View Full Version : Accosted !

Dark Knight
October 23rd, 2011, 06:52 PM
You know, I consider myself computer and internet savy, I know things but am I some sort of IT person? no but my experience with computers since Windows 3.1 has taught me alot.
I also consider myself a pretty safe surfer, I stay away from the "seedier" areas of the web and use common sense when it comes to opening and downloading things.

I say all that above because up until last thursday evening I thought I had seen most of what the web can throw at anyone, out of the blue my system started throwing up messages asking me if I wanted to run the file "winupd4572", thinking it was just another web popup and I know it was not a Windows update file I "X-ed" out of the box and the boxes just kep on coming ( at least five or six more ) all with the winupd message but with different numbers. By now I figured I'd better take this a little bit more seriously.
First I made sure all my antivirus and malware program definitions were up to date and they were, I disconnected from the internet and ran a malware scan ....... nothing, I then ran an antivirus scan which gave me a message telling me that I was infected with Rootkit.MBR.Pihar.B on both my C and D (restore) drives in the MBR (Master boot records) of my computer but my antivirus software was unable to disinfect.

I get on my laptop and start doing some research on this trojan and I came to find out it is a backdoor trojan that allows remote control by another of your system, well now I am glad I disconnected completely from the internet!
I then start looking for ways to disinfect and eradicate this bugger, well let me tell you straight up, there are alot of antivirus companies that offer special tools to eradicate this trojan and claim they work ...... THEY DON'T. I tried for six hours using every possible tool I could find. The ones that did claim they had worked after scanning and told me to reboot to complete the removal process were crapola too because the popups started all over again after reboot. Even the mac daddies of all rootkit removal tools, gmer did not even work.

I began feeling accosted ...... taken from behind by force if you will, without even the courtesy of a reach around!

After further research I found an IT site ( don't ask where because I was working fast and furious by now ) and it pretty much said that upon getting infected with anything in your MBR, you are pretty much screwed, there may be tools to remove the infection but the chances of it being removed completely are next to none. The best thing for one to do upon being infected in the MBR is to reformat and reinstall the OS completely to it's out of the box state.
With that being said, if your thinking by doing a system restore will work, think again, it will not. Only doing a complete reformat and reinstall FROM THE RESTORE DISK will work.

That is what I did, two days later, I am here warning you all of this.
I do not know where or how it happened, I was not doing anything out of the norm, I DO know one needs to be extra special carefull because the internet is becoming nastier by the day, you no longer have to download or open something to get infected with something and THIS made me feel like a victim of a drive by shooting!
A word to the wise, antivirus software does not pick up rootkits very well, IF at all, malware scanners pick up very few ( I use malwarebytes along with Emsisoft anti malware scanner). Come to find out also that MOST rootkit scanners / revealers are not even worth the download because if they reveal the rootkit they will not disinfect either because they can't or the software designer wants you to pay before it will, and it will not even fix the problem completely. The best of all revealers / disinfectors was shown to be Gmer, but I guess I just got something new that it was not yet updated on.

Anyway, I am back up and running to where I was last thursday evening and without any loss of data, just more of a pain in the ass than anything else!

Be careful out there folks, it just keeps getting worse.

October 23rd, 2011, 07:11 PM
Thanks for the read mate, sorry for your pain , nothing worse than getting screwed by a virus and not being able to do anything about it.

Dark Knight
October 23rd, 2011, 07:28 PM
Thanks for the read mate, sorry for your pain , nothing worse than getting screwed by a virus and not being able to do anything about it.

Tell me about it! I am just glad I had the awareness to disconnect my system from the internet before things got real ugly!

October 23rd, 2011, 09:56 PM
Damn Sounds like something I had a while back on my old computer.

Big V
October 23rd, 2011, 10:17 PM
It totally sucks getting pumped like that and not even kissed lmao
Hopefully you didn't carry it over in you saved data
Like a bad case of the itchys from a tijuana hooker :bunny::bunny: lmao
Just in case you have a second encounter

October 24th, 2011, 01:19 AM
Dark Knight Let me know that were u able to boot into ur infected os or not before re-installation.

There are certain methods to re-install the MBR.

October 24th, 2011, 07:04 AM
It totally sucks getting pumped like that and not even kissed lmao
Hopefully you didn't carry it over in you saved data
Like a bad case of the itchys from a tijuana hooker :bunny::bunny: lmao
Just in case you have a second encounter

I'v heard this method works lmao


October 24th, 2011, 11:34 AM
I'v heard this method works lmao


lmao Ive seen that pic so many times Gor.

October 24th, 2011, 04:59 PM
First off really sorry you went through that but i am glad you worked it out it really is a messed up thing to go through:Fright: i know been through it a few times :unhappy:what i have been using for past two years is a program called Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus allot don't like it or think it's as good as the big company brands but i disagree it's kept me safe for two years so far :Smile:only thing is you need to buy it the free version don't remove anything or work good.:sigh:

Dark Knight
October 24th, 2011, 10:07 PM
Dark Knight Let me know that were u able to boot into ur infected os or not before re-installation.

There are certain methods to re-install the MBR.

I was able to boot into the infected Bhawani ( I only booted twice due to poor removal tools ) , from what I understand though from reading up on it, the virus will only let you boot a certain amount of times before you will not be able to boot anymore.
The MBR got re-installed when I brought my system back to it's out of the box state. From what I read, it's the only sure way to make sure the virus is eradicated.

October 24th, 2011, 11:03 PM
I was able to boot into the infected Bhawani.

I am not infected.:ashamed:.

Let me check for the solution.

Method 1:

Step 1 : Boot Using Windows 7 "Installation Disk" or Windows 7 "Repair Disk". (According To Windows OS Installed On Your Hard Disk)

Step 2 : Press Shift+F10 To Open cmd.

Step 3 : Type diskpart Press Enter.

Step 4 : Type select disk 0 Press Enter.

Step 5 : Type list volume Press Enter.

Step 6 : Note Down The Drive Letter Of Your CD/DVD Drive. (Here Is Drive H:)
(I Have Taken This Screen Shot Inside Main Windows Not In Recovery Console).


Step 7 : Type exit press Enter.

Step 8 : Type H: (Your CD/DVD Drive Letter) Press Enter.

Step 9 : Type cd boot Press Enter.

Step 10 : Type bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr Press Enter.
(You Have To Use bootsect /nt60 ALL)

Step 11 : Type exit Press Enter.


Method 2:

Step 1 : Boot Using Windows 7 "Installation Disk" or Windows 7 "Repair Disk". (According To Windows OS Installed On Your Hard Disk)

Step 2 : Press Shift+F10 To Open cmd.

Step 3 : Type bootrec /FixMbr Press Enter.

Step 4 : Type bootrec /Fixboot Press Enter.

Step 5 : Type exit Press Enter.

Both The Above Method Will Work Like A Charm Method 1 Is Better One It Completely Re-Write The MBR Partition.

October 25th, 2011, 01:10 AM
@Dark Knight, Sorry here mate, nasty little things,

For those of you who end up with Rootkit Mbr Tdss here are the Removal Instructions Thanks to Cristi Raducu

Recently we have received several reports regarding infected systems with Rootkit.MBR.TDSS that cannot be removed during scans.
For this we have created a special removal tool that can be downloaded from the below link corresponding to your operating system:

for 32 bit Operating Systems:

for 64 bit Operating Systems:


- the removal must be run having the Real Time Protection in BitDefender temporarily turned off as it will interfere with the removal process.
- for Windows Vista/7 users,the removal must be run as an administrator (right click on the file and Run as administrator)
- the removal must be run on the infected HDD.
For example: if the infection is located on a second HDD which is not the primary drive then you must boot from it and run the removal from there.

There is a special topic dedicated to this case so feel free to post your comments:

We are currently working on implementing this removal in the antivirus product too.


Disinfection has entered the product.
You can update your BitDefender and run a scan to disinfect the MBR.

Hope this helps


October 25th, 2011, 06:53 AM
Great post xxrazor :no1:

Dark Knight
October 25th, 2011, 10:03 PM
Thanks for all the responses!
Bhawani: Thanks for the tip, I have copied it incase it is needed another time (hopefully not :cheeky:)

xxrazor: Thanks for the links, these too I have also saved, except for the Bitdefender links, I have Bitdefender 2012 on my system and upon completion of the scan after infection early Friday, when the program was unable to remove the infection it asked me if I wanted to send it to Bitdefender's virus response team for instructions on removal ..... which I did, after it finished sending the file I got a response saying that someone would get back to me shortly. Well when someone says shortly it usually means anywhere between five minutes and a few hours in my book. Needless to say, I sent the file early last Friday and I did not get a response back from Bitdefender untill Monday night. I sent them an email back telling them they were a day late and a dollar short and that with a little research I figured out in about thirty minutes what it took them three days to get back to me on ........ I did get an apology email from them today though.

BTW - I did download and run the 64bit bitdefender removal tool from their forum on Friday ......... it doesn't work. If you follow the forum link at the bottom you will see that they have nothing but problems with it, when I ran it all I got was an error so I just moved on.

October 26th, 2011, 01:35 AM
Guys Don't Take It Personally (If You Use Bit-Defender).

Bit-Defender fails in my system protection test (It was able to detect only 60 threats out of 156).

While other security suite's were able to detect more than 145 threats. Whereas Norton 360, Norton Internet Security 2012 And AVG Internet Security 2012 detects and removes all the infection.

AVG has the minimum scanning and threat removing time far less than the runner up (Norton 360).

Here are some pics of anti-virus efficiency.

This Is Taken From PC-MAG

And My AVG Security Card


Note: In my test i haven't consider Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus. (I will test it later)