View Full Version : HUD Theme icons issue

September 9th, 2011, 12:25 PM
Hi guys, I recently downloaded the HUD theme from here and whilst I'm impressed with it overall I seem to be having an issue with getting some of the icons to work in rocketdock.

In rocket dock I can see that the icons for 'my computer', 'control panel', 'recycle bin' ect have been applied correctly but what I was wanting to do was to add shortcuts to my downloads, video, pictures folders ect and also shortcuts to various other applications, using the icons that come with the HUD theme.

Once I have created a shortcut to the relevant folder on my desktop I can change the shortcut icon to whatever HUD icon I want with no problem, the issue arises when I try and drag that icon onto my rocketdock. The shortcut still appears on rocketdock but then changes from the HUD icon to a general icon that looks a bit like a pc screen. I'm not on my home pc now so can't give a better description that that but could provide a screen shot later if that would help someone solve the problem?

September 9th, 2011, 01:18 PM
Did you try converting the icons to .png format, they will work in docks.

You might want to check this post by Mr Grim :)


September 10th, 2011, 12:48 PM
Thanks gor17981, I got round the problem by downloading Mr Grim's icons and my dock is working fine now. For future reference though, I am happy with the process of converting icons from ICO to PNG format and vice versa but could someone please point me in the direction of which folder on my HD the original icons are saved into when I download a theme?

September 10th, 2011, 02:44 PM
Are you talking about where are the icons placed when you installed the theme?, the majority of them are installed inside imageress.dll, you can find that in c/windows/system32, you will need restorator to open it. Or you can open the 7tsp or .zip /rar file and drag the icons out of there.

September 10th, 2011, 04:17 PM
there are also a lot of icons located in the c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll file so you might want to look there as well :smile:

c:\windows\syswow64\shell32.dll for 64 bit