View Full Version : SYSTEM INFO .DLL HELP

December 23rd, 2011, 07:25 AM
Hi Guys

I need some help on this I'm Trying To Edit The Strings In This .DLL.MUI File For System Property's
Editing The Stings For This Area

The Next File Is C:\Windows\Branding\Basebrd\basebrd.dll
Witch is the Logo For Logon/off
The Question Is Witch .BMP Images Do I Edit

Thanks In Advance For Your Help

December 28th, 2011, 10:27 AM
sorry i thought i would bump this help question up as i still need some help thanks

December 28th, 2011, 02:16 PM
about the system properties.. i have no clues but for the branding i just use this software from vishal and its requires and image


December 28th, 2011, 07:17 PM
about the system properties.. i have no clues but for the branding i just use this software from vishal and its requires and image


cool thanks for that i'm trying to do it manually but only parts are working i can edit the text but the old text stay and the new text just goes over the top of it and as for the images there is 6 of them ive tryed changing all of them but with no avail the old one is still there it the cache even after i clear it out thanks any way i will try the little app out and see what it does to the file i might be able to fine out if i'm doing something wrong .

January 16th, 2012, 03:55 AM
Im taking a guess but Im assuming you boot screen (as opposed to login screen)? My own is fully customized with images and text using win7 boot updater found at www.coderforlife.com. Hope it helps.

January 16th, 2012, 07:47 AM
Im taking a guess but Im assuming you boot screen (as opposed to login screen)? My own is fully customized with images and text using win7 boot updater found at www.coderforlife.com (http://www.coderforlife.com). Hope it helps.

hi thanks for the reply actually i'm trying to edit the text in the system property's section and the windows 7 logo on the log-on & ctrl+alt+del screen thanks tho