View Full Version : CS 6 Red Splash

Big V
June 4th, 2012, 11:59 AM
I created another Splash for CS6 this time in Red
Hope you like it.





Ok folks I need to apologize to anyone using my splash screens text edit. Their is a bug in the .rc file.
I used an old .rc string edit from a past version of photoshop.
I should have edited the current one instead of trying to take a shortcut and using Tucker's edit from the past versions.
I am very sorry for this and have updated the download now with the new edited .rc file and instructions
If you used my splash screen edit and have experienced oversized or stretched option panes, or pallet option windows being large and unable to resize.
Please replace the .rc string text in your photoshop.dll with the new one from the udated archive and it should correct itself
I"m sorry for the trouble this might have caused you

Feather resource by flashtuchka @ deviantart.com

June 4th, 2012, 12:04 PM
Thank you Big V (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/155318-Big-V) , they look very sharp !!!!!

:money: :happy: :money:

Harvey Sewdin
June 4th, 2012, 12:14 PM
nice work bud, thanks for the share :smile:

June 4th, 2012, 12:26 PM
BIG V, These splash screen are fantastic! GREAT JOB.

June 4th, 2012, 12:40 PM
Looking Gr8 Bud Keep em Coming :tu:

June 4th, 2012, 03:06 PM
Big V

These look real good, bud...
Thank you...

June 4th, 2012, 06:04 PM
Wow.that looks incredible,great job Big V,thanks or sharing :tu:

June 4th, 2012, 06:28 PM
:flirt: great work thank you Big :tu:

June 5th, 2012, 01:19 PM
Your pretty good at these images, keep em coming.. Thanks again for this one also. :loving:

Big V
June 13th, 2012, 07:46 PM
First post udated with Info and a bug fix
I'm sorry for any issues this has caused you

August 7th, 2012, 04:25 AM
Their is a bug in the .rc file.

This is really great news bud. Been wrecking my brains out trying to figure this one out and just about gave up. I was coming back here to ask for help one more time and seen this. And finally, instructions that are clear!!!
Much deserved Rep on this one.. I do have one questions that begs to ask. So far I have not seen anyone mention that this tweak is done in the "Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit)" folder. It sounds like everyone is working out of the x86 folder, or 32bit systems. Whichever is the case, do you know if I'm running 64 bit, do I just work out of the one Program Files(x86) folder, Program files folder, or both? Thanks a bunch BigV, and great work. I'll tell the boss you need a raise... lol...

August 9th, 2012, 12:53 PM
First post updated with Info and a bug fix.

Is it me or is there still a bug? Running 64bit system and only changed out the PSArt images, and the Photoshop.dll rc file only in the Program Files folder, where the "Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit)" folder resides.
As you can see in the attached image, the blending options window is wrong after doing this tweak . Thanks again for any help.

Big V
August 13th, 2012, 09:30 AM
Is it me or is there still a bug? Running 64bit system and only changed out the PSArt images, and the Photoshop.dll rc file only in the Program Files folder, where the "Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit)" folder resides.
As you can see in the attached image, the blending options window is wrong after doing this tweak . Thanks again for any help.

Hammer sorry i havn't been here for a few days. It looks like your using my first edit which had the bug in it because I was trying to use the .rc file from cs 5 I'm sorry about that

Instead of redoing the text file myself I'm just going to post a tut on how to edit the string file yourself. I think this will also help other who use different language version also

First open your adobe photoshop program folder c:/programs/adobe/photoshop cs6
Locate the photoshop.dll file and take ownership of it then copy and paste it to your desktop or a work folder of your choice
Next open the photoshop.dll with restorator then locate the string folder in the file tree on the left side of the program
Inside this folder you will find the launguage .rc file (mine is labeled English(United States)
You need to extract this file to your desktop or workfolder as a .rc (do not change the file extentsion)
Next open the .rc with notepad (I'm using notepad++ for this. It is a lot better open source editior that free also)
Scroll down until you see "$$$/private/Splash/STARTSPLASH=*****STARTSPLASH*****"
On the next line below that you will start finding the names you need to remove
Only remove the name entry after the = mark but leave the " mark at the end of the line as i have highlight in my screenshot
Do this till you hit the line "$$$/private/Splash/ROTATINGNAMES=*****ROTATINGNAMES*****"
When done properly the lines will look like this "$$$/private/Credits/AutoGen/108000="


Next you will need to scroll a little farther down threw the entries untill you see "$$$/private/Credits/RotatingNames/sizes=52"
On the next line below that you will need to begin to remove the name entrys again as you did above removing only the name after = sign and leaving " on the end of the line
you will need to do this for the next 40 to 50 lines till you reach "$$$/private/Legal/AutoGen/101000=Copyright.....


Once you have all the names removed from these two areas resave your .rc text file
Next reopen your photoshop.dll with restorator again and drop your newly edited .rc file back into the string folder and resave the .dll
Next return to your photoshop program folder and rename your original photoshop.dll to photoshop.dll.bak or photoshop.dll.old making them your backup file
Next paste your newly edited photoshop.dll back into the photoshop folder and close the folder your done

August 13th, 2012, 11:22 PM
Hammer sorry i haven't been here for a few days. It looks like your using my first edit which had the bug in it because I was trying to use the .rc file from cs 5

Hi BigV, I just now noticed something.
Your splash screen is labeled for CS6. And I don't know if it makes any diff, but I'm running CS5 all this time. Also might add I run it out of my Program Files folder, sub folder, Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit). Note that it is 64bit running. Now I do have a Photoshop.exe in my Program Files(x86) folder (32bit), but it is not the EXE that is targeted when it starts normally.

First want to verify these .rc tweaks are OK in CS5. If it is OK, then I want to once more try this edit one more time..
BTW, Great idea to just post a toot for the actual edit..

Big V
August 14th, 2012, 01:32 AM
Hi BigV, I just now noticed something.
Your splash screen is labeled for CS6. And I don't know if it makes any diff, but I'm running CS5 all this time. Also might add I run it out of my Program Files folder, sub folder, Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit). Note that it is 64bit running. Now I do have a Photoshop.exe in my Program Files(x86) folder (32bit), but it is not the EXE that is targeted when it starts normally.

First want to verify these .rc tweaks are OK in CS5. If it is OK, then I want to once more try this edit one more time..
BTW, Great idea to just post a toot for the actual edit..
The edits are different bud because the cs5 .rc is different than the cs6 .rc
They are basicly edited in the same manner just different location
Here the dll with the edit included already for cs5 bud 57763
As far as images goes im not sure how it will line up because the image sizes are different between the versions
But for the life of me I still have not figured out why you want a cs6 splash on a cs5 version lol

August 14th, 2012, 01:48 AM
The edits are different bud because the cs5 .rc is different than the cs6 .rc
They are basicly edited in the same manner just different location
Here the dll with the edit included already for cs5 bud 57763
As far as images goes im not sure how it will line up because the image sizes are different between the versions
But for the life of me I still have not figured out why you want a cs6 splash on a cs5 version lol

This is exactly what I was needing to know, Thanks. And BTW, that last screen with the blending options window elongated was from using the .rc file in the download here for CS6. I tried it again to make sure. But I should not worry about that any more with your latest contribution here, the "Photoshop cs5.7z".
About the CS6 image sizes compared to the CS5. I have been trying them all out and as far as the image changing, that part has been working. The part about editing the PSArt.dll images.

About your last statement using CS6 images on CS5. I haven't. These that say CS6 I just saved for future use..

Thanks again bud.. I'm going to go try out the CS5 .rc edit now..

Big V
August 14th, 2012, 02:02 AM
ok bud that explains it then. lol
Just rename your old dll and drop the new one in place it should work great for you in cs5 and credit goes to razorsedge for the edit on that .dll bye the way

August 14th, 2012, 02:33 AM
ok bud that explains it then. lol
Just rename your old dll and drop the new one in place it should work great for you in cs5 and credit goes to razorsedge for the edit on that .dll bye the way

Man, Your not going to believe this.......It works! Text is gone. And I did replace the one in the 64bit folder.

You wanna hear something strange? I extracted the .rc file from the .dll you just gave me (To my desktop) and tried to edit my original .dll by the usual method of dragging it into Restorator into my original (String folder). And thought it would work that way, but no go. It only worked by renaming the original and placing this new one in the PS folder. Go figure?

Anyways, You've been a big big help. I'll tell the boss you need a raise.. lol...

Big V
August 14th, 2012, 04:22 AM
Glad it worked for you bud :tu:
A raise would be nice but think you could work medical benifits and a vacation into that proposal also lmao