View Full Version : Changing 7tsp patched themes: patch for every change?

February 6th, 2012, 03:32 AM
Example: patch "theme 1", then I want to see "theme 2" so I patch it. When I want to go back to "theme 1" do I have to patch it again? Or just use the personalize menu to select it?

Big V
February 6th, 2012, 12:54 PM
You only need to patch your system once and i recomend the universal theme patcher http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/29116-Universal-Theme-Patcher the only reason you ever really need to do it more than once is if for some reason you would do a sfc /scannow command or after installing Microcraps SP1. Basicly once it's patched your done with it
You also need to install Theme Resource Changer http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/30902-Theme-Resource-Changer-no-more-dll-editing this is the program we use that allows all the extra image that goes along with a theme to load into memory at boot time instead of having to edit all your .dll, .cpl, .exe, etc manually each time you want to switch a theme

February 6th, 2012, 01:38 PM
So I am running the Rise of the Primes Blue theme. Lets say I want to run the Rise of the Primes Red. So I make a theme folder, put all the necessary stuff in said folder, run 7tsp pack included for theme, click on windows theme file for Primes red. Done.

Now I want to go back to the blue for example. So I find the blue in personalize, but do I have to run 7tsp for the Blue version again? Meaning every time I want to change to a theme with an included 7tsp pack do I have to re-run it or not?

Big V
February 6th, 2012, 01:53 PM
So I am running the Rise of the Primes Blue theme. Lets say I want to run the Rise of the Primes Red. So I make a theme folder, put all the necessary stuff in said folder, run 7tsp pack included for theme, click on windows theme file for Primes red. Done.

Now I want to go back to the blue for example. So I find the blue in personalize, but do I have to run 7tsp for the Blue version again? Meaning every time I want to change to a theme with an included 7tsp pack do I have to re-run it or not?
Ok to change a theme no you do not have to run 7tsp for that just select the theme in personalize

If you want to change the icons that you installed using 7tsp yes you do have to rerun 7tsp and in doing that you need to do a restore through the 7tsp program before installing a new pack (don't try installing over top a pack that is already installed it will cause problems do a restore first)

February 6th, 2012, 02:53 PM
Thanks so much for your time knowledge patience and understanding. We all have to strt somewhere

February 6th, 2012, 10:57 PM
Edit: removed facepalm inducing stupidity