View Full Version : [SOLVED] Start button won't stay changed

August 19th, 2011, 08:59 PM
I just downloaded Grim's Annihilator theme via the 7SP and everything went well. My laptop has a 18.4" inch screen with a 1920x1080 resolution I'm running win7 HP x64. For some reason the default resolution is 125% I guess because of the screen size. When I change the start orb at this resolution it changes and stays just fine. The thing is I don't like running my resolution at 125% all the time. If I put the res at anything less than 125% the start changes for a brief second, but then it just goes back to a blank spot with "menu" written in it. I think that is the default orb or start button for the Annihilator theme. I've tried just about every app or change I can think of and still no luck. I believe this has something to do with the DPI scaling but I can't be sure and that is why I'm here, so if you have an answer to my dilemma I'd greatly appreciate it.

August 19th, 2011, 10:12 PM
it has to do with the theme resource changer. you will need to change it in the theme package in the theme folder located in windows/resources or not use resource changer.

August 19th, 2011, 10:30 PM
delete or move the 3 images (6801,6805,6809) out of C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\ Annihilator\explorer.exe

you will need to restart explorer or log off and back on again for your custom orb to show up

August 19th, 2011, 10:46 PM
much better explanation. I was on the way out the door to pick up my son from work. you will need resource hacker to edit the exe.. you could also ask here and I'm sure one of the guys would do it for you and post explorer.exe for you to download and replace the one in the folder..

August 19th, 2011, 11:17 PM
much better explanation. I was on the way out the door to pick up my son from work. you will need resource hacker to edit the exe.. you could also ask here and I'm sure one of the guys would do it for you and post explorer.exe for you to download and replace the one in the folder..

Actually Josey, Hack The Planet was dead on, but there was only 6805 in the explorer.exe that he designated for me. I already had a custom orb installed at the 125 % DPI so just for fun I moved the #6805 that was in the folder and lowered the SPI to a more suitable 110 and the custom orb stayed whereas before it woould have been gone. You dudes keep on amazing me with your modding knowledge.

August 19th, 2011, 11:26 PM
delete or move the 3 images (6801,6805,6809) out of C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\ Annihilator\explorer.exe

you will need to restart explorer or log off and back on again for your custom orb to show up

You were 100% right. It was as easy as you said. There was only 6805 in the folder you designated. Don't know where the other 2 were and maybe that was the reason it wouldn't change at a lower DPI, but that's a moot point now because it's right where I want it and perfect. As I said to Josey above, I'm always amazed and grateful to you guys for your expertise.:happy:

August 19th, 2011, 11:33 PM
Well, when you love doing this sort of thing, it's easy to share your knowledge and just as rewarding as doing the work. Allot of the modders here learned from the one another and is why we have the best themes site on the net.. I love what these folks come up with from themes to gadgets and more. My forte is backgrounds, you can find a bunch of my stuff on DA if your into it.. http://billstelling.deviantart.com/gallery/

August 19th, 2011, 11:36 PM
Well, when you love doing this sort of thing, it's easy to share your knowledge and just as rewarding as doing the work. Allot of the modders here learned from the one another and is why we have the best themes site on the net.. I love what these folks come up with from themes to gadgets and more. My forte is backgrounds, you can find a bunch of my stuff on DA if your into it.. http://billstelling.deviantart.com/gallery/

I love that site too. You know the 7Tsp app. That is so cool to use. It's a wonder more themers don't use it for their work. That app just blows me away. Too bad the selection isn't bigger.

I took a look at the backgrounds and what exactly are these used for? The one of the bridge was outstanding. Are they just prints or backgrounds to themes or what/ Beautiful work to be sure

August 19th, 2011, 11:42 PM
I need to get back into it now that things have slowed up a bit for me. I run The Windows Center and spent a few months of long days getting it all turned around when I was asked to take it over a few months back. I have a few Ideas for themes I need to start putting together before the Windows 8 beta hits next month.. Oh yea.. that is another thing that I'm sure many of these guys and gals will be getting into to figure out theming it. We are hoping that it will be a whole lot less involved, but it will more than likely just present new challenges for everyone to adapt to. I can't wait!

August 20th, 2011, 03:07 PM
What exactly is the "Windows Center"? I'll take a quick look here at VC to see if it's listed after I get done with this post. You mentioned those pictures or backgrounds at Deviant. Are those just prints or parts of theming? That glowing one of the bridge was pretty cool. I noticed it was for sale. Are all of them for purchase? I'll give them a better look today. Will the code in Windows 8 be totally different from 7's. I know I ask a lot of questions for a solid guy! :cool2: Won't know if I don't ask. Take it easy.

August 20th, 2011, 05:18 PM
No, they are all desktop backgrounds for everyone to enjoy. The for sale thing is Deviantart deal.. You can get an actual print to put on you wall at home if you want.. They do prints, ones that look like paintings and stuff like that.. I do get a little cut if they sell one though. All of them are free desktop backgrounds that you can use on your desktop..
I take or find really good photos and then use them as the base for what I do to turn them into what you see. I work with Photoshop to create them, most are many layers of work to get them to what you see.
http://www.thewindowscenter.com/ is a Windows and beta tech site that I run where you can get the latest info on Windows and stuff that windows has in beta currently. We are currently working with the Windows 8 beta atm and do what we can to bring you all the latest info on it. We are waiting with great anticipation for the official beta to kick off in about a month. I beta test software, create and mod software, stuff like that. Have my name in the credits of a game even for outstanding tech help during the Shattered Horizon closed beta.. One of my favorite awards to be honest..

August 20th, 2011, 09:04 PM
You ought to pat yourself on the back for those accomplishments. I think you do outstanding work and the help you provide for us guys that tend to get lost here and there is definitely a bonus. I learned on Vista about 5 years ago and I feel like I've come miles on this stuff until of course I get lost on a mod and I need help from someone like you or Grim and HTP and the list goes on and then I know I really haven't come that far at all, but to me it's a step in the right direction and I feel good about it. It's remembering a lot of this stuff that gets to be a chore. I love it though! Good luck with 8. I'll be around following the hype and mods that you guys do. I'll be giving the Windows Center Link a look later today. Thanx JW!

I went to the Windows link you sent and took a look at the 8 log on screens you posted. Looks like a Vista background with the alien and user squares on it. I don't know about the Jester dude they threw on that. Bill Gates growing up!

August 20th, 2011, 09:26 PM
I know, right! I was scratching my head when I dug that out of build 7959.. I am not to hip on the tiles that they will be using as part of Windows 8 either. Fugly if you ask me.. But I guess that's why there is a Virtual Customs! lol We will have to see were it is at after the build coming out next month gets to us. I'm sure I will have plenty to write about then.