View Full Version : Custom bullet points for toxic.

December 19th, 2011, 09:09 PM
I would like to request custom bullet points for the toxic theme. Here is what I have done:

I am using Toxic after using Blade theme and now I have blue bullet points. This is because Toxic has no bullet points of its own so the Blade bullet points remain:
http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/5926/bulletpoints.png (http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/5926/bulletpoints.png)

So I was wondering if maybe I could add to the Toxic theme by making little green toxic waste icons like this:


Only much smaller and install it to the proper file using restorator and change it myself?

Then after a few hours work(I redownloaded the Blade theme, extracted the extras.7z pack and opened all the .res files in restorator and browsed through them until I found the bullet pointer icon. Then I found out how to remove the background of a png img, and then I went to a website and converted it to a .ico file):

Okay, I found out that the icon was stored in Imageres.dll > Icon > 78 and replaced it with the above logo after I made the background transparent so it looked like this:

After I ran it through a website that turns .pngs into .ico as that is the filetype used by the logo. I ended up with:


And used restorator to replace the file in C > windows > system32 > Imageres.dll > Icon > 78 and it shows up fine on the preview screen. But it doesn't actually display on my computer, only in the restorator window. I don't understand why this isn't working unless the .png to .ico site I used goofed around with the file somehow and made in incompatible... Would really appreciate some advice here.

Then still later after several more hours work I gave up on that icon. I decided it must simply be a bad format/size/SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE TOXIC SIGN THAT MAKES ME WANT TO PULL MY HAIR OUT. And decided the best way to do this would be by taking an icon I know works and modifying it. So I took the Blade icon, adjusted the hue and made it green:

Now even though it worked when it was blue FOR SOME REASON making it green and putting it back in the imageres.dll file makes it not work even though I save it and close out explorer.exe in taskmanager and start it again the change does not take place!!! Can anyone please help me with this?