View Full Version : 7tsp not working properly anymore

August 5th, 2011, 05:11 AM
7tsp is not patching all of my files

here b the story,
i've been using 7tsp for about a year now "addict" lol (bought premium themes and everything) and i've never really had a problem with it until today. i was digging around in control panel today modifying some settings and then i noticed that the side panel bmp had reverted back to the original windows 7 one. not the first time its happened so i re-applied my fav blade theme(thx grim :love: ) but it didn't fix it. so i restored, sfc checked my system files, uninstalled, reinstalled 7tsp and the theme and everything. now it wont replace the fonts or side panels but it seems to have replaced everything else.


August 5th, 2011, 08:44 AM
Did you try empty your temp folder?
I had a similar problem where it would crash while editing the imageres.dll, what worked for me was to empty the temp folder, found in C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Local\Temp
Then delete the 7tsp folder in your Programs folder in C:/ Drive. ( Programs (x86) if your running 64 bit ).
The Side Panel Image in the Control Panel is normally done using Theme Resource Changer these days so it might be worth your while re-installing that too, if you are using it.

Big V
August 5th, 2011, 02:01 PM
if you are referencing the sidelpanel pics like razoredge did with his complete icon packs I had the same thing happen to me and razoredge told me to go to c:/windows/rechache Inside that folder you should see 2 folders delete those and reboot and your sidepanel pics should be back to normal. And thank you razor also for the help

August 5th, 2011, 06:57 PM
thank you for the reply's but i think i found the problem when i tried to delete those rescache files. i believe something i did screwed up my admin rights. so i'm gonna take this problem over to a tech help forum. again, thanx