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August 26th, 2011, 02:19 PM
New Firefox Aurora for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android is Available for Testing


The latest experimental additions to Firefox Aurora for Windows, Mac and Linux streamline the user interface and give users more control when managing third-party add-ons. This update adds support for more HTML5 technologies, improves performance and scalability of HTML5 media elements, updates the WebSockets protocol and adds CORS support to WebGL. This update to Firefox Aurora for Android adds features to make mobile browsing more secure and convenient.

New Experimental Features in Firefox Aurora for Windows, Mac, Linux:

Users have more control in managing their add-ons (#thirdpartyaddons): After upgrading, users will receive a one-time notification with the option to review and confirm the add-ons they want to keep, disable or delete.

Additionally, Firefox will now ask user permission before installing third-party add-ons. Any third-party add-ons will be disabled by default until the user confirms the installation.

Read more: HERE (http://blog.mozilla.com/futurereleases/2011/08/19/firefoxaurora8/)


Big V
August 26th, 2011, 04:09 PM
I have been using aurora for about week now and really like it. Compared to Firefox 5 it is very fast and light. I have a very week DSL connection and at times it feels like i'm am back on dialup connection. Since i have changed to this browser I have notice a large improvement while working on the site over the past week or so in navigating the threads and loading speed of images. The only issue I have seen so far over the four or five builds I have used so far has been most of my plugins are not compatible yet with aurora But I am sure that will not be the case when the final version is released. In the mean time Mr Grim showed me a plugin to help with this problem https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/add-on-compatibility-reporter/?src=api for anyone that is interested. And thanks Grim

August 26th, 2011, 04:31 PM
This looks pretty interesting, I almost tempted to give it a go lol

August 27th, 2011, 06:11 AM
This looks pretty interesting, I almost tempted to give it a go lol

My sentiments exact!