View Full Version : How about a new theme competition ????

May 23rd, 2012, 02:15 PM
Hey guys hows my idea ? i have noticed that our great artist's don't show up like before.. we are bored of old themes so artists please give us some coll themes :D i think MR.Grim is busy with wife these days :p what about the rest of ppl like razorsedge, gor, big V, and other theme creators ???

Big V
May 23rd, 2012, 03:58 PM
Well I don't make themes so that leaves me out.
If i can ever get motivated again I'll be releasing another dock icon set.
Currently I'm working on reloading all my crap after doing a reformat nite before last.

May 23rd, 2012, 04:26 PM
I am not interested but maybe others will be if their not busy :Smile:

Harvey Sewdin
May 23rd, 2012, 07:32 PM
It's a good thing, but currently everyone is busy with some other projects or doing something else. Me too, have some other plans currently, but maybe next month or after that would be great too.

May 23rd, 2012, 08:59 PM
At this time it's just not something we can do as most of the guys including myself are quite busy with other things at the moment, Gor has just moved into a new house, Bigc, Nofx and myself are all working full time so the time to get anything done is limited. Grim was just married so he has his hands full, as harvey said above he is also tied up in other things. It's the time limit of the comps that would be the issue as we can't make them go on for 3 mths and setting the normal limit of 4 weeks would not give most guys enough time to finish what they need to for a theme.

Most of us are working on ones at the moment but we only get a limited amount of time to do things on them so sry it's just not something do-able at the moment.

May 23rd, 2012, 09:28 PM
Like Razorsedge say bud, we are all busy at the moment, I am working on my Ben 10 theme still, and i know some other guys have projects on the go. But i am only getting little bits of time here and there to do that, we have summer coming up soon so im getting all the repairs and stuff done now so i can relax when the sun comes out to play ;) Once i have my theme finnished i am game for a comp any time :) My theme is about 75% done at the minute, just got the explorer frame to finnish off now, and there is a bad-ass set of dock icons made by Harvey Swedin to match, Also its good for us to take some time away, lets the batteries recharge and gets ideas flowing again lol So untill then folks, hang loose, kick back your feet have a coke and smile lol


May 23rd, 2012, 11:43 PM
I gotta say, man...

Even with his wedding coming up, Grim still managed to toss us a brand new Hud series;
Razorsedge gave us MS: One and Vengeance, and then killed it with Prometheus only three weeks ago;
Gor's already given us Armoured, and followed it up with his Sufferance series;
Faizalotai gave us his ADVOC series, having just tossed us Ducca Larra and Ten-1;
Lahercoll shared an entire series of Energy-G themes with us, not even two months ago;
And gsw953 is about to drop another killer theme on us... making that how many in the last few months?
And who knows what else he's workin' on right now;
I almost forgot Harvey Sewdins themes!
CoRE FACToR! TX3! Otek!
Are you kidding me?!?!

All of that; and we're not even half way through the year!

I'd be stoked about another COT, but Im anything but bored...
Only appreciative...
I don't think we could possibly ask any more from these guys...

Thank you all very much.

May 23rd, 2012, 11:57 PM
I gotta say, man...

Even with his wedding coming up, Grim still managed to toss us a brand new Hud series;
Razorsedge gave us MS: One and Vengeance, and then killed it with Prometheus only three weeks ago;
Gor's already given us Armoured, and followed it up with his Sufferance series;
Faizalotai gave us his ADVOC series, having just tossed us Ducca Larra and Ten-1;
Lahercoll shared an entire series of Energy-G themes with us, not even two months ago;
And gsw953 is about to drop another killer theme on us... making that how many in the last few months?
And who knows what else he's workin' on right now;

All of that; and we're not even half way through the year!

I'd be stoked about another COT, but Im anything but bored...
Only appreciative...
I don't think we could possibly ask any more from these guys...

Thank you all very much.

Thanks oshea lol

lol actually after I read the first post here I had to go back and think how long ago did I release prometheus as it still seemed new to me was only a few weeks ago lol

I know gor and myself are working on new ones at the moment along with a few of the other guys here also working on new ones, it's just hard to find the time some days to get stuff done :)

Thanks for your comments on that :)