View Full Version : Repulse Beta

January 16th, 2012, 02:19 PM
Repulse is a futuristic MMOFPS with a large selection of weapons and high-tech equipment for you to use in combat. He is currently in closed beta, but there is a process of selecting players for the test: while there are vacancies, you can start playing.

The game has a total of nine game styles, each with goals and victory conditions specific - there are 13 different maps. When creating a room, you can choose a limit of 16 players and the score that defines the winning team, the number of rounds and time limits of the game.

Play Repulse requires an account. Logged in, there are four channels to choose from, which are divided into Standard, Adrenaline, Rookie and Pro The difference between the first two is that the second allows you to jump the wall and use the jet pack backpack - the others define the experience level of the player.



In the year 2088, pollution brought Earth to the brink of destruction: the polar ice caps melted, making islands and coastlines disappear from the map. The U.S. got desperate and soon created an organization to completely reset the pollution emitted by all countries in the world (ETHOS). With no where to take power, many companies began to fail and a major crisis took place.

There being no material energy resources on the planet, humanity's attention turned to the space. There, the company Asgard began to search and eventually found a planet similar to Earth and an ore (Lapis Vitae) which, besides not emit pollutants, would generate absurd amounts of energy with small stones.

The monopoly of Lapis Vitae Asgard became the most powerful organization in the world. However, even with the Earth's future in the hands, the company has not been without problems: it was discovered the existence of aliens hostile to mining in Marek-7, which would not let humans destroy your planet.

The battle between three interests is to start: the future of Earth, corporate profits and protection against Marek-7 human.


Game modes

Various styles of matches in Repulse not leave you tired of the game, because the number of targets available is quite varied. In the tutorial, you learn the basic commands and how to proceed in three of the nine existing game modes.

Deathmatch: kill the opponents to collect points;
Capture the Flag: grab the flag and bring opponents to their base to score;
Capture the Flag (Tag): In this mode, you can pass the flag to allies and drop it on the floor;
Demolition: a team tries to destroy a specific target and the other defends;
Evac: find the control to run away or kill all opponents;
Invasion: survive the alien invasion (if infected, kill all humans);
Sabotage: collect power cells scattered around the map;
Sniper: using only a sniper rifle, kill their opponents;
Melee: no firearms, here you destroy your enemies using a chainsaw.


Use technology to your advantage

When you get to play Repulse, your character has 40 000 in the currency of the game. This makes it possible to buy different equipment and weapons in-game store. The attributes of each item are displayed at the bottom of the screen, it is necessary to select it to view the information.

Depending on the chosen class (bottom right corner of the screen), equipments and weapons listed are different - for example, only a Sniper can see armor with camouflage system. To purchase an item, right-click on it and choose whether to have it for one or seven days (always have to buy it again after the period of use).



The three classes are Repulse Assault, Sniper and Engineer.

Infantry Assault is: always on the front line and trying to cause as much damage as possible to the enemy. The Sniper camouflages and stands for hours, just waiting for an opening of the enemy. An Engineer must help your team, because depending on the equipped weapons, is able to restore the armor of their allies or disrupt the operation of equipment opponents.


W, A, S and D: drive (twice activates the jet propulsion);
Space bar: jump (press jump a second time using the wall for support);
Ctrl: lowers the character;
Tab: score;
Keys 1 to 4: Change the weapon equipped;
F key: activates the chainsaw;
Left click: primary attack;
Right click: secondary attack or target.

good for me is a great game I hope you all enjoy

Harvey Sewdin
January 16th, 2012, 02:31 PM
when is it's release date?

January 16th, 2012, 02:39 PM
when is it's release date?

no date yet the game still in the test will take a while to launch

Harvey Sewdin
January 16th, 2012, 02:54 PM
thanks and keep the updates coming.

January 16th, 2012, 03:04 PM
thanks and keep the updates coming.

can leave soon as exit I put new news here

January 16th, 2012, 08:50 PM
nice post it possibly could be at the E3 this year they could announce it's release date

September 14th, 2013, 06:27 AM
nice post