View Full Version : Don't now how too make a crusor installer, heeeelp!!

June 14th, 2012, 06:15 PM
i guy's :)

i am soon done with my first animated cursor pack, that is going with my theme :)
but i got this one small (huuuuge) lol problem, i don't now how too make the installer file, can anyone help me?
maybe try too explain how i make one, tryed too search on google, but just get rubish, cuz i dont now what too look for, haha lol im so noob i now :D


June 14th, 2012, 08:51 PM
You need to make .inf file.
Here is example:


CopyFiles = Scheme.Cur, Scheme.Txt
AddReg = Scheme.Reg

Scheme.Cur = 10,"%CUR_DIR%"
Scheme.Txt = 10,"%CUR_DIR%"

HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors\Schemes","%SCHEME_NAME%",,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%pointer%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%help%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%work%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%busy%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Cross%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Text%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Hand%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Unavailiable%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Vert%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Horz%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Dgn1%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Dgn2%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%move%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%alternate%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%link%"

; -- Common Information

"Precision Select.cur"
"aero_unavail.cur" <<<<<<<<<<< change names of cursors to yours

CUR_DIR = "Cursors\Rog" <<<<<<change name of pack to yours
SCHEME_NAME = "Rog" <<<<<<here too
pointer = "Normal.ani"
help = "aero_helpsel.cur"
work = "rog2.cur"
busy = "Image4.ani"
cross = "Precision Select.cur"
text = "Text_Select.cur"
hand = "Handwriting.cur"
unavailiable = "aero_unavail.cur" <<<<<<<< change names of cursors to yours
vert = "GA1_VR.ani"
horz = "GA1_HR.ani"
dgn1 = "GA1_DR1.ani"
dgn2 = "GA1_DR2.ani"
move = "GA1_Move.ani"
alternate = "aero_up.cur"
link = "VP_Hand.cur"

Copy this in Notepad and save as "whatever.inf", place everything in one folder (cursors and .inf). Right click on .inf file and choose Install.
And that's it, hope it helps. :)

EDIT: Or i can make you silent installer with AutoIt.

July 1st, 2012, 07:49 PM
351837 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/168452-351837), that seems straightforward enough. thanks

January 26th, 2014, 11:45 AM