View Full Version : Default Win 7 Task pane not restoring

December 26th, 2011, 09:40 PM
I used the Task Pane Changer by Kishan to change the task panes on my windows 7 x64 HP and everything changed ok. I wanted to get my default settings back so I can use a different theme and I didn't want any clashes, so I used the "Restore Bitmaps" at the bottom of the app and for some reason the task panes that I now see are grey. Don't know where my default ones went. I even opened the shell32.dll in Resource Hacker and the Windows 7 default task pane (light blue) is there so why it's not presenting itself on the restore default move is beyond me. Any ideas?

Big V
December 26th, 2011, 10:25 PM
I used the Task Pane Changer by Kishan to change the task panes on my windows 7 x64 HP and everything changed ok. I wanted to get my default settings back so I can use a different theme and I didn't want any clashes, so I used the "Restore Bitmaps" at the bottom of the app and for some reason the task panes that I now see are grey. Don't know where my default ones went. I even opened the shell32.dll in Resource Hacker and the Windows 7 default task pane (light blue) is there so why it's not presenting itself on the restore default move is beyond me. Any ideas?sounds to me like you might want to consider run system file checker and restore your entire system and start fresh with modding your system. You can do this by opening an command prompt and running sfc /scannow this will reset your system and you will need to repatch your files for running themes

December 27th, 2011, 10:19 AM
As well you can run sfc /scanfile=%windir%\system32\shell32.dll to especially check shell32.dll and reset it to default.

December 27th, 2011, 12:59 PM
sounds to me like you might want to consider run system file checker and restore your entire system and start fresh with modding your system. You can do this by opening an command prompt and running sfc /scannow this will reset your system and you will need to repatch your files for running themes
I tried that last night and I can only run the sfc /scannow to 7% and then I get this prompt when it stops that states "Windows resource protection cannot run the requested operation". I tried running chkdsk but that doesn't really help. I have CBS. logfiles from the chkdsk runs but I don't really understand them. I also ran an sfc /verifyonly to see if that would run and it also finished and said I had corrupted files, but that's it.

December 27th, 2011, 01:04 PM
Have you tried the sfc /scanfile command?

December 27th, 2011, 01:10 PM
Have you tried the sfc /scanfile command?
I just tried that and you have to know the file that's corrupted in order for it to work right I think. All it did was give me a page on the prompt of what the different sfc/ commands do.
I tried the sfc /scanfile with the shell32 on the end and it ran and said there was no integrity violations and then I tried the full sfc /scannow again and it stopped at 7%.

Big V
December 27th, 2011, 01:13 PM
Have you tried to boot into safemode and running the command prompt from there

December 27th, 2011, 01:28 PM
Have you tried to boot into safemode and running the command prompt from there
Just tried it and it sent me to 7% and stopped with the same message, Windows resource protection could not perform the requested operation.

December 27th, 2011, 01:39 PM
Maybe you could try this:
boot from win7 dvd. Click the computer repair options. Choose the command prompt. Type in the following:
sfc /scannow /offbootdir=X: /offwindir=X:\Windows
You have to replace X with the drive letter from your windows partition. The letter is shown when it says "searching for windows installations" (before you can choose the command prompt). It does not have to be the same letter as you see it in windows!

December 27th, 2011, 01:46 PM
OK I am a bit lost here, what has changing the taskbar images got to do with the shell32.dll, any changes to a theme should only happen in a msstyles file located in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes have you tried installing another theme at all to see if it does change correctly?

December 27th, 2011, 01:49 PM
It's not taskbar images, it's taskpane images. Correct me, if I'm false but I think this images are changed with shell32.dll?

@Julio Or maybe you have installed a theme using theme resource changer? Then you have to rename the shell32.dll-folder in the theme folder.

December 27th, 2011, 01:51 PM
OK sorry you mean the navigation pane on the left of the control panel and top?

December 27th, 2011, 01:53 PM
I think so. Otherwise Julio hadn't written something about this program: http://www.door2windows.com/windows-7-task-pane-changer-change-windows-7-task-pane-with-one-click/

December 27th, 2011, 01:56 PM
well I have no idea why it didn't restore the original files but if your on a x64 OS did you check both files, the one in the system32 folder as well as the SysWOW64 folder? to check the files in the system32 folder you will need to copy it and paste it on your desktop, otherwise it will actually only look at the one in sysWOW64

December 27th, 2011, 03:47 PM
i'm no expert on this subject or anything, but have you tried to run the command prompt as admin? that's normally the case when it tells you that you don't have enough permission or if it just won't do it like in your situation. also do as grim said and check both syswow64 and system32 folders.

December 27th, 2011, 08:58 PM
Hi you could try this script in this .bat file run it as admin when it starts it will ask for admin priv's and it will also takeown of sfc.exe to enable more privileges hope it works out for you

January 6th, 2012, 05:48 AM
well I have no idea why it didn't restore the original files but if your on a x64 OS did you check both files, the one in the system32 folder as well as the SysWOW64 folder? to check the files in the system32 folder you will need to copy it and paste it on your desktop, otherwise it will actually only look at the one in sysWOW64
I didn't understand what you meant about pasting the sys32 to the desktop, but I tried what I thought you meant and I see it now. It only shows the mod if it's on the desktop. That is strange. The same one in the syswow folder is still default or does it change too when you open it on the desktop? How do I change 632 or 633 on a win7 x64 machine using restorator or resource hacker? I can't find a simple tutorial on those anywhere.