View Full Version : close button disappears on basic panes

King Moeha
June 15th, 2012, 03:27 PM
Hi, I'm making my first visual style and I noticed that some programs (e.g. the GIMP) use basic panes within the aero environment.
When I use the default aero-theme there is a close button, but if I apply my theme there is no close button to be seen. I inserted a close button in all possible (as far as I know) items with a 'close' in their name in the 'windows and caption buttons' area, but... no luck. My close button is a kind of greenish blue, as seen on the aero image.


June 15th, 2012, 09:44 PM
That close button would be either one of these 2 I don't use gimp myself thats why I can't test to see which one it is but its either

Windows and Caption Buttons > Basic > Controls > Captions > Tool Window > Close Button

or Windows and Caption Buttons > Basic > Controls > Captions > MDI Window > Close Button-------I would bet on it being this one

either of the 2 the buttons needs to be a smaller size then your normal close button :)

King Moeha
June 15th, 2012, 10:12 PM
Well, that's weird...
I can go to Windows and Caption Buttons > Basic, but there isn't a 'controls' path.
I'm using WSB 1.5... Maybe you have a newer version? (IS there a newer version?)

Big V
June 15th, 2012, 10:48 PM
Have you tried Mr Grims updated maps http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/29940-Updated-Class-Map-for-WSB-1-5 it might make thing a little easier for you

King Moeha
June 15th, 2012, 11:14 PM
I installed the updated maps, and they definitely clear things up. But I still can't find that 'cotrols' path...
Damn, what am I missing?

Big V
June 16th, 2012, 12:49 AM
Have you searched dave seniors guide http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/28810-Complete-Guide-to-Theme-Building

June 16th, 2012, 01:38 AM
I installed the updated maps, and they definitely clear things up. But I still can't find that 'cotrols' path...
Damn, what am I missing?

Hi bud :)

There were a few different versions of the maps that are used in wsb I will upload you mine here and also provide a screen shot below as to where that location is


in program files ave apps just replace the win 7 folder in the data folder with this one I also have a copy as u can see I keep in the same folder so just paste both into your data folder overwriting the ones u have in there :)


King Moeha
June 16th, 2012, 10:01 AM
Okay, your maps are working :)
But the caption buttons aren't...
I checked: Windows and Caption Buttons > Basic > Controls > Captions > MDI Window > Close Button
and: Windows and Caption Buttons > Basic > Controls > Captions > Tool Window > Close Button

It seems the .png images were already in their right place, but still no result...
Oh well, it isn't that important, but thx anyway! :)