View Full Version : More space between icons

July 26th, 2011, 02:32 PM
Im pretty new to this style building, but i was wondering;

How can i add more space between my icons? I feel like they're so upon eachother, and i don't want that. I want each icon 5-6px from eachother.
I tried to play with the Content and Sizing margins, but i can't figure it out.

Would appreciate it if anyone answered.

Thx in advance!

Edit: Maybe i could add a border, make the size bigger, and make the border fully transparent also, to make more space between icons?

July 26th, 2011, 08:49 PM
I saw an app on DeviantART in the Windows 7 utilities section that did just that, but can't think what it was called. Sorry. :(

July 27th, 2011, 05:39 PM
Taskbar & System Tray > TaskBand > Basic > TaskBand > TaskItemButton > ContentMargins:Margin increase the first to values to increase the width of the buttons, that will space them out more but it will not increase the gap between the buttons, only the icons.

July 27th, 2011, 07:29 PM
Thx, it was the gap between i was looking for, but thx anyways. :)

July 28th, 2011, 12:45 PM
Thx, it was the gap between i was looking for, but thx anyways. :)

Yeah I know it was the padding you wanted to change but I don't think you can in the msstyles, I know you can change some of those things in the shellstyle dll for padding on different places but don't think there was anything there for the taskbar spacing.