View Full Version : Issue with rise of the primes red and 7tsp

February 5th, 2012, 05:50 AM
The 7tsp file fo Rise of the Primes red will not patch. It just "checks the situation" forever. I let it run for at least 30 minutes but nothing happens at all.

The file is not unpacked By the way

February 5th, 2012, 06:11 AM
Add 7_tsp to the beginning of the file name, like this 51943

that should work :)

February 5th, 2012, 12:04 PM
I added the 7_tsp to the beginning of the file but 7tsp is still saying checking out current situation. 51960

do I need the no topshell version for this to work?

February 5th, 2012, 02:15 PM
Hey Saintzer0,
Im curious, have you used 7tsp before. By that I mean, have you installed other packs in the past?
I only ask because 7tsp will want to create a restore point before installation. So you need to have your system protection set to ON before it can do so.
Also, in your pic I noticed that the logon, side panel, and start orb were checked... Did you check these? I dont believe any of those are included in this pack, and Ive had issues in the past with asking 7tsp to sort of 'multitask' in the process of installing a pack for me.
Perhaps try unchecking these and see what the result is...
I hope this helps you out, man... Thats a great pack....51966

February 5th, 2012, 02:16 PM
i noticed the file says x 86 and x 64. i just checked mine and it says x64. i'm wondering if this is one where the actually 7tsp file you want is inside that archive. i honestly remember, cause if it was i would of ectracted what i needed and deleted the rest. open the archive with winrar or 7-zip and see if there are any .7z files in it. if so extract them.

Oshea (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/190476-Oshea), if system restore is turned off all 7tsp will do is tell you it can't make a restore point, then continue the install.

Saintzer0 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/216520-Saintzer0), just noticed your file name on that and it's like mine is. try rightclicking 7tsp and running as admin, then go to file and select your .7z file. i have the exact same version downloaded. i haven't installed it yet. i'll created a rollback snapshot, then install it to see if i have any problems with it. givbe me a few minutes.

February 5th, 2012, 02:20 PM
Oshea (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/190476-Oshea), if system restore is turned off all 7tsp will do is tell you it can't make a restore point, then continue the install.

...totally stopped me dead in my tracks in the past...
...but thanks, man....

February 5th, 2012, 02:35 PM
No I haven't done any of this before, I am completely new here. I'm asking these "stupid-noob" questions to hopefully prevent a re-installation of windows if you get my meaning.
I tried unchecking all the boxes and running as admin and renaming the file to have 7_tsp and 7tsp_ in the beginning but it just says checking out current situation forever. System restore is turned on also.

The 1st theme I tried was the blade theme and 7tsp patched it no problem.

February 5th, 2012, 03:06 PM
1st off thank you all for your help and replies. So as of now I think I may have screwed something up or I need to reinstall 7tsp because it will not patch anything, it just thinks about it forever.
I don't know if 7tsp showing a preview or not has anything to do with it, but the rise of the primes theme did not generate a preview but the Blade theme and Deathstar blue theme do and none of them patch. They all say "checking the current situation"

February 5th, 2012, 03:19 PM
o.k. just finished the second reboot needed and checked everything and it looks great. so at this point i would make sure your system is patch. if it is patch try repatching it. i didn't rename the file either. below is a screenshot of the message you will get if you have system restore off.


February 5th, 2012, 03:59 PM
I remember getting that same message, man...and deciding to continue.
Out of curiosity, did you continue?
I only ask because perhaps my issue was simply on account of that partiicular pack...Im interested to know.

Also, thank you for making the effort to help this guy out. You taking the time to do so is one of the things that makes this site such a great resource. I appreciate it.

February 5th, 2012, 04:04 PM
yeah i installed, did the reboot, did the second reboot and all looks good.

February 5th, 2012, 04:16 PM
So lets take this from the top. I feel like I am missing something on this whole theme installation process. I'll tell you what steps I "think" I'm supposed to take then can you tell me if something is wrong or if I'm missing something?

1. I create a folder in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes with the name of the Theme.
2. Copy folder contents into new theme folder. (Backgrounds, cursors, shell32.dll etc
3. Click on Aero theme from download.
4. Open 7tsp, search for included 7tsp file.
5. Patch and restart?


Big V
February 5th, 2012, 04:16 PM
ok bud let me walk you thru installing a pack
first off download the pack you want to install and 7tsp program which i asssume you already have done.
Second most the pack on site are double packed archives (x86 & x64) and need to be extracted once using either winrar or 7zip
The pack itself should be in .7z format. If you would open the pack it should only contain 2 items a .ini file floating losely (not in a folder) and a resource folder containing all the res images.

Once you have the pack (.7z) you want to install place it along with 7tsp program on your desktop
right click the 7tsp program and select run as admin
Next since you have already been tring to use 7tsp i'm going to have you do a restore first so click the restore tab and select the first option restore before 7tsp was used. Once this has been completed it will ask you to reboot to complete the restore. (you may need to repatch your system files again to enable 3rd party theme just rerun universal theme patcher again http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/29116-Universal-Theme-Patcher)

Once this is completed right click the 7tsp program again and run as admin
look and see if their are any pack listed in drop down menu of program if so remove them by clicking the remove button
next after there is no packs showing in the menu click the add button and select the pack you have on your desktop
next select option button (little gear icon on program) and select the patch taskmanager,,copy animation color, time date, media player, create restor point, patch current system, then hit save (if you were installing a theme you would also select what options you want on 3 main ones showing on the program interface but since this is an icon pack just leave those unchecked) then hit start patching. once it has completed it will ask you to reboot twice.

Keep in mind the bigger the pack the more time it will take to patch all those files and replace the images contained in it depending on how fast your system is to begin with.
My system is quite fast (quad core with 4gb of memory) but i have a special pack i have combined out of several packs along with my own personal icons and the last time i ran it it took over an hour and half to install it. So if you have an older system the longer it will take

February 5th, 2012, 06:04 PM
Wow thanks a million for the walkthrough!
I did manual system restore before I even opened 7tsp for the first time so I guess I'll use that.

I have an AMD Phenom 2 Black Edition 6 core processor and 8 gbs of ram. I'll give it a while to install instead of being so impatient. I had no idea it would take so long. I'll post back and let you know how it turns out

February 5th, 2012, 06:35 PM
All done up until the 7tsp options part. They are all greyed out to me. I just downloaded it from the fixit site. Any ideas?

EDIT: Just found this "Options will be grayed out when the respective files are not provided by the Pack"

So if all those options are not in the pack, what is in it?

Big V
February 5th, 2012, 09:23 PM
that pack is just icons some of the other packs contain more so it fine if those are grey out

February 5th, 2012, 11:27 PM
I must have buggered up something before in the program or file choices before. After the restore 7tsp went right to work an had the theme patched in 20 minutes.

Thanks again for your help!

Clearly I need to read more carefully in future