View Full Version : Need Help After installing Airlock with Hud Icons

March 24th, 2012, 04:18 PM
When i purchased the airlock i assumed it come with the File icons that were in the image but could find them in the file anywhere so got the red hud ones. After installing them and propted for a reboot i did and everything was fine. After a second reboot i can no longer open files that require admin permissions i get the error, a device attached to the system is not functioning. ? I did an internet seach and looked threw the fourms here and am stuck, I did the system restore to before installing but did not fix problem. Can someone point me in the right direction please.

March 24th, 2012, 08:02 PM
you can do a system restore launches with 7tsp apply and click restore if you can not start trying in safe mode

March 24th, 2012, 08:57 PM
When i purchased the airlock i assumed it come with the File icons that were in the image but could find them in the file anywhere so got the red hud ones. After installing them and propted for a reboot i did and everything was fine. After a second reboot i can no longer open files that require admin permissions i get the error, a device attached to the system is not functioning. ? I did an internet seach and looked threw the fourms here and am stuck, I did the system restore to before installing but did not fix problem. Can someone point me in the right direction please.

Did you buy the theme from the VC store?

Dark Knight
March 24th, 2012, 09:37 PM
When i purchased the airlock i assumed it come with the File icons that were in the image but could find them in the file anywhere so got the red hud ones. After installing them and propted for a reboot i did and everything was fine. After a second reboot i can no longer open files that require admin permissions i get the error, a device attached to the system is not functioning. ? I did an internet seach and looked threw the fourms here and am stuck, I did the system restore to before installing but did not fix problem. Can someone point me in the right direction please.

I am assuming you installed the icons with 7tsp? if so 7tsp makes a backup of your original configuration before installing the new icons, have you tried the restore option within 7tsp? The error you are getting should only happen when an external device is missing or not properly connected, it should not have anything to do with opening files with admin permissions unless you are trying to open them from an external or thumb drive.
Check your UAC also, there is a slim chance it may have gotten reset to a higher level.

March 25th, 2012, 02:52 AM
thanks, yes i bought it from the store. and then used the free icons from the hud pack. I did 3 system restores to where the 7tsp program made a backup and the restore doesnt fix the problem, all the icons are still installed. I feel my last option is a full restall but would take me days to get my setup back to where it is now. i did notice after installing the icon pack that it made 3 new usb hard drives in :my computer: i tried to uninstall them but i dont have permissions now to open control pannel. but i will see about if it reset the security, thanks.

March 25th, 2012, 03:22 AM
thanks, yes i bought it from the store. and then used the free icons from the hud pack. I did 3 system restores to where the 7tsp program made a backup and the restore doesnt fix the problem, all the icons are still installed. I feel my last option is a full restall but would take me days to get my setup back to where it is now. i did notice after installing the icon pack that it made 3 new usb hard drives in :my computer: i tried to uninstall them but i dont have permissions now to open control pannel. but i will see about if it reset the security, thanks.

Go here & see if you Account is Admin or not: Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\User Accounts

Big V
March 25th, 2012, 03:32 AM
have you tried opening a command promt and running sfc /scannow this will return all your modified system file back to original. You will have to repatch your system afterwards because it will revert any modified system files to default

Dark Knight
March 25th, 2012, 01:26 PM
have you tried opening a command promt and running sfc /scannow this will return all your modified system file back to original. You will have to repatch your system afterwards because it will revert any modified system files to default

If all else fails Big V's suggestion should definitely work, if not then you'll probably need to do a reinstall of the OS.

I am failing to see how this happened to you, I have used Mr. Grims icon packs and themes here for quite some time now in conjunction with 7tsp and have never run across the problem you are describing. When I have run into some sort of problem the "restore" button in 7tsp always gets me back to where I was. As far as reseting security (not being able to open files with admin rights) and adding "extra" usb drives leaves me highly suspect of where you got these items from.

March 25th, 2012, 02:20 PM
From what has been described I think it is a virus of some sort and has nothing to do with the theme or Icon pack. If you got the files from the proper place and it was not downloaded elsewhere then the files should be clean. It sounds like it is a root kit of some sort that creates extra drives to serve the virus up to others on the net. The control panel lockout and the inability to remove the virtual drives points right to your system being virused up, that and the fact that it started after rebooting a second time after the install. If it was added to the sytem duing the install of the theme or icon pack the virus would have shown after the first boot.
I would scan for viruses as well as run Microsoft's malicious software removal tool..

March 25th, 2012, 03:43 PM
From what has been described I think it is a virus of some sort and has nothing to do with the theme or Icon pack. If you got the files from the proper place and it was not downloaded elsewhere then the files should be clean. It sounds like it is a root kit of some sort that creates extra drives to serve the virus up to others on the net. The control panel lockout and the inability to remove the virtual drives points right to your system being virused up, that and the fact that it started after rebooting a second time after the install. If it was added to the sytem duing the install of the theme or icon pack the virus would have shown after the first boot.
I would scan for viruses as well as run Microsoft's malicious software removal tool..
Was thinking the very same as I have dealt with a virus of this nature before,I would run the scan as Josey suggested.Keep us updated with anything you may find.

March 26th, 2012, 12:11 AM
thanks i cant even open 7tsp to do the restore it has without getting that error, ill try that command thing, yea this is a fresh copy of windows 7 just has my business stuff on it and 3 games. not sure why it does this, when 7tsp says its going to restart and it does everything works fine except that the restart,shutdown, buttons on start menu go away. but when it reboots it says restart again for safe measure, after that reboot it stops working.

Big V
March 26th, 2012, 12:17 AM
where did you download the packs at?? was it from this site

March 26th, 2012, 12:19 AM
well hud icons are free from the site so no point of getting them elsewhere, and i did buy the air lock it doesnt cause any problems at all. one of the usp drives it added was my printer not sure about the other 2. I checked account and am still admin. i tried the sfc /scannow and it says i have to run cmd in admin, i get the error when i click run as admin. thanks for all the help though many have to reinstall :( if i get the problem off a fresh install i duno what ima do.

Big V
March 26th, 2012, 12:24 AM
try booting into safe mod and running the command as admin

March 26th, 2012, 12:28 AM
Try this way to run it as admin: Start Menu> Type in "CMD" & then hit Ctrl+Shift + Enter See if that will work.

March 26th, 2012, 01:03 AM
thanks for all the help, didnt expect to get so much great forums. ok was able to boot into safe mode and run sfc /scannow and it repaired all my files now i can open stuff again :) How should i install the icon pack now is their another way besides the 7 program that wont cause this to happen again?

March 26th, 2012, 01:19 AM
thanks for all the help, didnt expect to get so much great forums. ok was able to boot into safe mode and run sfc /scannow and it repaired all my files now i can open stuff again :) How should i install the icon pack now is their another way besides the 7 program that wont cause this to happen again?

Glad to hear your computer is fixed now. The only other way I know how to do it, is one by one lol.

Big V
March 26th, 2012, 01:20 AM
well first off repatch your system files using universal theme patcher so you can run 3rd party themes

2nd before you first ran 7tsp had you done any modding of your system before hand or used any other apps to change things like start orb, backgrounds, or any other things because some of these apps can cause issues. and can you point us to what pack you plan on using so we can check it to make sure it ok

March 26th, 2012, 02:58 AM
no other mods have been installed to this drive. after i did the dos command in safe mode i rebooted into normal windows and opened up the 7 program and did the repair to remove all icons that remained, only like 10 wernt removed from the cmd command. After that i reloaded the theme resource changer and theme patcher. Then i removed my old icon file and 7 file and redownloaded them. Reinstalled and after the 2nd bootup it appears to be doing alot better. Thanks alot for the help getting this fixed. I wish their were alot more themes to purchase but the ones up are good thinking about buying the hud pack too. sofar i enjoy the air lock one. I dont know much about what it takes to make a theme but what would the price tag be for a custom one for my work computer? and thanks for the help when i get some more cash in my paypal ill have to make a donation.