View Full Version : Can't replace timedate .cpl file

January 15th, 2012, 05:32 PM
I have been trying to get the timedate control panel file from Mr GRiM's Black Glass Aero theme installed, but I can't seem to get it to work. I have tried to take ownership and then replace but it keeps saying that it's currently opened by another program. Does anyone know a way that I'm too stupid to figure out? Help would be very appreciated!

Thanks for any help!

January 16th, 2012, 12:37 AM
Hello LIlovr666!

1 - Create a folder on your desktop and drag the original file there.

2 - Put on the Original folder file "TimeDate Black Glass" (System32 or SysWOW64 System
according to your operating system)

3 - Open the "Task Manager"

4 - Go to "Processes" tab in Task Manager.

5 - Select "explorer.exe" and click on end process (not close the task manager!)

6 - Click on the tab "File" Task Manager, click New Task, type in the box
you appears: explorer.exe

7 - restart the browser and apply the changes.

8 - Keep the original file "TimeDate" if you ever want to restore it.

Anyone else who has questions I'll be happy to help.

Sorry for my English.

A Greeting.

September 18th, 2014, 10:34 PM
Hello, I am using reshacker and have been trying for several hours to get the timedate.cpl clock images to change, but it doesn't have any effect. I've already taken ownership of the required files but when i go to replace the images in it, nothing happens. Any idea on how to get it to work with reshacker?

September 19th, 2014, 12:12 AM
Go to system32 copy the timedate.cpl to the desktop first, then take ownership and rename the original file to timedate.cpl.bak make the changes to the one on the desktop then paste it back in the system32 folder, if you try altering the timedate.cpl in the system32 directory instead of doing it on the desktop it will actually modify the timedate.cpl in the SysWOW64 folder instead and it wont work.

September 19th, 2014, 01:50 AM
Go to system32 copy the timedate.cpl to the desktop first, then take ownership and rename the original file to timedate.cpl.bak make the changes to the one on the desktop then paste it back in the system32 folder, if you try altering the timedate.cpl in the system32 directory instead of doing it on the desktop it will actually modify the timedate.cpl in the SysWOW64 folder instead and it wont work.

Okay, did this and now the datetime interface won't open. I can open the atetime settings thing and it shows the new clock in there, but when I left click the clock to open the interface, nothing happens. Also, the tooltip (or whatever it's called) of which normally shows up when you hover the mouse over the clock doesn't show up anymore either. Any ideas on how to fix this? Here's a screenshot in case you might need it for reference.

September 19th, 2014, 02:28 AM
Have you tried a restart?

September 19th, 2014, 02:39 AM
ya, but no difference. I wonder.. would using a shortcut of the new timedate images cause this problem? If so then that may be the cause. I'm not sure if it is though.


Just replaced the images with the ones from the actual folder instead of a shortcut version. Didn't change a thing, the clock interface still doesn't show up.

September 19th, 2014, 03:24 AM
ya, but no difference. I wonder.. would using a shortcut of the new timedate images cause this problem? If so then that may be the cause. I'm not sure if it is though.


Just replaced the images with the ones from the actual folder instead of a shortcut version. Didn't change a thing, the clock interface still doesn't show up.

Make a copy of your timedate.cpl.bak file and try modifying it again but this time just replace one image at a time and and see if it works or at what point it stops working, maybe there is a problem with one of the images.

September 19th, 2014, 03:41 AM
ya, i've already tried that. it's no different. Also, I've noticed that it always does this when the original timedate.cpl file is turned into a timedate.cpl.bak file. When I change that one back to a .cpl file it loads that one fine. Is it possible that it is trying to load the wrong file?

September 19th, 2014, 05:08 AM
ya, but no difference. I wonder.. would using a shortcut of the new timedate images cause this problem? If so then that may be the cause. I'm not sure if it is though.


Just replaced the images with the ones from the actual folder instead of a shortcut version. Didn't change a thing, the clock interface still doesn't show up.

Darkwater thoses images i uploaded for you should be good bro bcuz i use them but try what Mr Grim says in using restorator bcuz i've changed many images using that method and no problems bro :Smile:

September 19th, 2014, 02:48 PM
Darkwater thoses images i uploaded for you should be good bro bcuz i use them but try what Mr Grim says in using restorator bcuz i've changed many images using that method and no problems bro :Smile:

Okay. I wonder though. Is it possible that the reshacker might be the problem then. Because that's what I've been using lol.

September 19th, 2014, 03:18 PM
yayz!! Got it to work!! turns out reshacker was the problem the whole time. :laughing: Downloaded Restorator and used it, worked like a charm. :laughing:tnx MrGRiM for all the help, and tnx Lito for suggesting Restorator. :happy:

September 19th, 2014, 11:30 PM
yayz!! Got it to work!! turns out reshacker was the problem the whole time. :laughing: Downloaded Restorator and used it, worked like a charm. :laughing:tnx MrGRiM for all the help, and tnx Lito for suggesting Restorator. :happy:

No problem bro glad to help................ Mr Grim and the rest of the awesome guys in V.C. helped me,im jus glad to help others as well and btw nice desktop and those timedate images look great bro cheers :Smile:

September 20th, 2014, 02:06 AM
Thanks :Peace: