View Full Version : How to Remove Mr GRiM's Themes and 7tsp Packs

October 30th, 2011, 11:51 PM
OK I get this question a fair bit so I might as well make a tutorial for it, this will explain how to completely remove one of my themes, this does not completely apply to all my themes, mainly since Blade and Zero-G plus all the Premium Themes that use my custom installer.

What does it install with the installer?

1. The first thing my installer does is dump all the contents of the theme into your temp folder

2. Next it adds some registry entries, these entries are for Theme Resource Changer

SETKEYVALUE:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{F791A188-699D-4FD4-955A-EB59E89B1907}<VALUE><TO>CThemeResourceChangerObject Class
SETKEYVALUE:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{F791A188-699D-4FD4-955A-EB59E89B1907}\InprocServer32<VALUE><TO>\Program Files\Theme Resource Changer\ThemeResourceChanger.dll
SETKEYVALUE:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\SharedTaskScheduler<VALUE>{F791A188-699D-4FD4-955A-EB59E89B1907}<TO>Theme Resource Changer

3. The next thing my installer does is start my Batch file: _Run\Theme_Installer_x64.bat. (This is where my installer Batch file takes over for the rest of the install)

4. The first thing my Batch file does is create a new Backgrounds folder in C:\Windows\System32\oobe\Info for your login backgrounds and changes some registry entries.

reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background /v OEMBackground /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System /v UseOEMBackground /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

5. Then it will create directories for the theme in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes

mkdir %windir%\Resources\Themes\HUD_RED\Backgrounds
mkdir %windir%\Resources\Themes\HUD_RED\Cursors\"EZMAX"
mkdir %windir%\Resources\Themes\HUD_RED\"explorer.exe"
mkdir %windir%\Resources\Themes\HUD_RED\"explorerframe.dll"
mkdir %windir%\Resources\Themes\HUD_RED\"imageres.dll"
mkdir %windir%\Resources\Themes\HUD_RED\"Sound Scheme"
mkdir %windir%\Resources\Themes\HUD_RED\shell\"NormalColor"\"en-US"
mkdir %windir%\Resources\Themes\HUD_RED\"Shell32.dll"
mkdir %windir%\Resources\Themes\HUD_RED\Fonts

6. Then it will create a new directory called Theme Resource Changer in Program Files and add the ThemeResourceChanger.dll

mkdir %SystemDrive%\"Program Files"\"Theme Resource Changer"

REM Theme Resource Changer
COPY /Y %Temp%\HUD_RED\X64\"ThemeResourceChanger.dll" "%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Theme Resource Changer"

7. Next it will add the contents to the directories in your theme folder.

COPY /Y "%Temp%\HUD_RED\HUD_RED\*.*" "%windir%\Resources\Themes\HUD_RED\*.*"

COPY /Y "%Temp%\HUD_RED\HUD_RED\Backgrounds\*.*" "%windir%\Resources\Themes\HUD_RED\Backgrounds\*.*"

COPY /Y "%Temp%\HUD_RED\HUD_RED\Fonts\*.*" "%windir%\Resources\Themes\HUD_RED\Fonts\*.*"

COPY /Y %Temp%\HUD_RED\HUD_RED\Cursors\"EZMAX" %windir%\Resources\Themes\HUD_RED\Cursors\"EZMAX"\*.*

8. Next thing it will do is delete some registry keys for the fonts that it will be adding, this is done so if the fonts are already installed the install script will not stop and ask you to overwrite them.

9. Now the batch file will start the fonts.vbs script and this will install the fonts for the theme.

10. Now everything is installed and the theme will be applied.

11. Explorer will restart and all temp files are removed.

Note this is an example from the HUD theme installer, older installers are a little bit different, with my new install batch files the installer will halt at each step and give you the option to install the different parts of the theme.

7tsp Icons and extras Packs

The 7tsp packs patch a number of system files, mainly to add new icons but it can also patch many other things, 7tsp will not replace any of your system files, it is made this way so you can not replace a file with an older version, this will happen if you have a windows update and using older system files, it also doesn't need to know if you are using a x86 OS or a x64 OS, this ensures that chance of user error is greatly reduced.

7tsp will first create a new restore point before making any changes and then will scan the contents of the 7tsp pack and make a backup of each individual file it replaces which are stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\7tsp\backup, these backup files are what it uses to revert any changes.

Now for the Uninstall Tutorial

Uninstalling the 7tsp Pack.

Run 7tsp and select the option to restore modified system files to before 7tsp was used, this will restore all your system files from 7tsp backup folder.

Sometimes this is not enough, say for example you have installed a second 7tsp without doing a restore first, this means that the backup files 7tsp created will be from the previous 7tsp pack you had installed and means you will not have a complete restore.

In this case you will need to use the 7tsp restore option: Restore "all" modified system files to Windows 7 default. This will start a sfc /scannow command and will restore all your system files, this means that if you want to use your custom themes again you will also have to run Universal Theme Patcher again.

Uninstalling the theme.

Go to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes, delete the .theme eg. Zero-G.theme file and the theme's folder eg. Zero-G

Uninstalling Theme resource Changer

Open C:\Program Files and delete the folder called Theme Resource Changer, you may have to move it to the desktop as the file will still be in use but after a restart you can then delete it.

Remove the registry entries by opening the registry editor and search for {F791A188-699D-4FD4-955A-EB59E89B1907} and delete that folder.

Uninstalling the Logon Screen.

To remove the startup screen just delete the backgrounds folder in C:\Windows\System32\oobe\Info and will return to your default one, or you can change it using this program http://www.julien-manici.com/windows_7_logon_background_changer/

October 31st, 2011, 12:16 AM
Very Nice Tut Grim.

Foliorum Viridum
November 1st, 2011, 10:47 AM
Now, I did all the uninstall steps, but I can't reinstall, it says that I have to unistall it first :unhappy:
E: I found the unistall. exe , but it was hard to find!
btw: great theme!

November 2nd, 2011, 02:05 PM
Yeah sorry about that, on a couple of the installers I checked the uninstaller option but it can not uninstall the theme anyway, you can just delete the uninstaller in Programs and Features using Ccleaner

November 22nd, 2012, 05:00 PM
thank you for this tutorial. I may have an issue that prompted someone to suggest I run a command named "sfc /scannow". I was informed that this is a sort of system-wide generic fix of various Windows anomalies and has an effect on custom themes. Can somone enlighten me how running this command will affect the themes and assoc. packs and what steps I need do prior or after if necessary?


November 22nd, 2012, 10:11 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM), excellent tut. thanks

Big V
November 22nd, 2012, 10:12 PM
thank you for this tutorial. I may have an issue that prompted someone to suggest I run a command named "sfc /scannow". I was informed that this is a sort of system-wide generic fix of various Windows anomalies and has an effect on custom themes. Can somone enlighten me how running this command will affect the themes and assoc. packs and what steps I need do prior or after if necessary?


sfc /scannow is the command to perform system file checker which is part of windows
What this does is repair your operating system files back to default windows files
After you run it you would need to repatch your system to enable 3rd party themes again
Plus any modified files you have changed images on like the timedate.cpl, wmploc.cpl, or shelbrd.dll would be restored back to windows default

November 23rd, 2012, 12:25 AM
sfc /scannow is the command to perform system file checker which is part of windows
What this does is repair your operating system files back to default windows files
After you run it you would need to repatch your system to enable 3rd party themes again
Plus any modified files you have changed images on like the timedate.cpl, wmploc.cpl, or shelbrd.dll would be restored back to windows defaultThank you! I am not all that tech savy and seek the simplest solution.

What are the steps involved in a 'repatch'?
Would doing a theme uninstall before I run the sfc and install from scratch be less complex?
Is there a guide for this scenario that I can follow?


Big V
November 23rd, 2012, 01:28 AM
are you having issue with a theme?

repatching your system is simply rerunning the patch again and doing a reboot afterwards

November 23rd, 2012, 01:55 AM
are you having issue with a theme?No

repatching your system is simply rerunning the patch again and doing a reboot afterwardsok - thnx.

January 10th, 2013, 01:13 AM
hi Mr. Grim
i installed ur red hud theme pack in my 1st installation i ddnt get the full feature of ur theme pack like the folder icon etc. then i uninstall it i following ur guide on how to uninstall ur theme then i re-install again the same theme and it just got worst... hope u could help me:crying:

January 10th, 2013, 02:04 AM
What do you mean it got worse, what went wrong? also when you installed the theme the first time did you use 7tsp to install the icons?

January 10th, 2013, 03:49 AM
no i ddnt use any program. i just run the 'hud red theme patch'.now my desktop taskbar is look like window exp.. i keep unistalling nd reinstalling it but still i cant get ur perfct theme patch..

Big V
January 10th, 2013, 04:18 AM
sounds to me like you need to patch your system to run 3rd party themes http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/29243-Universal-Theme-Patcher-1-5-silent-installer-x86-x64

Also make sure you have theme resource changer installed, look in your program directory and see if it was installed http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/30902-Theme-Resource-Changer-no-more-dll-editing

both of these are required for themes to work correctly

January 10th, 2013, 07:23 AM
tnx alot man it work..
but y d folders and the other icons ddnt chnge, do i nid 7tsp to chnge it?

January 10th, 2013, 11:01 AM
Yes you need to install the 7tsp pack for all the icons to change.

January 10th, 2013, 11:39 AM
a extra thread on how to uninstall the most epic themes there are , hell id expect a thread on how to install them not remove them , lols :worried:

Ghost Rider
January 10th, 2013, 11:57 AM
Yes you need to install the 7tsp pack for all the icons to change.

Just a few questions: do I need to INSTALL 7sp to get all system icons changed ? I mean, if I use 7tsp portable it will not work ?
And : with 7tsp I 'll get ALL system icons changed or some of them will not ? At the moment I'm running Skin Pack for W7 and with that I got ALL system icons changed. Is it same with 7tsp ?
Thanks in advance

January 10th, 2013, 01:46 PM
Just a few questions: do I need to INSTALL 7sp to get all system icons changed ? I mean, if I use 7tsp portable it will not work ?
And : with 7tsp I 'll get ALL system icons changed or some of them will not ? At the moment I'm running Skin Pack for W7 and with that I got ALL system icons changed. Is it same with 7tsp ?
Thanks in advance

yes mate, the skin packs were made using the files from my 7tsp packs but my 7tsp packs are more complete and change many files that skinpacks do not

January 10th, 2013, 03:45 PM
Thanx for the info.....good thing to know my friend!

Ghost Rider
January 10th, 2013, 05:45 PM
yes mate, the skin packs were made using the files from my 7tsp packs but my 7tsp packs are more complete and change many files that skinpacks do not

Thanks for the info. I'll give it a try. Just not sure I understood: can I use 7tsp portable as well or installation is required ?Of course I've got TRC installed

One more thing : before applying a new icon pack with 7tsp is it required to restore default ones ?

January 10th, 2013, 06:50 PM
Thank you all for the most advanced customization site anywhere.


January 11th, 2013, 04:26 AM
Thanks for the info. I'll give it a try. Just not sure I understood: can I use 7tsp portable as well or installation is required ?Of course I've got TRC installed

One more thing : before applying a new icon pack with 7tsp is it required to restore default ones ?

You can use either version but it is best practice to remove older packs first and work from fresh system files, the first time 7tsp is run it will make a backup file of any files it is going to replace so if you have used a different program it will think the already modified files are the default and make a backup of those, plus if there are other changes to the system files 7tsp will not replace those, 7tsp does not replace any system files it will only patch your existing ones and add the new modified resources, any new packs installed after that will do the same thing and build off the already modified files and any more new modified files will also have backups created.

Just remember after restoring files using sfc /scannow that you will need to patch your system again using Universal Theme Patcher or your themes will not work.

Ghost Rider
January 11th, 2013, 01:28 PM
You can use either version but it is best practice to remove older packs first and work from fresh system files, the first time 7tsp is run it will make a backup file of any files it is going to replace so if you have used a different program it will think the already modified files are the default and make a backup of those, plus if there are other changes to the system files 7tsp will not replace those, 7tsp does not replace any system files it will only patch your existing ones and add the new modified resources, any new packs installed after that will do the same thing and build off the already modified files and any more new modified files will also have backups created.

Just remember after restoring files using sfc /scannow that you will need to patch your system again using Universal Theme Patcher or your themes will not work.

Thanks again mate, very clear and useful.
But: before running 7tspp I'll apply a W7 default theme and restore ONLY default icons - I want to use 7tsp just for that, is it possible yeh? Usually I restore system files with UTP, I run sfc \ scannow just if I got problems.
Is trhere a way to stop 7tsp from macking backups ?? For my backups I use Acronis, I don't need backups from 7tsp...
To make 7tsp working is it required to have ResHacker installed ? I really hope no, because that is End-of-Life prog - no more supported from developers -.
Thanks in advance.

January 11th, 2013, 02:04 PM
Thanks again mate, very clear and useful.
But: before running 7tspp I'll apply a W7 default theme and restore ONLY default icons - I want to use 7tsp just for that, is it possible yeh? Usually I restore system files with UTP, I run sfc \ scannow just if I got problems.
Is trhere a way to stop 7tsp from macking backups ?? For my backups I use Acronis, I don't need backups from 7tsp...
To make 7tsp working is it required to have ResHacker installed ? I really hope no, because that is End-of-Life prog - no more supported from developers -.
Thanks in advance.

You can use 7tsp to restore a single file by using it's sfc /scannfile command, if you want to install just some of the icons in the packs and not the complete pack you can use 7-zip to open the packs and remove any extra files you don't want.

7tsp does not have any option to not have the backup files created, you can remove them after if you like though, just go to C:\Program Files (x86)\7tsp\backup and delete the folder, I believe that 7tsp does use Reshacker but I think it is integrated into 7tsp and it does not require any installation.

Ghost Rider
January 11th, 2013, 02:29 PM
You can use 7tsp to restore a single file by using it's sfc /scannfile command, if you want to install just some of the icons in the packs and not the complete pack you can use 7-zip to open the packs and remove any extra files you don't want.

7tsp does not have any option to not have the backup files created, you can remove them after if you like though, just go to C:\Program Files (x86)\7tsp\backup and delete the folder, I believe that 7tsp does use Reshacker but I think it is integrated into 7tsp and it does not require any installation.

Oh I guess I didn't express myself in the right way.- I want to use 7tsp to apply Icon Pack (Full) ONLY . Just icon pack - no theme files or anything else. I used for a while IconPackager to change icons, is a good prog but some icons don't get changed. After that I used Skin Pack - as you know - and all icons get changed.
But there is a lot of work to do in uninstalling\installing (restoring, reboot..) Skin Packs so I'm looking for something easy, quick and all iicons changing...The question is: do I need to restore System files - the UTP pached ones - every time I run 7tsp or not ? Please consider I'm not interested in 7tsp backups. Is it enough just to restore default icons ?
Thaks in advance

January 11th, 2013, 03:41 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM), 7tsp will ask you if you want to download and install reshacker if you don't already have it installed. the portable version i believe already has it.