View Full Version : Taskbar size/transparenzy

January 4th, 2012, 12:14 PM
Hello all,
I'm using Rise of the Primes red theme and wanted to remove this little black stripe over the taskbar:
With PS this wasn't any problem but after that, my taskbar looked like that:
(next to the start orb you can see that the taskbar does'nt look like it should...)
So I changed the taskbar to that:
(I made the taskbar 1px higher that the black stripe over it isn't visible and changed the color of the little black part to grey)

I think it looks better now but anyway I want to know why this happens to the taskbar if I make the highest part transparent.
As well it would be nice if anybody could tell me how I can change the height of the taskbar.

I know, many people will call me crazy because I want to remove a thing which you can't really see, but the main problem isn't the black stripe. I just want to know why this happens...
I hope you understand my problem :D

January 4th, 2012, 05:18 PM
Hi There,

The issue you had while doing this is when u cut the bit off the taskbar u changed the image itself and in wsb for each image there are margins set so when I add the images into wsb we also have to set the margins for what parts we want the image to stay as it is or what part we want to stretch or tile so by cutting the small bit off it throws the margins I set for all the different taskbar parts out of wack thats why u get the issue of it not looking the same :)

January 4th, 2012, 05:51 PM
But I also get the issue if I don't resize the image. If I just remove the little black part of this image, without resizing anything I get the issue.

January 4th, 2012, 06:03 PM
yes bud :)

Like I was saying when u remove that bit the margin I have set for the top of the taskbar is now off and it is stretching a different part of the taskbar u remove the bit and say I have the margin set for 10 at the top if u remove say 5 pixel lines at the top for the small frame bar then the margin I set will grab 5 pixel lines lower and that will throw the image off because of the margins :)

January 4th, 2012, 06:16 PM
I also haven't removed the whole line and I haven't made a whole line transparent, I have just removed a little black part... I'll upload you the msstyle-File...
The first one is how it works (there I have removed the whole top line and than resized the image so that the Size is equal to the old one).
The second one is how I want it...