View Full Version : Notepad++ V: 6.2 Silent

June 19th, 2012, 01:24 PM
best text editor to date.....

Notepad++ v6.2 includes a new User Defined Languge (UDL2) system, the key features of UDL2 are:

1. More keyword groups were added (more syntax highlighting can be defined):
- 3 folding groups
- 8 keyword groups
- 2 comment groups
- 1 number definitons
- 2 operators groups
- 8 delimiter sets
2. Multipart keywords are supported (for example: "else if" can be defined as a single keyword)
3. Whitespace is no longer mandatory as keyword separator: Operators, Delimiters and Folding keywords can be recognized with or without whitespace separators.
4. Numbers recognition support is greatly improved (prefix, suffix, range and extra symbols supported).
5. Operators and delimiters can be longer than one character.
6. The same characters can be used as comments AND operators.
7. Comments and delimiters support nesting (even within each other).
8. Improvments to Comments include:
- Comment folding
- Comment continuation
- Comment only start at the beginning of line
9. In the case of several comment pairs defined, comment open symbols match only with comment close symbols of the same order. (for example: /* C comment */, /+ D comment +/, but not /* mixed comment +/)

Included plugins:

1. Spell Checker v1.3.3
2. NppFTP 0.24.1
3. NppExport v0.2.8
4. Plugin Manager 1.0.8
5. Converter 3.0


Right Click Run As Admin



Hey Guys I Did A Rebuild Of Notepad++ 6.2

I Added The Following Plugins That Are A Must For Coders


Toolbucket v1,4
By Paul Heasley
www.phpdesign.com.au (http://www.phpdesign.com.au)


CCompletion 1.10(Aug 14 2010) For Notepad++ Or Laters

CCompletion is a code autocompletion plugin.
it can display all the identifiers that Exuberant Ctags reconizes

the plugin is provided as free software, but with out wanantys
this plugin is powered by Exuberant Ctags http://ctags.sourceforge.net

By Bostjan Mihoric

Functions List

Function List Plugin For Notepad++ V2.1
By Jens Lorenz

Auto Save

Auto Save By Franco Stellari

V1.30 (Build 201-12-01)

This Plugin Allows To Auto-save Open Files At Specific Time Intervals And/Or Upon Losing Focus.






Its In Full GUI Installer Format If You Want It In Silent Or *.MSI Format let me know OK

If There are Some Plugins that you want added let me know also......

Compressed With LMZA2 Dictionary Size: 256mb Word Size: 128 Bytes

Added In Application Directory In The Npp Plugin Template Folder All The Necessary Files To Build And Complie Your Own Notepad++ Plug-ins


Big V
June 19th, 2012, 01:29 PM
Thank you Toady

June 19th, 2012, 08:48 PM
Thank you, Toady'...

July 24th, 2012, 01:39 PM
Update 6.1.5 Silent

September 8th, 2012, 12:59 AM
Notepad++ V: 6.1.6 Silent

September 23rd, 2012, 03:29 AM
Notepad++ V: 6.1.8 Silent

October 11th, 2012, 01:39 PM
Notepad++ V: 6.2 Silent

October 20th, 2012, 09:02 AM
Hey Guys Added Custom Build See Main Post For Details:superman: