View Full Version : Do you think this is created with brushes?

June 12th, 2011, 05:44 PM
I have long admired a web template designer on Deviantart.com. He goes by the name Karsten. One of his most intricate designs can be seen here - http://karsten.deviantart.com/gallery/6020574#/d31zf9. I was wondering if anyone thinks that the details are created using different layers of brushes. If this is true, then I will look for brushes on the Web to create the look and feel I want for my Elder Scrolls theme.

June 13th, 2011, 01:23 AM
the way that looks is it is layers upon layers of brushes ,gradients to get that wanted effect he used for that piece and very nicely done in fact. I am figuring some of those images had lots of layers to get the effect he used.

June 13th, 2011, 01:01 PM
Thanks, nofx. My thoughts exactly. Guess it's time to "brush" up on my PS skills and find brushes that will work for my Elder Scrolls theme. :icon_wink: