View Full Version : Oh My God

June 6th, 2012, 11:40 AM
Hello VC,

why I must always after a few weeks reactivate my Account?

I was activated and now again I should reactivate.


I like this Page but so no way.

June 6th, 2012, 01:12 PM
Hello VC,

why I must always after a few weeks reactivate my Account?

I was activated and now again I should reactivate.


I like this Page but so no way.

Hi there, i think you need too read this thread bud :)

June 6th, 2012, 05:15 PM
hm,to be more active? what about if iam not so communicative? or if iam not so interesteing 4 others coz iam not theme creator? i just modify mobile theme...wanted to modify pc theme (just 4personal use) coz mostly theme i like there has sooo small clock. but it seem so i need a lot of programms and a lot of time. by this way wanna thx all who share their theme with lazy antitalent like me :ashamed:

Big V
June 6th, 2012, 06:06 PM
You don't have to be extremely communicative to post a simple thank you for the stuff you download and use. Just common courtesy apply's. The artist work their butts off to provide all these wonderful customization to you so why is it so hard to say Hello, Thanks, Nice Share, Great Job, Etc.. And they do it 99% of the time for free so a comment is a cheap price to pay.
Remember without the artist you would be stuck with the basic Microcrap areo for your desktop.
Themes are not just something thrown together over nite in a few hours. They take many long hours, weeks, sometimes months depending on how indepth the artist goes in creating the themes. If you were an artist wouldn't you like a simple thank you yourself if you had spend all this time in creating something???
So enough with my rant lets all get off our givme, givme, givme, mentality and give the artist a big hand instead for once.