View Full Version : Looking after CS4 Master Collection

May 9th, 2012, 11:42 AM
I'm trying to find Adobe CS4 Master Collection (notcracked or something)..

I have a valid key (a bought one) but Adobe doesn't have older versions for download (trial) on thier website anymore..
The lowest is CS5 and that's not what I'm searching for :P

It's important it is Master Collection.. Someone who have any ideas? I don't trust TPB, I don't wanna screw this key up on a bullprog from tpb..

If you have the trial version or complete version doesn't matter, I'm not intressed in the key.. Just the install files :)

Ofc, it have to be in english too.. ;)

May 9th, 2012, 12:06 PM
h**p://forums.adobe.com/thread/718462 (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/718462)

May 9th, 2012, 05:01 PM
h**p://forums.adobe.com/thread/718462 (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/718462)

I've tried that link but it only shows me back to cs5 download site.. As I wrote, it doesn't excist on thier website anymore.. :/

thanks anyway bud :)

May 11th, 2012, 03:06 PM
goto adobe and act like your gonna download the newest adobe software.it will the require u to register for the adobe download assistant.once done it will automatically download the newest software, just cancel download and paste this into toolbar and download
http://trials.adobe.com/Applications/MastCol/CS4/Win/ADBESTAMCS4_LS1.7z it works...i'm doing it now..if you have problems please leave me know.
p.s. do not block cookies while trying to download or your download will be rejected.

May 12th, 2012, 05:36 AM
goto adobe and act like your gonna download the newest adobe software.it will the require u to register for the adobe download assistant.once done it will automatically download the newest software, just cancel download and paste this into toolbar and download
http://trials.adobe.com/Applications/MastCol/CS4/Win/ADBESTAMCS4_LS1.7z it works...i'm doing it now..if you have problems please leave me know.
p.s. do not block cookies while trying to download or your download will be rejected.

wow, dose this work, for real bud? if so, thats awsome :D diddent now you cold doo that :)

May 12th, 2012, 07:07 AM
goto adobe and act like your gonna download the newest adobe software.it will the require u to register for the adobe download assistant.once done it will automatically download the newest software, just cancel download and paste this into toolbar and download
http://trials.adobe.com/Applications/MastCol/CS4/Win/ADBESTAMCS4_LS1.7z it works...i'm doing it now..if you have problems please leave me know.
p.s. do not block cookies while trying to download or your download will be rejected.

LOL that's crazy i didn't know that ether good stuff thanks for the info.

May 21st, 2012, 05:18 PM
That's go to know, Thanks