View Full Version : [How To] Create a custom 7tsp pack

September 2nd, 2011, 04:23 AM
Here a tutorial on how to make a custom pack.
This is also the place for questions and support for your custom pack.


It's possible to create your own custom Theme/Icon pack's and apply them with the 7tsp GUI.
Modifications can include icons, bitmaps, a theme, side panel, logon screen and task manager colors.
Dialog window changes, menu start button, copy animation colors etcetc.

Extract an existing pack of choice, replace all or some of the resources with your own and/or just remove any unwanted file or mod...
re compress the files and folders again with a compression tool (7zip or zip)
and name it "7tsp_my_custom_pack_v0.1.7z" ("my_custom" can be "any_name" (no spaces))

pack.ini: Some settings explained to create a pack,

Pack=name of your custom pack
Base by=name of pack creator
Version=version number of your custom pack

theme creator=name
theme=mytheme.theme <<The name of the theme file as placed in the "Extra" folder, e.g.: mytheme.themepack or mytheme.theme (and place the folder that goes with it "mytheme" also in the "Extra" Folder).
uxhex=yes <<<In case the theme needs uxtheme.dll to be patched, else write "no".

[TaskManager] << will only be used if "taskmgr.exe.res" is in the resourcer folder... (this may also be a dummy file)

[CopyAnimation] << will only be used if this is in the pack.ini (and enabled by the user in the option menu)

(or to use a bitmap instead of grediant colors)
Bitmap=100 << place a 'Bitmap' of 400x40px in shell32.dll.res with name: '100' and language ID: '1033'

a new res file can be created by making a copy of an existing res file, rename it and add the new resources
with the same name or number it has in the original dll/exe file using Reshacker, you can add any dll/exe/cpl/mui file in res format in the resources folder.
7tsp will recognize them and if they exist in the system32, windir or en-EN folder they will be patched.
other files recognized are:
~Windir\ files (explorer.exe.res, write.exe.res...)

[B]Important notes:
~Please compress the pack with 7zip
~Set all language id's in the res files to English(1033)
~Always ask permission when using some one else his/her art before sharing
~7tsp is a free community project. The Official (and user contributed) 7tsp packs may NOT be used or altered for commercial purposes!!
(It is allowed to use it in a company or for clients as long as there is no money made upon)

September 2nd, 2011, 05:31 AM
Thankz for the tutorial :D

September 2nd, 2011, 05:39 AM
Mr Grim thanks for interesting article is really very useful information we will try to create their own packages:Smile:

September 2nd, 2011, 09:02 AM
Thanks for this tutorial bud, very helpful :Smile:

October 10th, 2011, 08:45 AM
Thanks for this nice tutorial................

Big V
October 10th, 2011, 01:27 PM
thanks grim very useful information

October 11th, 2011, 01:33 AM
Thanks Mark very useful i myself learn from this i didn't know how to do it till now:Smile:

June 14th, 2012, 04:15 AM
Thanks for tutorial
I was not able to visit much cause I am from india and whenever i opened this website it showed me apache page so I thought the website was in loooonng maintaince or maybe it shutdown
today I was using proxy and to my surprise I was able to visit . Please fix this bug we are not able to access this website from India we always end up at apache's maintaince page
I am very happy to see the website is functioning

Pink boy
July 14th, 2012, 09:53 PM

First of all congrats on the great tut it is most helpfull, thanx Mr. Grimm

I'm using a theme called earo dark extreme and want to add to the pack for my own use. want to add and change some of the icons, etc to my liking with out having to manually change the .dll files - thought this would be a shortcut. Just add what I want in the pack's existing .res files and have it installed whennext I load the theme.
Hope someone can help, when I add a new image, icon etc. to the .res corresponding to the number in the full.dll file using Rehacker the language is changed to "0" even though I enter 1033...... is there a fix for it? or am I just doing something wrong!
Then I made my changes to a copy of the full .dll file no language problem, then I deleted all the stuff in there that does not need changing and tried to save it as a .res file - no go... doesn't work the res file is all messed up!

Is there a tut on how to make a .res file using Reshacker? anyone please?

May 26th, 2013, 05:59 AM
Hi guys, can please tell me the name of file for logon

July 31st, 2013, 05:11 PM
1. I really appreciate the great themes provided by you and all of the other wonderful artists on this site. 2. I appreciate the educational provisions, as well as the tools supplied to aid in the process of applicably related endeavors.
I am quite the fan of the "Mechanism" theme. Unfortunately, when I install and apply said theme, my screen goes black. If I use "ctrl, alt, del" to return to the logon screen and restart the computer; upon logging in, modifications have been made to the theme, yet the screen is no longer black. I am still a novice and just not familiar enough with my options to diagnose, nonetheless fix the issue.
I am a big fan of the "Mechanism" red icons, also. Disappointingly, I couldn't install them using 7tsp. Therefore, this tutorial will prove itself useful (and necessary). Considering my elementary level of experience, I'm without much faith in myself in regards to implementing the necessary steps for success... but I'll try my best.
Thank you, again, for your contributions. :Smile:They truly are appreciated.

July 31st, 2013, 09:24 PM
Ok, well.... I took the easy way out, but I found the link to download the "Mechanism" red icon 7tsp zip file (I would post the link, but I haven't contributed 5 posts yet).

August 26th, 2013, 09:11 AM
Ok, well.... I took the easy way out, but I found the link to download the "Mechanism" red icon 7tsp zip file (I would post the link, but I haven't contributed 5 posts yet).
yes 5 posts is forum rules and only then you can see forum links,signatures and other http images

October 3rd, 2013, 10:01 AM
ah i don´t get it if i download a 7tsp.7z file it works whitout problems if i unpack it and then repack it then it doesn´t work anymore says alltimes at first can´t find pack.ini and then if i try to patch that there are no *.res files in the Resources folder i have look into some issues but i haven´t found any that would met my problems i unpacked and repacked with 7z i try it with the changes and without any changes but after un and repack the file doesn´t work anymore pleeeeaaaassse helm me ;oD

October 3rd, 2013, 10:18 AM
Thank you :Smile:

October 3rd, 2013, 02:33 PM
ah i don´t get it if i download a 7tsp.7z file it works whitout problems if i unpack it and then repack it then it doesn´t work anymore says alltimes at first can´t find pack.ini and then if i try to patch that there are no *.res files in the Resources folder i have look into some issues but i haven´t found any that would met my problems i unpacked and repacked with 7z i try it with the changes and without any changes but after un and repack the file doesn´t work anymore pleeeeaaaassse helm me ;oD

hello TuraelFA (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/251237-TuraelFA) and if is possible,can you upload your 7tsp file here? for better help for you:Smile:

October 3rd, 2013, 05:35 PM
And Here it comes 131 MB unpacked 28 MB Packed

i would be realy glad if anyone can fix this and tell me where i make a fault


October 3rd, 2013, 05:59 PM
And Here it comes 131 MB unpacked 28 MB Packed

i would be realy glad if anyone can fix this and tell me where i make a fault

thank you,i am going to try it

October 3rd, 2013, 06:06 PM
sorry,but i can't unzip your 7tsp archive

October 3rd, 2013, 06:28 PM
btw is that the correct 7 Zip (http://7-zip.org/) Programm / Site ?

October 3rd, 2013, 06:28 PM
uploadding error,because this file have only 28,5mb
can you upload it here pls:Smile:

October 3rd, 2013, 06:30 PM
hmm don´t understand at my pc i can unpack the file but here again its a *rar now Size 38 MB


http://7-zip.org/ btw is this the correct 7 zip site / Programm ?

October 3rd, 2013, 06:33 PM
hmm don´t understand at my pc i can unpack the file but here again its a *rar now Size 38 MB


http://7-zip.org/ btw is this the correct 7 zip site / Programm ?
yes,yes this is 7zip homepage and latest version is 9.20

October 3rd, 2013, 06:40 PM
7z File (http://speedy.sh/sveFS/7tsp-HUD-GAB.7z)

Rar File (http://speedy.sh/WT9U6/7tsp-HUD-GAB.rar)

October 3rd, 2013, 06:45 PM
7z File (http://speedy.sh/sveFS/7tsp-HUD-GAB.7z)

Rar File (http://speedy.sh/WT9U6/7tsp-HUD-GAB.rar)
thank you,now is fully working,wait sec i am going to try it with 7tsp gui appl.

October 3rd, 2013, 06:54 PM
7z File (http://speedy.sh/sveFS/7tsp-HUD-GAB.7z)

Rar File (http://speedy.sh/WT9U6/7tsp-HUD-GAB.rar)
fixed for you and you can now download this icon pack here
http://www.speedyshare.com/RQYpU/7tsp-HUD-GAB.7z (http://www.speedyshare.com/RQYpU/7tsp-HUD-GAB.7z)

October 3rd, 2013, 07:07 PM
thx a lot and know u where my fault was or is ?

October 3rd, 2013, 07:15 PM
thx a lot and know u where my fault was or is ?
7z archive as a .ini file must have the same name:Smile:
when is not the same then 7tsp app. could not find your file:girl:

October 3rd, 2013, 07:29 PM
ahhh how silly ^^
wanna say again thx a lot iam realy glad it works now btw how u like the pack ?

October 4th, 2013, 09:08 PM
Great tutorial my friend! Thank you for sharing :)

December 11th, 2019, 08:57 AM
Thank you very much Mr Grim!! You & the Rest of the Theme Team here at Virtual Customs are Absolutely Righteous!!!

December 11th, 2019, 12:52 PM
Thank you very much Mr Grim!! You & the Rest of the Theme Team here at Virtual Customs are Absolutely Righteous!!!
updated guide 2019 about 7tsp here

April 10th, 2021, 08:09 PM
Thank for that but i need to know more about it

April 10th, 2021, 10:15 PM
Thank for that but i need to know more about it

March 1st, 2022, 11:30 PM
THANX 4 The Tutorial GRIM >>> It Helped alot In Making an Icon Pack of my Own >>> U Rock. :peace: