View Full Version : Regarding uninstallation...

February 25th, 2012, 12:44 AM

Its been awhile since i was here the last time xD

Ive googled you for hours but never managed to find you untill i found a mail from you in my junkmail box xD

Anyways ive downloaded a pack here and when i press it it says that i wont be able to uninstall it without an uninstall program.

Could you link me one of thoose in case i regret it?

There are probably a bunch of these posts already but your forum is too big to search in! ><

thanks for the help

February 25th, 2012, 01:13 AM
My installers do not need to have uninstallers because they do not install any actual programs they just set up your files for you in the appropriate locations so you can apply the theme, if you for some reason want to remove the theme then simply go to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes and find the folder with the name of the theme you wish to remove and delete it from that directory, any theme can be changed though after being installed without the need to be uninstalled by going to your personalize menu and selecting another theme.