View Full Version : Theme issue with task bar, start menu Forced to Classic Theme, Help.

June 20th, 2012, 02:09 AM
Okay I have messaged Mr Grim, and Mr V about this, they must be preety busy, cause I am not getting a response, for several hours now. I didn't want this to go in public, cause I felt more comfortable with a simple PM. I will now copy pasta what I have said to them and edit it, because their is no point in changing it.

Anyway, here.

I have a big problem, probably nothing out of the ordinary, but still it wont go away, I don't usually speak out to crowds or talk in forums, but I needed help and so, I tried out this forum..

Anyway, My problem is, in the past I have successfully installed a custom theme, with the use of UniversalThemePatcherx86, with the whole patching, rebooting yada yada, process and did it with no problems. Now a year later, my themes that I had currently installed before, well they just basically been screwed up, I didn't mess with the files either, but what happens is, when I try to load it, I get the BG (Back Ground) custom sounds, but... No, custom task bar, start menu, start orb, etc (And yes I do have a start orb Changer..) It just shows a classic Windows look every time I try, their is no Aero Transparency what so ever... I have been up all night trying to solve this Issue, with multiple patching programs like UXTheme-MultiPatch, VistaGlazz, All with no luck, even the Universal dumb thing doesn't seem to work anymore either... Oh, and I have been to the old site, failed registering their, cause it wouldn't work,(Which means i couldnt see the pics posted, get the download, etc, but I have the program now, but still stuck..) and was following this tutorial (EDIT: Removed link since it wont allow me to post it sorry) Ignore that. ---> (I know this is very old.. but I have tried everything else... x-x)

Okay so... um, I'd very much appreciate it if you guys/an admin helped me with this problem.. cause its very frustrating.. message back when/if you can, when you get this, thanks for your time


Big V
June 20th, 2012, 02:25 AM
To me it sounds like maybe an update might have unpatched your system I would recommend trying to repatch your system using unversal theme patcher to start off with and see if that works. You can find the the patcher on the front page of the forum in windows customization apps section. Make sure you use the correct version for your system X64 for 64bit OS and X86 for 32 bit OS

Edit - The reason i say to use univerisal is their are known issue with uxstyle core patcher not working if you have windows service pack one installed

June 20th, 2012, 02:33 AM
I must of repatched, unpatched like 30 times already, along with sfc/scnanow command, again with no luck, along the days I have been waiting for you and Mr Grim's reply, I have been constantly trying out new solutions to try to fix my problem.. all has ended in failure, Mr Grim, has told me he could help me in teamviewer but that was hours ago, he hasnt messaged me back ever since, and I know PM's may be a bother to you guys, I'm sorry, I'm just not use to forums and not much of a talker either.. x-x

Big V
June 20th, 2012, 02:45 AM
Did you use the universal theme patcher in your attempts? and have you check to see if your dpi setting is set to 100% - controlpanel/display/set custom text size

June 20th, 2012, 02:52 AM
Um, would it be different for a different windows, maybe I should list my specs, cause

Big V
June 20th, 2012, 02:58 AM
we are talking about windows 7 correct?

June 20th, 2012, 03:02 AM
​Yes, that's correct. I have Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit

Big V
June 20th, 2012, 03:04 AM
I got you pm also and the reason your post are not showing rite away is that your first ten post have to be approved by a moderator before they become visible so just allow a small amount of time for one of us to review and approve the post. Once you have reach the 10 post required by the site you will be released from the moderation que and will no longer need post approval before they become visible.

Big V
June 20th, 2012, 03:11 AM
Ok have you added anything new to your system before you started having this issue like maybe an icon pack or any other modifcation

June 20th, 2012, 03:12 AM
Oh I see, okay. Thanks for clearing up that confusion for me, appreciate it~♥ Had me puzzled for a moment.

June 20th, 2012, 03:14 AM
​Um.. as if anything serious to the windows main files, not really. Have an icon pack for my RocketDock, but thats about it, nothing serious as in modifying critical windows files or anything like that.

Big V
June 20th, 2012, 03:18 AM
Can you post a screenshot of what is going on with your system I believe you should be able to post one now that you have 6 post so i can see whats going on

Big V
June 20th, 2012, 03:27 AM
what theme are you trying to use and do you have theme resource changer installed?

June 20th, 2012, 03:36 AM
Omg, it was the dpi all along it wasnt on 100% I honestly didn't know it really had anything to do with that, thank you so much, I appreciate ♥♥♥♥ My custom themes are working perfectly now, your a life saver, thanks again, I would totally reccomend this forum to anyone if I see them. ^^

Big V
June 20th, 2012, 03:41 AM
Thanks and i'm glad you got it figured out

June 20th, 2012, 04:03 AM
Um, quick question. Can you like edit my thread into saying "solved" or something, cause I dont know how to do it myself.

Big V
June 20th, 2012, 05:17 AM
I know other sites have that feature but our site does not have a solved editor icon so it fine to just leave it as is

July 10th, 2012, 03:53 PM
Hello all, and sorry for resurrecting this thread. I was going to start a new thread because my problem is different from Yumii's but similar. I have tried everything suggested in this thread and my setting are all fine. My start bar wont change back from classic view, everything else from the theme packs apply but the start bar wont even change at all from classic view. I have googled this issue on and off for over a week now and no luck. :sigh:. I notice when i go onto my wifes and daughters accounts they have the right start bars that go to there themes. 56757 Thats a screen shot of what im dealing with. any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks all in advance.

Big V
July 10th, 2012, 07:03 PM
To me it appears that your system is not patched properly or your dpi text setting is incorrect
Try rerunning the universal theme patcher as admin and make sure you have the correct version installed for your os x64 for 64 bit or x86 for for 32 bit. the 64 bit will have 3 patches the x86 only patches 2 files if that does not work then check the dpi setting it maybe set different from your account than what your wifes is set at