View Full Version : Steve Job dies!!!

October 6th, 2011, 02:13 AM
Founder behind apple dies from cancer.


October 6th, 2011, 03:09 AM
Yeah I only like the Iphones that he came out with. I wonder what is going to happen to Apple now since he is gone.

October 7th, 2011, 03:16 AM
Never liked any Apple products, I think they are all way too overpriced but it's still sad to see one of the founders of the modern age die and he will be missed by many including Bill Gates who was a rival but also a good friend of Steve.

October 7th, 2011, 03:34 AM
same as here mark i not a big fan on mac bu i do like iphone and ipod , but its a big miss rip steve

October 7th, 2011, 04:46 AM
Steve Jobs, a visionary, gods is her heart.

October 7th, 2011, 12:38 PM
Rest in peace Steve Jobs,

October 7th, 2011, 01:20 PM
RIP Steve Jobs. "Without you, Apple is just a fruit"

October 7th, 2011, 08:55 PM
Indeed, Steve Jobs was a visionary who brought Apple back from the brink of bankruptcy. To think that they fired him twice, before they embraced his visions and ideas. Bill Gates and Paul Allen both were good friends from way back in the early days of Apply. And they remained friends even after Gates and Allen split from Apple to form Microsoft, and I am very surprised that they didn't offer him a job in the 90's when Apple fired him. (Former MS employee here)

RIP Steve. I never purchased any of your products, but I definitely appreciated your gifts to the world. You will be missed.

October 7th, 2011, 09:29 PM
~R.I.P. Steve Jobs~

October 12th, 2011, 12:49 AM
Never liked any Apple products, I think they are all way too overpriced but it's still sad to see one of the founders of the modern age die and he will be missed by many including Bill Gates who was a rival but also a good friend of Steve.

I have to agree i never been a fan of apple pc they just limited in there hardware options and way over priced.
But like you with your themes jobs did bring a certain elegance and beauty to the hardware/software which can often look the same .