View Full Version : help with web developement

June 24th, 2011, 04:22 PM
i am currently trying to make a website for a friend and he wants to make it forum based and also have a shop sorta like this website is setup. my thing is i am not to sure how to code forums or a shop. would it be possible for someone to help me out a little? also how did you guys get the different boxes to stay full screen when you change the resolution of the browser? any help will be greatly appreciated.

June 25th, 2011, 07:55 PM
If he wants to go the free forum software way there is phpbb which is what this site is running on, or there is simplemachines aka smf which is almost like phpbb. The shop is from zencart which is free also. All of these are really not that hard to install. I'm a little confused on your last question could you elaborate on that lol. If you need any help I would be happy to install and do anything else that you would need done like installing mods or doing any edits that you would like to be done for a fee of course and how much would depend on what is done.

June 25th, 2011, 11:03 PM
I'm a little confused on your last question could you elaborate on that lol.

right now i am using the xtreme red theme for the site and all the forums and topics are enclosed in a boundary box sort of thing and when you change the resolution of the browser (zoom in and out of the page) they are always they exact width of the browser. i was just wondering how i could do that for the site.

also thank you very much for the other suggestions. and i will always keep you in mind if i need any other help with the site. thank you.

June 25th, 2011, 11:11 PM
Oh ok that is part of the css that is being used on the style to make it the same width and the use of tables etc for the images around the sides.