View Full Version : Help with Theming Windows Firewall Notification Dialog

November 12th, 2011, 03:56 PM
OK, so I have been lurking around here for quite some time, coming here only to look at the theming guides. For the most part I have managed to get enough help on my own from those, but now I ran into a problem that I just can't fix myself, and is not covered in the theming guides either.

I have been making my own personal mod of Gaia09.2, adding improvements and bugfixes to it incrementally. I have now ran into a problem that I can't fix without causing more bugs.

Look at the attachment below. The dialog is the Windows Firewall notification dialog, and yes - that's grey-on-grey text. I tried, and successfully fixed the problem by going to Styles > TaskDialogStyle and changing the text colour in there, but then it caused the hot tracking colour for the buttons in the file replacement dialog to turn white.

I have no idea how else to fix this problem. Is it possible to fix this problem without causing other bugs as well?