View Full Version : Changing Explorer

June 15th, 2011, 08:49 AM
I tried downloading and installing "Take Ownership" to take ownership of "Explorer.exe" to change it for themes. It doesn't allow the context menu to be available while right-clicking on it, and even when I try to end task the explorer.exe and use a administrated command prompt I have access denied when trying to rename it. Does anyone have any clue how I can fix this so I can use custom themes?

June 15th, 2011, 01:05 PM
to take ownership of explorer.exe you have to do it manually.

right click explorer.exe and choose properties > security tab > now click the advanced button

go to the owner tab > click edit > select your name from the list provided and click apply > click ok when the windows security box pops up > click ok one more time to close out the advance security settings window > click ok again

when you get back to just your explorer.exe properties window click on edit > select your name from the list > check the box that says full control > apply > click yes on the windows security popup > then ok > and ok one more time to close out the properties box.

you should now have ownership of explorer.exe. so you can right click and rename explorer.exe so you can replace it with another.

July 2nd, 2011, 09:48 AM
Thank you so much, this has been driving me nuts for such a long time.