View Full Version : Re-coloring

February 20th, 2012, 06:08 PM
I know that themes can be re-colored because I see differently colored versions of themes. How is it being done? I'd like to know because there are some I'd like to try to re-color. Thanks in advance.

February 20th, 2012, 06:20 PM
The only way to correctly recolour a theme is using Windows Style Builder and a image editor and it depends on the colours used but it can be done by just changing the hue of the images and then saving them back into the theme using WSB.

February 20th, 2012, 06:49 PM
As I recolored rise of the primes I recolored all images in WSB using the channelmixer in PS. There you can simply change for example the blue channel with the green one and the picture is recolored from blue to green respectively green to blue.

February 20th, 2012, 10:02 PM
Thanks for the prompt replies. I checked out WSB and there is no trial version. Seems that they should have one to "try before you buy." I know Adobe PS does.

Thuggz Bunny
June 19th, 2016, 05:12 PM
The only way to correctly recolour a theme is using Windows Style Builder and a image editor and it depends on the colours used but it can be done by just changing the hue of the images and then saving them back into the theme using WSB.

Is there anywhere I could find a good tutorial on this? Preferably with video or illustrations? I'm extremely interested in this & I think it would help me immensely on my road to learning the ropes.

June 22nd, 2016, 12:49 AM
Is there anywhere I could find a good tutorial on this? Preferably with video or illustrations? I'm extremely interested in this & I think it would help me immensely on my road to learning the ropes.

You're not going to find many tutorials on simply replacing the graphics in WSB with the recolored ones (it's easy).
You'll find many tutorials on YouTube on how to use functions in image editors such as recoloring.
If you do decide to start recoloring a theme I recommend you export each image one at a time, recolor the image and reimport it so that way you don't have to go hunting through the 100+ graphics looking for the right size one or crashing WSB by importing the wrong image. Also remember to expand every single tree and frequently enter Testing Mode and save your theme.

June 22nd, 2016, 07:07 AM
You're not going to find many tutorials on simply replacing the graphics in WSB with the recolored ones (it's easy).
You'll find many tutorials on YouTube on how to use functions in image editors such as recoloring.
If you do decide to start recoloring a theme I recommend you export each image one at a time, recolor the image and reimport it so that way you don't have to go hunting through the 100+ graphics looking for the right size one or crashing WSB by importing the wrong image. Also remember to expand every single tree and frequently enter Testing Mode and save your theme.

I always used this tutorial on batch recoloring in PS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6IfDRVVfTs

1st decomplie your msstyle with whatever program you use. I used Restorator. ( There is a 30 day free trial ) then drag the image folder to desktop.. make a new folder on desktop and drag all the images..perferably the same color to new folder and follow Youtube tutorial to batch recolor all the images you want to recolor... then drag all the images back to the image folder and then drag back into restorator.. save msstlye and then all you have to do is change font color in WSB.. which is easy with the color tool

Thuggz Bunny
June 24th, 2016, 05:30 AM
You're not going to find many tutorials on simply replacing the graphics in WSB with the recolored ones (it's easy).
You'll find many tutorials on YouTube on how to use functions in image editors such as recoloring.
If you do decide to start recoloring a theme I recommend you export each image one at a time, recolor the image and reimport it so that way you don't have to go hunting through the 100+ graphics looking for the right size one or crashing WSB by importing the wrong image. Also remember to expand every single tree and frequently enter Testing Mode and save your theme.

Thank you very much!