View Full Version : 7tsp custom icon pack issue

November 12th, 2011, 02:37 PM
Today I tried to convert this icon pack: http://mr-ragnarok.deviantart.com/gallery/?q=best+of+the+best#/d2m5y51 to a 7tsp pack. This is my first 7tsppack so I dont know exactly how to do this. So I did the following steps:
1. I extracted the icon resource with the resource hacker from the dll-files in the pack to a .rc file (resource script)
2. Then I removed the standart win7 icon file from the .rc-file
3. After that I convertet th .rc-file with the tool rc.exe in the windows sdk to a .res-file.
4. Now I put the .res-files I created in a folder called Resources
5. In the parentfolder of the resource-folder I put this Pack.ini:

[Base Pack]
Pack=Best of the Best
Base by=Mr.Ragnarok

theme creator=XXXxxxXXX

6. I packed the Pack.ini + the resoucefolder with 7Zip to a .7z archiv and called it 7tsp_bestofthebest.7z
But if I want to apply the pack with 7tsp it just don't patch any system file (it says: time took: 15sec files patched: 0)
I can open the .res-files with resource hacker without any problems and see all resources I added!
I attached the pack to this post and hope somebody can halp me with this!

November 12th, 2011, 04:48 PM
OK the problem is that you didn't add .dll to your file names, you must have the full file extension as well as .res as the end.