View Full Version : VC site work.

August 16th, 2011, 06:32 AM
Hello everyone! Glad to see you all here on the new site for Virtual Customs.
I have been asked help out with getting the site transferred over to the VB suite and will be working hard on it until we get all the kinks sorted out with the move.
I have disabled all but the main theme for the site and will be turning them back on as we get them finished over the next few weeks, there is allot of work to be done so bear with us as we get it all done. You will notice the changes as I get them done with this theme as it is the main theme and we would rather show it as we get it done rather than using the default vb theme. Enjoy the show with this first one as the other themes for the site will be done behind the scenes and turned on as they get completed.
I will be adding a bugs section for all the members to post in if you happen to find a bug in any of the themes as I get them done and back in the theme list for the site. I ask that you don't flood it with bug reports on this primary theme until I give the word that it's completed as I already am aware of the glitches at this point and things will be changing as I complete the work.
We thank you for your patients as we get the work done and also for being here with us at Virtual Customs.