View Full Version : Cooler/Paste

September 20th, 2011, 07:22 PM
im looking for a decent cooler in terms of price, the job it does and the amount (lack of) noise it makes.

Im looking to overclock my i5k, which is why I got the K in the first place, not planning on going OTT about 4.5k to 5k I think as it gets messy past there and 4.5k seems to be the 'standard' over clock.

Edit, also looking for a cheap decent paste any suggestions

September 20th, 2011, 07:32 PM
I'm running a phenom2 965, the 140w version that gets hot, i have it overclocked to 3.6, i'm using a xigmatek dark knight cooler and arctic cooling mx2 paste, my load temps running prime 95 average at 49c and normal gaming etc hits about 42c.

I tried tunig TX3 thermal compound, which was good, but an absolute nightmare to apply, its like putty, i wont use that again.

September 20th, 2011, 09:32 PM
Cool, ill go have a nosey ;)

September 26th, 2011, 07:26 AM
I know allot of people say Artic Silver is the best but I don't like the idea of using a conductive thermal paste and cleanup is a nightmare with that stuff

September 26th, 2011, 02:03 PM
my personal experience has been just use the paste that comes with the stock fan. since the 2nd comp i build i have been oc'ing and i would buy the highend cooling i wanted and just using the paste that came with the cpu and it's stock fan. i've never had a problem oc'ing to 30%. currently my e8400 is running at 3.9. temps are around 36c idle, and 60c under heavy load. as for cleanup use a dry paper towel. rough enough to remove any access, but soft enough to not scratch the cpu.

December 20th, 2011, 01:21 AM
guess ill chime in here myself and add some advice ...for thermal paste forget ic diamond 7,arctic cooling mx2, or arctic silver, all youll wanna use is noctua nt-h1 is THE BEST HANDS DOWN trust me my rig runs cool as can be :cool2:

February 24th, 2012, 03:24 AM
Crap i forgot to buy thermal paste do i really need it i am asking because this is my first time ever building a rig and don't want to mess up.:worried:

February 24th, 2012, 04:31 AM
BigC you definatly need Thermal Paste, if your not planning on overclocking the paste that comes pre-applied to the cpu heatsink will be fine for you, just dont forget to remove the plastic sheet that covers it before you put the heatsink onto the cpu.
I'v been using MX2 for a while now and love.

February 24th, 2012, 09:04 AM
BigC you definatly need Thermal Paste, if your not planning on overclocking the paste that comes pre-applied to the cpu heatsink will be fine for you, just dont forget to remove the plastic sheet that covers it before you put the heatsink onto the cpu.
I'v been using MX2 for a while now and love. thanks gor i am going to overclock it of course otherwise i would of bought a different cheaper rig lol i plain on attempting to overclock it to 4.7 and if i can get it to run stable at that for 10 to 12 hours i will leave it alone and not worry about checking it anymorelol and just run it at that 24-7 if i can't get it to i will settle for 4.3 any lower and i feel i wasted my money as i know i could of build a AMD rig that will overclock to 3.6 to 3.8 and run a little hot but still stable 24-7 for around 750.00 U.S.D. how do i know for sure it's possible my cousin has it :laughing: i ordered some MX4 it was on sale for 12.99 lmao hope that good enough thanks for your help bud.:Smile:

February 24th, 2012, 11:20 AM
Yeah Artic Silver MX2 is good i read that some thermal paste builds and electric charge over time but the MX2 is really good and for cooling i'm liking the corsair h100 its great and quite and preform like air coolers and it's a reasonable price .:happy:

February 24th, 2012, 01:51 PM
Yeah Artic Silver MX2 is good i read that some thermal paste builds and electric charge over time but the MX2 is really good and for cooling i'm liking the corsair h100 its great and quite and preform like air coolers and it's a reasonable price .:happy:

yeah i built two systems for friends with this i'm very pleased with their performance. one oc'ed 30%, and the other. oc'ed at 35% using arctic silver.

February 24th, 2012, 05:53 PM
Well the V6GT should come with some, but it's just going to be generic cooler master stuff. It should still work pretty well i was told but who knows, I just would rather be safe than sorry so i ordered some Arctic Cooling MX-4 separately because i seen and have read many good reviews about it and was advised to get this by a buddy of mine who has build around 5 or so different really beast like rigs :cheeky:big thanks to odinlives and all you guys here at v.c. and the guys at lavco price tech and toms hardware i have learn allot in 3 weeks lmao thanks very much for all the advice and help as well.:tu: