View Full Version : Error message need help

June 24th, 2012, 08:41 AM
I installed windows vista style biulder on windows 7 ultimate 64 bit and i keep getting this error saying this file or watever it is missing please help

ill include it in a txt doc. its not a link but i get a error saying im not allowed to post link

that wat it says is missing

i put spaces where this syblom should be /

June 27th, 2012, 02:47 AM
I installed windows vista style biulder on windows 7 ultimate 64 bit and i keep getting this error saying this file or watever it is missing please help

ill include it in a txt doc. its not a link but i get a error saying im not allowed to post link

that wat it says is missing

i put spaces where this syblom should be /

Hi Bud :)

sounds like the file it shows u there in the folder is corrupted

dl this file and unzip it

then place it in this location

C:\Program Files (x86)\AveApps\Windows Style Builder\Data

if you have the file in there when u go to put it in there and it asks u to overwrite it say yes :)


June 27th, 2012, 03:14 AM
Hi Bud :)

sounds like the file it shows u there in the folder is corrupted

dl this file and unzip it

then place it in this location

C:\Program Files (x86)\AveApps\Windows Style Builder\Data

if you have the file in there when u go to put it in there and it asks u to overwrite it say yes :)


Hey thanks for the help but im still getting this error. I copied and replaced like u said in the *86 folder.
All im doin is opening a theme that already on my computer in the

Im using the theme called windows 7 which is there when u get a computer.

Any advice would be gratefull