View Full Version : Battlefield 3 System Requirements Unveiled

Feed Monkey
September 26th, 2011, 01:12 AM
A GeForce GTX 560 or higher is recommended for the best experience.

More... (http://www.geforce.com/News/articles/battlefield-3-system-requirements-unveiled)

September 26th, 2011, 01:23 AM
I only meet the minimum specs :crying:

September 26th, 2011, 03:28 AM
If I was you and had the cash I'd get a 360 instead of updating. Yeah sure PS3 has slightly better graphs but the social content blows IMO. Only thing I miss about the PS3 is the control pad lol. Microsoft milk every little aspect of the xbox for what its worth compared to the PS3 and that twists my mellons but I'm willing to bite the bullet. I prefer the PC for RPG-like games......unless like I could afford an Alienware Rig. No can do am afraid :D BF3 open beta starts on Thursday as one map so I'm told situated in Paris. Good luck sorting something out but guys. When it kicks off I'll turn into a hermit for like a week and damage my social life somewhat but hey it beats watching all that tosh on TV or getting drunk n doin Spiderman impressions on the way home from my Local :smiley_simmons:

September 26th, 2011, 05:48 AM
lol yeah I will be on it for a while as well, already pre ordered it months ago, at the moment I am running a GTX260 with 512MB of Video RAM so I am probably going to try and get a GTX580 or a GTX590 then I can play on ultra high settings, also need to update my dual core for a cheep quad core :smile:

As far as getting a 360, no thanks, not into consoles and BF3 is aimed at the PC for the primary platform and is designed to push the limits, if I get a 360 I am getting a GPU that is already 7 years old and that just wont do lol

September 26th, 2011, 07:44 AM
Same as you with this one Grim, although just updated my CPU (i7) and RAM (8gig) im still in need of a good GFX Card to complete it. Still on my old 9800GTX+ card. Its fine for some of the games that are releasing now but i can tell its starting to lack the processing power. Probably wont get to upgrade that now though for another 6 month or so. Looking forward to taking a look at BF3 though.

September 26th, 2011, 09:58 AM
If I was you and had the cash I'd get a 360 instead of updating. Yeah sure PS3 has slightly better graphs but the social content blows IMO. Only thing I miss about the PS3 is the control pad lol. Microsoft milk every little aspect of the xbox for what its worth compared to the PS3 and that twists my mellons but I'm willing to bite the bullet. I prefer the PC for RPG-like games......unless like I could afford an Alienware Rig. No can do am afraid :D BF3 open beta starts on Thursday as one map so I'm told situated in Paris. Good luck sorting something out but guys. When it kicks off I'll turn into a hermit for like a week and damage my social life somewhat but hey it beats watching all that tosh on TV or getting drunk n doin Spiderman impressions on the way home from my Local :smiley_simmons:

Now Im not a shitbox fan but the shtbox can do something that the PS3 cant do but the PS3 has far more stuff that you can do to it.

September 26th, 2011, 10:10 AM
Waiting Waiting, I am ready, Hmm Still Waiting

Below is my son play Crysis 2

Played Gears Of War 3 on the weekend on Xbox,

Battlefield 3, PC for me, Still waiting


September 26th, 2011, 12:51 PM
Nvidia just wants you to buy more Video Cards. I bet that it will work just fine on my Geforce 460.

The Archiver
September 26th, 2011, 01:32 PM
with an i7 990x and gtx580 sli,

you think it will be good to play with ultra settings ? lol

September 26th, 2011, 06:33 PM
I have duel Geforce GTS 240's...That better be good enough...I dont have the cash to update them...