SzMAghIGCoFf9u8vHSh7W nlEKZg4VOhSjWx81oCgKd1EmiTqEjIDXyrOYCcONCOiUQQfHK837BnczhzcPEYp4afa1WR0mAysgoUfJPFnM6uSccBnxo 3nXj95Ts SzhUBwqVJEoDExMHWhUxppZl0uMjmI98yYDwAi3IlArvO 0s5Bj6aLKOD7QQhcuYNCiHTHKIyoFITe7dPM8J5AzkzbBEdg8A2pF7fJOjuIQbMZQBJQxeIEn43jay3xa2ZOAIAEDCxntIuvYBgMstF4Q1JpGwqnM4Q6xtGdh8KtWFnAwFjVA0MlbrGSImXyCbiRv8jt2cCDzGWJMu57C501GSHt82hRim3O0sb2if2l0wnP5M2ut1wKvSB zUFQQQDcbuYsuBjgl8fCP To7OQEDicRiLxuB4zmRMht4jJ15h3u6ulst4f2MsTtPA5dxvLivc7XNQXyIIhIDgxaGuYV5PJfkQQC8wnxcjmEIySgbWMBv6I1nr2U5ibyoLxv7vMq4rPJIXhw4hqfKW0pTe9x5dMUe38Fd7GQzU3M8eB1LOIgeqvydxazLzN7L53Kyv7u16vk/4M4IQPIUbLE8Z5brTqdIFR JxOYN3uDqXPFwCp9mIwZbKLGyYfazXJARIAAxw53D9IZjWKKEO1gYMummQ0cCHx TVyCxE597eDix5FnAKG/zRWbpX1bz63j2YqwwKyTcUeLifLABQJky7VOtVocuDDx8DUKxnR5mxI8v5/N8nLvj8QJaGYY4ytzO2SzjR3o0l96cLCMoH1GkJR0HfEB9gUIrLrU4mEiqBHX6CWwAYEfKrRyIWXI4vz2ea6PAeAZAQPHgtllqS0MgkufYlBF4mIBEYjJGBxvZS6t 5rvs4nAuj9/ZiEEPG9imx9/m37SxXI 28hY9bGnIG8oSZ5s3pkygUPM5zMWJs3yYWkeZwRiPxq8fyhPcltDIQwhagQeig84aVsX0 aeMpbh6PWmJUwUZAPIMcBBadHSP0o3LiiaUYj33088menieaxtmX YWTuKNRgqCQJxgd6cBFNU8gYXUed3XGb7CKP08EyX0zPUZPkyRLdiUWc73UnNPcRynYrIzo4HwNopiYRpAnzpaYGjxXkyxfIYpspAb FJG Ab6mMmxrKVAjSIOV7GAWxngce5lKf0spYvVudxBANaRKSdU71PTBAofQYCpKUnIfPfQwwJ zsN8hX5mUuFfDPAoJ3Mwd BRwMfHRvIcz2FQRNDJMrbyeINwA4HARGBOSwOYoUoQ4GFgIpHxwwC7aWcRL3E9N9JBkSodnMEwNyG1eB8fgYOJQZlOYBW1hkxgxCYwEbPTAKaHJ7SGgcQgiMWHi1QxOARFBZ8SrdRYyzsUMWLxABIfyaiOE6KBIwkMfQuM9nQcMBQKHzB1FoxohRGHpTA0BexiGwHQgqRGgE QEGHGvKiRfGnRmJiYPWkNSIWkhtScT i/6/tQuv6RKASCAKWFy4zAfPHEyjdDCHYagB0qUBFopDLKXikAodgQSkAQsf8GNtxIUoXefQxhMA1gUGgAoZ3QJyBJrGSsBaWtHYoUyFiYymHHdQhWvH8Lc3faBzbJmrLr xfxec2yXRlrYGJSnh1H7heCMLMA1C72qq4wDhiJIyhSACIdMCEJz7e/EdkeCwsL8XoawGaxno/UCbbMJA/VoGSV F/yiXx9JJwvArApXZhskk qxI7qx07Wa3/STzQWJM37aqZWf3Sb8Ke0BuCZ mIi3lUeu1c5 si6X9b ZizaxsZGbFSvZkuzATWS3n0Y21TC7sm954 biTcTyrcx4cHooTohGeSBuuLrS0vt8SojrrE4bXYajJR4BxsD9VuyhESh7lEpV0oeNpnyCpXjBxOLj5Tv4GDCszyRVx0/xl9USnzS32Ui3Oz73/ryVkK8He3/tmbl XXJE0 DR2QPnsqEYJXj/aHNo/27mKi/8ctmANaoh7I7T3d2s5DIaVPUr8j5bH27WAi4OqdBES/6NYbShy3v/Oc1Y1ROHWilbF/AwUStZM1ELZrNXJRWrsoRnNWParL7uuUdXFws1Hou3leP6D51fXZBmbhVU2OQecdnlGFcSlq8jahwDpV9N6uvZGXS4STTuJQzdTU32e8LCpM59LELSQkXF0OqU3mpSbs s T5eFxY9/wVnAcM8w9eZw82MJ12fMDGTL1bBXxGgE6m0IfNRxmgH4EpVT9/nPz3govYXvfWsPZtYxGLAPDYRoCJYAejcedEYjAbk046EwsdzQAucptazKsTtOvzLKE xmrKAH0sZQ4jPMvveStBQfMvkx4OYz5zmcEOfsEo7Q rZWrEoICV0NcDzXrFCQ5Q5mecPfmPWab2/rDCsOkE5owccGFtlU0Bj83agOH12sTN6iglcww3c9zEoo2I52EkQm4RW7XeVL5KjlfYyRBD9dbY5L8X6GshV3BW3kMi5vkWho55Lg5lituCn3Dr8O5BDLZmmpP7DwBgGudyDgtw43aT3rmIE46Lg8DYIgaGVlnrhhjU9H5/vxcIbFxcWijRRjsFpuBQQ9HLUcxiimgTVtS2NjXdMqAiveBt75/jL6qn5V4K1KjyDqOMMa6/Y0wKQDclykzBoYciJTqxacPFpazrTUEBWxjCFo4IV6rJqpKqwjijgIFEMMIoHnvw2MtuquxknL0M7htACRuHEq7OHw4uNg4Whv5jRV2GuPMWcRU/LpjCLkdFtxqqVBmnRjUZiCfnAyYGxCWNoUvG8MRF9auMyZPSpWJAoEsn2dwJUgDeu s/TRWyvHQj1jgAAAAASUVORK5CYII=

March 9th, 2015, 12:39 PM
I download and it's the separate version not the 7tsp pack and there is no x64 or x32 on it can you make a new link including those versions? Thank you and great work

Grimoire Heart
November 9th, 2017, 12:09 AM
Cool Theme