View Full Version : 7tsp "can't find pack.ini" FIX

August 2nd, 2011, 08:53 PM
I, for months, have been stumped as to why I was getting errors with 7tsp....
Kept getting "pack.ini not found" and "no .res files in resources folder"; I sent messages to Mark (Mr Grim), and he seemed stumped too.
Last night I saw this post on the XPtsp Support Board! (http://www.xptsp.com/board/viewtopic.ph)http://www.xptsp.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=295&start=20 (http://www.xptsp.com/board/viewtopic.ph) The user "Tidus" had the fix! The 7tsp proggy didn't recognize the "&" symbol in my Admin account name on my pc! My admin. account on my pc used to be "J&Y" ..... So, after re-formatting last night, and setting up the admin. account as "YN1F" , I (hallelujah!) can now use 7tsp flawlessly!!! Isn't that a gas, man!?
So, anyone having similar problems with 7tsp should read the XPtsp Support Board post linked above!

October 7th, 2011, 06:47 PM
There is no special symbol in my username then also this error keeps coming...plz suggest me sumthing

Big V
October 7th, 2011, 08:12 PM
check the posting above for any of the symbols. plus make sure when you zip the files they are in 7zip format. also make sure the .ini is not inside a folder when you zip the pack or it will not find it

October 8th, 2011, 11:50 AM
:flirt: very good info, thank you Jimmy :tu::Smile:

question, I would like to remove of a 7tsp one file of zip,
because I do not want upload, that I can solve it?

thank you help :Smile:

October 10th, 2011, 08:40 AM
Hey thanks BigV. I will try what u have suggested....

October 10th, 2011, 10:49 AM
ok So checked the user and computer name...no issues with it. Turned of UAC. checked the format of downloaded file...it is 7z. But still that error keeps on coming. Is it an issue with my 7tsp......Also i was thinking that can anyone suggest me how to change a .dll.res files which are present in package to siple .dll files so that i can install them manually.......
Actually i wanted to use Mr.GriM's HUD theme icons.....but i dont have .dll files for that......are they present on the site,if yes plz suggest me the link..........
Thanks in Advance.

October 11th, 2011, 09:10 AM
Hey i havent recieved any replies on this post ....plzplzplz suggest me something........:unhappy:

Big V
October 11th, 2011, 01:31 PM
ok So checked the user and computer name...no issues with it. Turned of UAC. checked the format of downloaded file...it is 7z. But still that error keeps on coming. Is it an issue with my 7tsp......Also i was thinking that can anyone suggest me how to change a .dll.res files which are present in package to siple .dll files so that i can install them manually.......
Actually i wanted to use Mr.GriM's HUD theme icons.....but i dont have .dll files for that......are they present on the site,if yes plz suggest me the link..........
Thanks in Advance. http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/33220-Video-How-To-Install-A-Custom-7tsp-Icon-Pack have you looked at this vid if you are still having issue you can do the files manually with restorator and here is a tut for that http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/31050-How-to-edit-images-inside-your-dll-s-exe-s-or-cpl-files. Just extract the 7 tsp pack to a folder on your desktop each dll,cpl,etc that is in the pack you will need to find the matching file in your c/windows/system32 folder. Once you locate the the corresponding file you want to edit take ownership of it first. Then copy it to your desktop. Now you will need to open that file and the res file from the pack using restorator and drag the image from the pack into the file from your system 32. The res files should already have the proper names or numbers require to match the image you are replacing. Once you have all the images you want dragged over hit save and close restorator. Now go back to c/windows/system32 and relocate this file again and rename that file adding .bak or .old (timedate.cpl.bak) to end of the file extension. that will be your original file and backup if you ever need to restore it. All you will have to do is change the name back and delete the new file if you need to do a restore. Now that you have the original file renamed you can go back to your desktop to the file we just edited and copy it. Then paste it into the system32 folder and your done. Now when you look at your system 32 folder you should see two files of the .dll we just edited. The new file we created will look like the original file. And the original that we left in the system32 folder will have an extra extension added to the end of the name .bak

October 14th, 2011, 11:51 AM
hey thanks bigV for ur suggestions....error didnt resolved but the second one worked fine for me....
Many many thanks for your support......:tu:

Big V
October 14th, 2011, 11:56 AM
Your welcome and glad you were able to get the problem fixed

April 2nd, 2012, 09:49 AM
Sorry everyone for not fixing the link in this thread, or paying attention to it for so long...
I just fixed the broken link, and included a capture of the post by the user "Tidus" at the 7tsp support site.

Ravzz, I haven't visited this thread in months, and I sincerely apologize for not answering your posts here. But it sounds like BigV helped get you back on track, so that's good news.
Yea, I had to do a complete RE-FORMAT. Just changing the Admin user-name from within Windows control-panel wasn't good enough. The fresh install, though, with the new Admin name, worked perfect for me.
Sometimes a fresh install is just what the doctor ordered. Just changing the Admin name from within Windows doesn't seem to resolve all the issues with the SID or something like that----A re-format does.

Cheers, you guys!:bouttime:

April 2nd, 2012, 10:18 AM
I, for months, have been stumped as to why I was getting errors with 7tsp....
Kept getting "pack.ini not found" and "no .res files in resources folder"; I sent messages to Mark (Mr Grim), and he seemed stumped too.
Last night I saw this post on the XPtsp Support Board! http://www.xptsp.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=295&start=20The user "Tidus" had the fix! The 7tsp proggy didn't recognize the "&" symbol in my Admin account name on my pc! My admin. account on my pc used to be "J&Y" ..... So, after re-formatting last night, and setting up the admin. account as "YN1F" , I (hallelujah!) can now use 7tsp flawlessly!!! Isn't that a gas, man!?
So, anyone having similar problems with 7tsp should read the XPtsp Support Board post linked above!

I have the same problem, but my login is designfjotten, so its not the symbol problem for me :( i'm not using the built in Admin account, because of some security reasons :)
But I have not tried and run 7tsp with the other admin account (the one built into the system)
so I will not say that there is a problem with 7tsp, thow I think it can be a 7tsp problem, but not sure :)
It works most times I use the program, but not always.

I always run the program and right click and select "Run as administrator" maybe that's why I do not experience it so often? What do you think?

I strongly recommend that every one else does it to, because the security of the operating system.

April 2nd, 2012, 02:08 PM
http://imageshack.us/m/534/857/infoqk.png (http://imageshack.us/m/534/857/infoqk.png)
Here are other problem with 7tsp application
and my simple video tutorial for all who can not find 7tsp file
how to resolve this small issue
for all,who like this amazing application
as me
http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=48540&d=1318781438 (http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=48540&d=1318781438)

http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=48512&d=1318717506 (http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=48512&d=1318717506)

April 2nd, 2012, 09:45 PM
Good video tutorial, Moon!:peace:

April 2nd, 2012, 09:48 PM
Yea, the proggy does have several flaws, and sometimes, no matter what you do, it just won't do everything it's supposed to do. Running it as Admin is the best policy for sure.:glug:
I have the same problem, but my login is designfjotten, so its not the symbol problem for me :( i'm not using the built in Admin account, because of some security reasons :)
But I have not tried and run 7tsp with the other admin account (the one built into the system)
so I will not say that there is a problem with 7tsp, thow I think it can be a 7tsp problem, but not sure :)
It works most times I use the program, but not always.

I always run the program and right click and select "Run as administrator" maybe that's why I do not experience it so often? What do you think?

I strongly recommend that every one else does it to, because the security of the operating system.

Dark Knight
April 2nd, 2012, 10:10 PM
I, for months, have been stumped as to why I was getting errors with 7tsp....
Kept getting "pack.ini not found" and "no .res files in resources folder"; I sent messages to Mark (Mr Grim), and he seemed stumped too.
Last night I saw this post on the XPtsp Support Board! http://www.xptsp.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=295&start=20The user "Tidus" had the fix! The 7tsp proggy didn't recognize the "&" symbol in my Admin account name on my pc! My admin. account on my pc used to be "J&Y" ..... So, after re-formatting last night, and setting up the admin. account as "YN1F" , I (hallelujah!) can now use 7tsp flawlessly!!! Isn't that a gas, man!?
So, anyone having similar problems with 7tsp should read the XPtsp Support Board post linked above!

Sometimes it is the simplest of things that will just about make you lose your mind ! lmao

March 2nd, 2022, 06:54 AM
i miss windows 7 might have to VM it just to use it again along side windows spy addition lol...