View Full Version : How to setup your system correctly - A little Guide

October 21st, 2011, 10:12 PM
Formerly I wrote this tutorial at http://www.winfuture-forum.de/index.php?showtopic=184466 in German.

Here is now the English version...

Most of you would think now:
"I still know how it works..."
But often there are made a lot of mistakes while setting up or restoring a system, that make your system work your system work slowly or inconsistent.

Here most users often make the first mistakes after installing the plain system.T
his guide will help the reader configuring the system simply to work properly.

1. Preparations:

At first you should know what you want to use the system for (Gaming, work, Audio, Entertainment,...).
Therefor you should choose the right hardware components.The forum "WinFuture.de" is a good point where you can get good advices for a right composition of the single components.

After the decision, what the system should be used for, you can start setting up your system.

If you only want to do a clean installation of your existing system, you should now backup your personal files and settings.
Depending on your version of Windows, the method of backing up these files can variy.
The most simple way is to copy the folder from "C:\Users\" to an external storage. Alternatively you should think about doing an "In Place Upgrade" (http://www.winfuture-forum.de/index.php?showtopic=183163&s=&view=findpost&p=1583505) (still only in German).
Here the advantage is, that the system "renews" itself. Configurations of installed programs will remain. This mehtod should be preferred, if you use a system with complex configurations.

2. Installation of the OS:

Depending on your OS version, the setup guides you through the installation process. So there is not much to say.
But you should think about, how the system should be structured.
So you devide your HD into several partitions. But do not create too small partitions.

3. Updates & Drivers:

After the installation of the OS, now it's time to bring your system up-to-date. So let's do "Windows Update" (WU). Now it's time for a coffe... :D
The download an installation of all updates may take some time.
But one information about the configuration of WU: There is still the saying, that Microsoft collects personal data with the WU service to identify them. THIS IS FALSE! Microsoft only collects informations about the used hardware.
So you should generally activate the "Automatic installation of updates".
For later use: You always get "fresh" updates every second Tuesday. This is Microsoft's "Patch-Day".

When the installation of al system updates is finished, you should do a reboot of your system.
Now it's time to make your hardware work correctly. This might be a little bit comlicated. Therefor you have to check the Manufacturer's websites of your hardware components. When you can't identify all components, Monitoring-Tools like Everest or SIW might help you to identify them. I would not use automatical driver scanners, because mostly you have to pay for them, to get all features and they often work bad.
Are all drivers installed, you can go to the next step.

4. Security:

You may wonder, why the security software not has been installed dirctly after the installation of the OS.
The possibility, that a system is infected after the first connection to the internet, is quite impossible. Also some Anti-Virus Suites cause problems during the installation of drivers.
You should decide conciously which AV-Software you want to use. I personally prefer "Microsoft Security Essentials". But this might be a question of taste.
You should choose a software, what you rely on. Therefore User-Ratigs might help you. So you can get a good impression of the product's quality.
You shouldn't use a AV-Software in combination with a "Personal Firewall". The use of more than one AV-Product might cause conflicts, that can make it useless or caus "False Positives".
Such "Personal Firewalls" are useless, because a false configuration might make your system more infectable. Here you should rely on a hardware firewall.

5. Installation of software:

We have the basics... Maybe you got more than one coffe... Doesn't matter. :)

Now it's time to make your system vivid.
Now it's getting really interesting.
Because here are most mistakes made.

Most people say that parallel installations shorten the complete installation procedure.
But I would advice you to do one installation after another. The reason is, that parallel istallation might stress the processor to much, which can create (hidden) errors still during the installation. So be patient...!

At first it is recommended to install frequently used programs.
These are:

(eventually) Silverlight (if not yet installed via WU),
Media-Player (when you use another Media Player the WMP).

After that, now you can install all other programs. But remember: ONE INSTALLATION AFTER ANOTHER!
Firstly you should install all programms that have the deepest integration into the OS.
Such as Microsoft-Office Suites, Windows-Live-Programs,...

Now you can install all other used programs.
But you shoult avoid a first start of the software. You also should prefer the user defined installation, because often install some useless toolbars and AdWare, when you choose the standard installation.

Now it's time, that you and your system take a deep breath...
What does this mean?
Correct...! Reboot!

The boot process may take more time as usually.

Now we come to the next step.

6. Restoring Files and Settings:

Now it is time to move your files back to your backuped files to your system. I think, you know, what's to do. ;)

Some of you might ask, why the software hasn't been configured yet. The answer is truely simple.
When you restore your files from your backup-storage, often also pre-configured configuration files are restored to the related folder.

So, for some software a configuration is not necessary anymore.

7. Configuration of the remaining software:

Unfortunately not every program can be pre-configured by restoring the files.
These programs have to be configured manually. Here you can refer to the documentation of the software.

For most users her the whole procedure is finished...
But: STOP!
We're not ready yet.
Or do you leave your work in a chaos?
So now it is time to clean your system up after the installation.

8. Cleanup after installation:

During the whole installation procedure a lot of temporary (setup) files have been created. Now they have to be deleted. If your programs work properly you can delete all temporary files.
WARNING!!!: DON'T TOUCH THE UNINSTALLERS! You'll need them, when you uninstall a program later.

For cleaning up your hard drive, one tool can be used... Correct! "Windows Hard drive Cleanup-Tool".
Go to "Workspace/Computer" (variys depending on your OS version) => right-click on your System Hard Drive (mostly "C") => "Clean-Up". The ammount of storage will be calculated, that can be cleaned up. Now you mark all entries, where files have been created and delete the files.
The usage of Registry-Cleaners or tools like CCleaner is not really necessary.

Now it's time for another reboot.

Now the whole procedure is FINISHED!

If there are some translation mistakes, don't hesitate to contact me... ;)
You can also give any feedback... ;)

October 21st, 2011, 10:24 PM
Good Tut Man.

October 21st, 2011, 10:26 PM

Has been hard work... (in both languages) :D

October 22nd, 2011, 10:11 AM
Thank you man. (French) version???: Diable:

October 22nd, 2011, 02:02 PM
Taxidriver05 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/157085-Taxidriver05), the best order of things:

Assuming you already did you backups, and prepared your drive:

1. Install OS
2. Install Drivers(some security software may have problems if the drivers are not up to date)
3. Install security software
4. Install the OS updates, then the security software updates
5. Install the programs you want
6. turn off what OS features you do not want or need, apply any tweaks you want or need

October 22nd, 2011, 09:39 PM
Thank you man. (French) version???: Diable:

But my French isn't as well, to translate it also into French...

October 23rd, 2011, 12:26 AM

October 30th, 2011, 11:11 PM
very good tut there mate.:Smile: