View Full Version : Site Subsection Addition

Big V
June 7th, 2012, 05:48 PM
In the next few days I am going to be adding a few subsection in the wallpaper forum to honor a few of the Artist who are actively posting new wallpaper of their own creation.

Basicly these subsections will be set up similar to the way the theme sections are currently layed out for each individual artist.

As the subsection are created I will be moving the current threads to the new subsections

For the Artist once I create your subsection and it visible on the site you may start using it for your wallpaper post don't worry about your older threads i will be move them for you so no need to create new ones.

Please allow a few days for all this to take effect since their are close to a 1000 threads now in the wallpaper section to go thru
I'll be starting on it later this evening thank you for your time in reading this Big V