View Full Version : Need help turning this image into a Windows & Boot Screen !

June 27th, 2011, 06:25 PM
GUYS , I couldn't find this image as a boot screen anywhere on the net to download from and the forum that has it is in ......... well as far as I could tell by the Language of that Site , I think it was in Russian and all I know is English, lol... So I Would really appreciate it if anybody could waste a bit of their Precious time to make me the Happiest Person in the World by turning this into a Boot skin For Windows 7 . Hope it won't be much of a hassle, Cheers !

Here is the Image :

Note: And if Possible can the Logo or writing in the image be removed ?


September 4th, 2011, 05:33 AM
Well this would be difficult, removing the text is near on impossible so you are better working with each frame, moving them around to suit.

I have attached a quick and dirty so you get the idea

