View Full Version : Clash of The Titans 5: Assassination The Winners are...

January 9th, 2012, 04:16 PM


The WAR has been waged

The battles are over

The Challenge to the GODS has been answered

This was an unbelievable competition guys of all the ones I have held here at VC I have never been so impressed as I was for this Clash of the Titans competition.:Smile:

The themes were astounding you guys realy did put everything into them all your blood sweat and tears and I congratulate you for the efforts you put forth :givahand:

Thanks to all your efforts this was one of the best competitions we have ever had thank you guys :no1:

Without further delay here are your winners for Clash of the Titans V: Assassination

51175In First spot we have Razorsedge with my theme Rise of the Primes

I would like to add for this theme much credit goes to MrGrim and Gor as their help
and contributions were essential to getting this theme to where it ended up
thank you guys :)


Razorsedge's themes can be downloaded here :

red version: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread...f-the-Titans-5 (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/36960-Rise-Of-The-Primes-Red-Clash-of-the-Titans-5)

blue version: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread...f-the-Titans-5 (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/36961-Rise-of-the-Primes-Blue-Clash-of-the-Titans-5)

51175In second place we have MrGrim with his theme M-Class


MrGrims theme can be downloaded here: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread...-Assassination (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/36814-M-CLASS-Clash-of-the-Titans-5-Assassination)

51175In 3rd place we have Gor17981 with his theme Verbum Honoris


Gor17981's theme can be downloaded here: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread...petition-entry (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/36779-Verbum-Honoris-Clash-of-the-Titans-v-competition-entry)

51175In 4th place we have Skull1959 with his theme Lazerlight


Skull1959's theme can be downloaded here: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread...serLight-Theme (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/36649-LaserLight-Theme)

51175In 5th place we have Harvey Sedwin with his theme Toxic Severe


Harvey Sedwin's themes can be downloaded here : http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread...f-the-Titans-5 (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/36803-Toxic-Severe-Clash-of-the-Titans-5)

51175In 6th place we have Nofx1994 with his theme South Park


Nofx1994's theme can be downloaded here: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread...me-by-NOFX1994 (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/36963-South-Park-Theme-by-NOFX1994)

51175In 7th spot we have Faizalotai with his theme Cysteine Red


Faizalotai's theme can be downloaded here: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread...d-Visual-Style (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/36679-Cysteine-Red-Visual-Style)

Thank you so much guys for all your amazing efforts ad your unbelievable themes guys you did such wonderful jobs :no1:



January 9th, 2012, 04:23 PM
This really was an awesome comp! All themes are outstanding, I love all of them :loving:
Big thanks to Razorsedge for putting it together, I'm looking forward to the next comp :happy:

January 9th, 2012, 04:28 PM
Congrats Razorsedge, your theme's are monsters, they truly deserve the top spot here, they are stunning and great for every day use too. This competition was a blast, i loved it. And to all others that entered, congrats to you all too, every themer here is top of their game and pulled out all the stops. Hats off to you folks :Smile:

Also Big Thanks to all who took the time to cast their votes. With out you the competition would not be possible.
And last but not least i'd like to thank... Kino for letting me use another of his walls, Thanks bud, you have some serious talent going on there. And Mr Grim , Razorsedge, any body who tested my theme, if i havent mentioned your name, sorry, my minds like a siv, drop me a pm and i'l add you :Smile:

Thanks folks :cheeky:

So when is number 6?? lmao

January 9th, 2012, 04:35 PM
This was particularly impressive competition, excellent work for everyone thank you guys, Congratulations razor! :Smile:

January 9th, 2012, 04:37 PM
Congratulations razor! :smile:

January 9th, 2012, 04:46 PM
Great work your all winners in my eyes!:Smile:Just remember you now half to refer to razor as Master Razor lmao2And,Master Razor you really deserved to win bud your vs was outstanding your a beast builder bud.I don't know if you remember but i told you that time when you and grim tied that you would beat him someday and that day has come the student has now become the master:givahand:daman

January 9th, 2012, 04:47 PM
Congratulations Razor.. Although it was hard to pick a theme... I still cant pick one I change my theme every other day.

Big V
January 9th, 2012, 04:49 PM
Great job everyone!!!
This comp has been the best so far.
Everyone has came so far in their skill level since i first joined this site.
It been a wonderful joy to watch all of you grow to world class themers.

Here's to tucker for finally defeating Mr Grim!!


January 9th, 2012, 04:55 PM
Congratulation Razors..your themes deserved to be crowned..also congratulations to Grim,Gor,Skull,NoFX and Harvey...you guys totally awesome with such an ideas, skills and arts that you all have created..VC's rules

January 9th, 2012, 05:30 PM
My congratulations Razorsedge:Smile:
Would also like to congratulate the other participants for their wonderful Grim_Gor_Skull_NoFX_Harvey topics, which sure was invested much time and labor, and deserve the praise of the best artists thousand times thank you guys:Smile:

January 9th, 2012, 05:31 PM
Thanks to all the theme creators, for there amazing themes, that helped pimp out are computers.

Finally grim defeated, i bet you next competition he well go all out to get his crown back.

January 9th, 2012, 05:32 PM
congrats everyone. everyone really made this a hard one to decide who to vote for. thanks to all for their fantastic themes for this comp.

January 9th, 2012, 06:26 PM
congrtz razor .

January 9th, 2012, 07:44 PM
Hi Congratulations Razor & Congrats To All Who Entered This Was One Hell Of A Comp And With All The Epic Theme You Should Be First Place Well Done Guys :money:

January 9th, 2012, 08:38 PM
Congrats razor. I am one of those that voted for yours. I want the others to know their themes are all awesome and this was a very difficult clash to choose a winner. Really, you're all winners because you all have a lot of artistic talent. Heck, there are so many fine themes and themers here that the ones that aren't in the clash are all really great themes too. I always love to see the end results of all this artistic talent.

January 10th, 2012, 03:32 AM
Congrats Razor.... Also to all the themers in the contest .. You all where worth of a crown.. Great work all.. Cant wait till the next.. Might have to get into it myself... :)

January 10th, 2012, 06:20 AM
Thank you very, very much for these awesome Master Works !!!

January 10th, 2012, 12:18 PM
Hi there,

congatulations for all you theme makers. All entrys are really great. Thanks for this work. No, work in not correct, it's ART.


January 10th, 2012, 06:28 PM
Thanks for all the replies everyone a big hand to all the themers in this comp who did such great work you guys were awesome and all the themes were awesome thanks for all your hard work :)

I just have one small question which one of you funny guys added the assinator of Mr Grim to my sig it's not anyone I thought so who is the mystery man lol, you have me stumped lol

January 10th, 2012, 06:29 PM
lmao your sig is funny as hell man. Also why dont you just look at the logs....

January 10th, 2012, 06:33 PM
What's your problem razor? Your sig looks great lol I bet it was Big V...

January 10th, 2012, 06:42 PM
no problems at all with it guys its pretty funny lol was just wondering who added it I did think BigV and or Gor but nope was not either of them so I am just wondering who did it lmao

January 10th, 2012, 06:43 PM
no problems at all with it guys its pretty funny lol was just wondering who added it I did think BigV and or Gor but nope was not either of them so I am just wondering who did it lmao

Logs man check the logs... lol it is funny as hell though

Harvey Sewdin
January 11th, 2012, 07:47 PM
it's great razor. Congrats
and congrats to all the titans.

This was the best comp on the best site.

January 12th, 2012, 03:55 PM
all of the themes are great , thank you so very much for all your time and effort guys and congrats:happy:

January 12th, 2012, 04:30 PM
congrats all themers i like them all thank ya all foe urs long work.

January 27th, 2012, 11:36 AM
nice theme excellent work my friend thank you.:no1:

May 20th, 2012, 07:00 AM
Nice Razor!!

May 21st, 2012, 12:54 AM
Very nice, Thanks for that good Work

May 25th, 2012, 10:56 AM
these themes are AWESOME, every single one!!

July 11th, 2012, 01:20 PM
all files are deleted? i want to try this one but i can't download it due to files are removed or deleted? please re-upload it.

August 23rd, 2012, 04:30 AM
Everyone truly did some amazing work here! I sure wouldn't have wanted to judge them but.......GREAT WORK EVERYONE!:givahand:

December 10th, 2012, 03:59 PM
Congradulations to you all!!!!! Amazing work and thank you all for your hard work and talent!:givahand:

March 26th, 2013, 07:21 AM
Great theme guyz...keep It up:Peace:

March 18th, 2016, 12:55 AM
it's great razor. Congrats
and congrats to all the titans.

This was the best comp on the best site.

January 12th, 2020, 12:53 AM
I would really like to see more competitions, like this Clash of The Titans Comp to get the Community Humming again, I would enter if anyones Interested Let's get one going for W10.