View Full Version : Customizing 7 to no end.

June 26th, 2012, 06:48 PM
I have become addicted to customizing windows seven. There are so many programs that are out there that I am still looking for and finding out. It all started when I was watching a video on youtube and saw someone with Mr. Grim's midnight theme. So I started looking into it and ever since then I have been adding many other additions to my PC. I have a video that I took a while ago that I would like to share. Since the video I have been making a few slight changes. Now I mainly use Blade as my theme just because I like to switch it up. I also added animated persona for firefox, standalone stack, and few more rainmeter skins. I plan to make another video and will post it here when I am able to. Many thanks to Mr. Grim and the rest of the VC family that has helped me with this. I still have a few issues that I am working on. One is the horizontal taskpane in the control panel stays white, I can't seem to get the system tray icons to change to black (they are hidden now so I don't have white icons there), and trying to get my wife's account not to be affected by my changes. It looks kind of funny with blade icons and a purple nike theme. I am also downloading a program called Splinter which looks pretty awesome... http://windows7forums.com/windows-7-desktop-customization/77256-splinter-ultimate-desktop-customizer.html
So here is the link to my old vid. If you have any questions about one of the programs or anything feel free to post or pm me. These little tricks and eye candies just help to finish off a PC that is worth showing off.


June 27th, 2012, 04:46 AM
Thats one busy desktop right there, must have taken some time to put it all together :). Im guessing you dont play games on that computer though :P.

That Splinter looks interesting, some fun stuff you can do with that :). Be interesting to see how developement goes with it and what they intend to do with it. I could actually see some bigger companys using that to advertise things maybe games movies or even just products with interactive desktops.

June 27th, 2012, 05:21 AM
Hi. Thanks so much for your talk of Splinter! I am very confident that it can handle whatever you want your desktop "to do". I am available for help anytime. I am happy to do it.

June 27th, 2012, 05:25 AM
Hi, JohnDay. EXACTLY. Haha! So happy you can see it. I believe Splinter to be the only viable solution for effective and user initiated desktop advertising. I see no other way for it to work unless it is done the way Splinter allows. It HAS to be initiated by the end user and therefore HAS to be appealing to them.

With Splinter's ease of creation and use, companies are able to make very simple, yet effective, "splads" within splinterfaces that are not related to the advertiser. Plus, a "Ford Edition", or "Marvel Edition", etc, is how I have imagined it from the beginning, 3 years and 15 thousand hours ago.

Thanks for the praise!!! Ever need anything , holler.

June 27th, 2012, 12:36 PM
Mordax (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/201352-Mordax), fantastic desktop.

June 27th, 2012, 01:46 PM
It kinda reminded me of the hidden object games my wife is fond of, im guessing the idea for it is loosely based on that, atleast the interface for creating the desktops. I dont know im just summising really, i always wondered how they managed to create so many of them in such a short space of time and now i get how they could atleast.

Even so its an interesting concept that a company could create a game/interactive desktop of sorts and advertise within the game, easily and cheaply. I know there is advertising in games and movies already but only really big budget games and movies. Still good luck with the project.

June 27th, 2012, 02:00 PM
It kinda reminded me of the hidden object games my wife is fond of, im guessing the idea for it is loosely based on that, atleast the interface for creating the desktops. I dont know im just summising really, i always wondered how they managed to create so many of them in such a short space of time and now i get how they could atleast.

Even so its an interesting concept that a company could create a game/interactive desktop of sorts and advertise within the game, easily and cheaply. I know there is advertising in games and movies already but only really big budget games and movies. Still good luck with the project.

Hi. Actually, way off, sorry. And no "company". Me and one person I hired halfway through the process. Splinter is ONE HUNDRED % designed for UTILITARIAN purposes and NOTHING else. But it is the simple utilitarian functions linked together in new ways that allows all the cool stuff to now happen.

Splinter allows for the access/storing/linking to/displaying/etc of more "data"/media/information/etc than any other app on Earth. Please see the image below for just a TINY fraction of what it is capable of accessing.

http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/047/4/e/currently_possible_desktop_combinations_by_dipperdon-d4olexs.png (http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/047/4/e/currently_possible_desktop_combinations_by_dipperdon-d4olexs.png)

Here is a link to Addition Edition Splinter Promo vid and my blog which has more resources. I MUST emphasize that Splinter is "the same" as "rocketdock", objectdock, macdock, nexus dock, circle dock, etc, except that it is completely free from restriction of icon placement and animation and allows for the wallpaper to be turned INTO the actual "dock", or canvass for the splicons, like a stage for the actors.

It is also a stack docklet, wallpaper flipper, visual style editor, and a file launcher. All blended together and linked with each other in new ways that give it new abilities.

Splinter Blog


Big V
June 27th, 2012, 02:12 PM
You say that it function like the docks do but without the limitation so is this kinda like a rainmeter type application?
And my next question is how heavy is it on your ram?

June 27th, 2012, 02:26 PM
Oops. Delete me, please

June 27th, 2012, 02:29 PM
Sorry i didnt mean you as a company i mean lets say for example large corporations such as coca cola could just as easily get a hold of this and make free to play games/interfaces for people to use and for them to get some good advertising out of it. I dont know im just thinking out loud i guess. Im not even sure what the legal ramifications would be for that to happen or even if it would be possible, but that was my initial thought. I mean, it could even make for some fun/interesting board meetings quite fun presentations, Instead of the old board and graphs :P. Going a little overboard but you get the principle of course.

Even for the computer enthusiast who loves to customize its still a great idea. I can see there being lots of ways for people to have fun with this. Im certainly going to look more closely at it.

June 27th, 2012, 02:44 PM
Sorry i didnt mean you as a company i mean lets say for example large corporations such as coca cola could just as easily get a hold of this and make free to play games/interfaces for people to use and for them to get some good advertising out of it. I dont know im just thinking out loud i guess. Im not even sure what the legal ramifications would be for that to happen or even if it would be possible, but that was my initial thought. I mean, it could even make for some fun/interesting board meetings quite fun presentations, Instead of the old board and graphs :P. Going a little overboard but you get the principle of course.

Even for the computer enthusiast who loves to customize its still a great idea. I can see there being lots of ways for people to have fun with this. Im certainly going to look more closely at it.

Thanks so much. Yes, i love the way you are thinking. The legal ramifications for any company that makes a commercial splinterface without a license will be copyright infringement. 100% free for the end user and for "solo" artists and such. Corporate world must license. Any "company" must license (not sure how to distinguish from 'solo" and "company" yet, but it will get figured out by smarter people than me.)

Big V
June 27th, 2012, 02:56 PM
Thanks for the info deema
and ya what john just said lol
I'm gonna be looking into it also

June 27th, 2012, 04:37 PM
Actually Games were the entire reason that I built the computer, lol. I am able to run games cruise the net and run all those applications. I use game booster and I have it set to disable all unnecessary programs, like rainmeter and docks, and it boosts my performance. With school, work, and parenting I don't get much time to play anymore. I still have Skyrim sitting... unopened... beckoning me.:crying:One day I might open it up and install it.

June 28th, 2012, 10:37 AM
Game Booster yes, i used that for a while when i was running lots of applications on my desktop to stop everything and restart everything when starting and stopping games, nice useful tool :). And oh dear god.... Skyrim, thats a time vampire, if you enjoy it of course :). Some really nice mods out for it aswell at nexus.

August 29th, 2012, 01:11 AM
@Big V (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php?u=155318). I hope this is a better explanation than the one I gave previously. After seeing it, I hope this isn't too long an explanation, lol......

1. "Is It Like Rainmeter". ---Yes and no. Yes in that it allows you to create elaborate desktop interfaces. However, Splinter's "abilities" are "more" than Rainmeter. Complex, interactive stories, games, educational media, among several to many other types of software outputs (splinterfaces) can not only be created, with ease, with Splinter, but these things ARE your desktop interface. Not a game or story running OVER the interface, they "are" a game and story ONLY because of the 100% utilitarian functionality of the average desktop interface.

Simply by looking at how things can hotlink to each other in conceptually new ways, you can see that within "spli-space"(the infinitely thin layer between the desktop wallpaper and all other windows which is also infinitely large, as splicons can continue to cover each other or "morph" into any other type of scene in an "instant")

If you think about it, everything we click is a hot link in some form. Splinter makes everything on the screen hotlinkable, giving you unequaled ability to position things how and where you want them. It uses a double and sometimes triple binary functionality using nothing but hotlinked images (shown or not, 1 or 0), to in all honesty, open up the desktop environment to pretty much anything you can imagine. And since there are only 6 script commands and the images can be dragged and placed for beginning and ending locations, ANYONE is able to create complex software outputs (splitnerfaces), with ease. From completely utilitarian looking and functioning dock and icon based interfaces, to interactive stories like in Alice Edition Splinter, which was made using the exact same simple steps used to create Icon-ic and Addition Editions. An icon doesnt have to look like "an icon", allowing Splinter to blend the icons into the wallpaper, for a completely seemless environment with both entertainment and utilitarian functionality that are one in the same..

2. "Memory utilization".-- It is variable depending on the size of whatever particular splinterface you are running. For THIS build, ALL uncompressed png image files that are included in the splinterface get put into RAM at launch. This is for the assurance of the lightning fast launching of the splicons. Next build will not load the uncompressed png until it is initiated and will still retain its speed.. Splinter, itself, only takes about 20MB of RAM. It is totally dependent on the size of the splinterface. Addition Edition uses maybe 200MB, maybe less. But Eternity Edition uses over a gig, as it has hundreds more images in it that all get put into RAM at launch.

Sorry for delay, again....Here is a link to a new splinterface that I am working on. This is just the draft video and a screenshot to give you an idea of how it can be used....(i would say combine Rainmeter, Rocketdock, Magic Formation, xWidget, and StandAloneStack and you can create SIMILAR types of outputs as you can with Splinter. But you will need all of them just to get close, as Splinter takes facets from all of them (without taking it from them) and combines them all crazy and new like and tears down barriers.

The diversity in my utube gallery of desktop interfaces with Splinter is unmatched on Earth. It just isn't possible, right now, for anything to come near its ability to create "whatever you want'. Not boasting, just dumb luck, really. I just took what was already there and put them together differently.

But everything created was done so with only image placement, 6 script commands, and the linking of all of the objects and assets together within the internal scripting. Super simple which is why it is so powerful.

http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/241/e/f/newest_splinterface_page__wip_by_dipperdon-d5ctda3.png (http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/241/e/f/newest_splinterface_page__wip_by_dipperdon-d5ctda3.png)


August 29th, 2012, 04:41 AM
Very impressed with this concept, I probably wouldn't utilize it myself, I like to keep my desktop organized and clean from clutter, (sadly my real desktop is not so easy to keep clean) but for all those who love docks and Rainmeter will be sure to love playing with this, nice track as well by the way :smile:

August 29th, 2012, 12:21 PM
deema (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/225755-deema), this is just like aston and talisman, neither of which i would use. cute to look at, but completely impractical once you get past a certain amount of applications. you have 200 apps and try to remember which application each item on your desktop launches, good luck with that. the only real use i see for it is commercial.personally if you want to really customize your desktop use a combination of rainmeter and winstep xtreme.

August 29th, 2012, 06:50 PM
Hi, Chucky. I respect your opinion, however I must say that you are 100% wrong. Splinter is FAR mor utilitarian capable than Rainmeter. It isn't even a close comparison. Rainmeter couldn't perform the utility of Splinter without lengthy and "awkward" configuration and creation. And i don't see why you think that Splinter can't handle "apps". Splinter's images, the splicons, are simply still image that can be hotlinked, just like any other icon. However Splinter has the ability to hide and blend the icons into the desktop, giving it FAR more options and abilities to link apps, files, folders on the desktop. Literally, nothing can compete with Splinter's utility capabilities. Nothing. Because it was designed, from the ground up, as just that. A utilitarian desktop interface that uses those previously only thought of functionalities in a new way giving it options that nothing else can attain. Splinter is a hotlinker on steroids. Everything, in general, that you click on your desktop and within WinExplorer, is "just" a hotlinked icon image. Splinter takes this to new levels in many new ways. Including the built in wallpaper flipper functionality allowing for the "pages"(standard Windows wallpapers) to be hotlinked to splicons, as well as called to within the internal scripting. As each page can have any number of splicons, the number of seemlessly hidden or pleasantly presented icons / apps is INFINITE.

i would very much LOVE and accept or challenge any and all other desktop interface / customization apps on the planet to a contest to prove this. I have an standing challenge to every single company to a contest to prove this to all. I would happily allow randomly selected VC users / other end users / admins on various sites to be the judges.

I am willing to put Splinter up against every other software. I would like to see any other company/software accept that challenge...I make the claim that Splinter is the "best" at providing utilitarian functionality, with the added BONUS of the imagery in motion. I am willing to prove it in any way that would do so to a large audience of judges...

The Black Page
August 29th, 2012, 09:22 PM
i'm more from the chucky & grim school of thought here in regards to an attractive UI but equally as important IMO is practicality,cleanliness,simplicity et al.varying combinations of rainmeter,winstep,,the many dock variants,widgets,cubes,dreams,gadgets etc have all served my purpose for many moons now.saying that though is what im reading here is this prog a conglomerate of all the afforementioned & more? anyway i love new toys & really looking forward to giving this wee kipper a blast once im back on decent hardware again.many thanks deema cheers mate daman

August 29th, 2012, 10:49 PM
Hi, "BP". YES, that is exactly what I am saying. It is a blending and "more" of the types of apps you listed. (without the "gadget"/widget/real-time monitoring apps like cpu guage and clock wifi signal and such)...BUT, that is because Splinter's power comes from its simplicity, as "ALL" that it is is a hotlinker. It doesn't DO "anything" else (flips walls, has internal scripting). But all on screen imagery is simply a hotlinked PNG file....Meaning that it's resource utilization, for the Splinter.exe is tiny. Meaning that it is lightning fast in its abilities, as all aspects not related to the linking of various files/folders/apps/features/functions/etc are better handled by something designed for that purpose.

Basically, Splinter, and splinterfaces are able to act as the "boss"/director/choreographer for access to data/media/etc from your pc. The wallpapers in Splinter are not images placed over the actual Windows wallpaper, like many full gui apps, it IS the actual Windows wallpaper. Even when you have multiple pages within a splinterface. Splinter simply "yells" at Windows to switch to a new wallpaper. Cause Explorer will always be better at switching to a new wallpaper than another app running over it. More efficient, less overhead. Same with system monitoring gadgets. They are already great. Splinter isnt designed to"be" those. It is designed to be the catalyst to the placement, blending in of, and access to them.

As "everything" you see on your desktop, within dock, gui, gadget, etc, is an image almost always static. So it just USES those images in a much more productive and diverse way. By allowing all of them, in any way, to be linked to any other thing you wish, and be "called" upon, by name or number to be accessed within a script. And provide animation simply by OPENING the still image, from one place to another. This is ALL that is required to perform ALL of the functionalities of all the apps you listed above, with the exception of real-time monitoring. But again, it isnt necessary. I believe that all of the apps listed, including Rainmeter, "should" be opened and run WITHIN a splinterface, because "spli-space" allows for everything, no matter what it is, to seemlessly integrate into one cohesive desktop environment.

And if you ever need any, and I mean any help with Splinter, please let me know. i will get as in depth about its abilities as anyone wishes to know. It is very deep. Super simple technically. Does "nothing" "new". It is just very advanced coneptually, requiring a totally new understanding of what the desktop REALLY is... It is SO much more than what is currently thought. Splinter is what shows the desktop environment / spli-space to be the most diverse and "powerful" medium on Earth. It is able to BE any of the other mediums. It is truly amazing what can be done just by linking things together in new ways.

It may take some time for some to come around. You have to completely discard all previous MISconceptions regarding barriers and obstacles within the desktop environment. They not only aren't there with Splinter, they were never there in the first place.Just had to have the right "combination" to gain access to its powers. And thank you so much for the praise. That reaction is why I designed it. I want everyone to be able to experience the desktop the way it should be. My only goal in life is to give the world the "everything interface", someday.

September 16th, 2012, 12:28 AM
I am going to create a Splinter thread on VC but will not get done until tomorrow, so I am posting this here, where we have discussed it before. Apologies if it is considered spamming.

Elegant Edition Splinter page screenshots (http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?/topic/33789-splinter-anything-can-be-anything/page__st__80__gopid__313499#) and run through vid demo. Will upload the splinterface later today


<span id="intelliTXT">

September 16th, 2012, 02:02 AM
the preview is killer bud..awesome :shocked:

September 16th, 2012, 03:24 AM
the preview is killer bud..awesome :shocked:

Thanks, faizalotai (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/193868-faizalotai). very much appreciated​

May 25th, 2013, 03:06 PM
Splinter Portable download link - Splinter with Scaling!!!

RS download link


Scaling enabled - Now you can run splinterfaces that were created in higher resolution systems in lower screen resolutions.

All splinterfaces that were previously only able to be run in a 1920x1080 screen res format, may now be run in lower resolutions.

Splinterface Showcase Video


Splinter Explained Video


Oppression Edition Splinter - FPS actual game as your desktop interface. Not a game running OVER the interface. The game IS the desktop environment.

May 25th, 2013, 04:20 PM
Thankyou for sharing this.Looks pretty cool...However,im one for simplicity,and speed. I like my desktop clutter free and my computer lightning fast.Im sure alot of people would really like this,but for me it just seems to be more eye candy then anything.I used rainmeter and winstep extreme for ah long time,but even those are just for the purpose of eye candy and extra gadgets that i personally dont use or just takes up just that extra tiny bit of cpu that i dont need.Now i only theme out my computer,and tweak it the way i like it from my own experience.I keep it clean and sleak as yah see in this desktop screenshot that i have provided.I do appreciate you sharing this.I am sure you will get ah lot of positive feedback.A job well done!63023

May 25th, 2013, 04:57 PM
Thankyou for sharing this.Looks pretty cool...However,im one for simplicity,and speed. I like my desktop clutter free and my computer lightning fast.Im sure alot of people would really like this,but for me it just seems to be more eye candy then anything.I used rainmeter and winstep extreme for ah long time,but even those are just for the purpose of eye candy and extra gadgets that i personally dont use or just takes up just that extra tiny bit of cpu that i dont need.Now i only theme out my computer,and tweak it the way i like it from my own experience.I keep it clean and sleak as yah see in this desktop screenshot that i have provided.I do appreciate you sharing this.I am sure you will get ah lot of positive feedback.A job well done!63023

Hi. Thanks for replying.

it just seems to be more eye candy then anything.

Couldn't be further from the truth. Splinter is 100% purely utilitarian, in every aspect. From design to implementation. There is, plain and simply, no way to have the most efficient desktop environment, minimalistic or not, without running Splinter. The explanation video does a bit to show how it is the imagery within Splinter that make its utilitarian functionality so practical.

I used rainmeter and winstep extreme

RM is a monitoring program, at most. The file launching is pretty weak. And Winstep is just another dock, like all the rest. Splinter, literally, is the world's first truly imagery based programming language and far more simple to use and/or create with than RM or Flash, but with far more power than both.

As far as cpu load goes, splinter, itself, uses "none" and only has a 17MB RAM footprint.

But I thank you for your feedback, it is always useful. I am an aspie, so forgive my odd communication practices.

EDIT----Just saw your screenshot. Nice desktop. But I see that you are running some type of dock, no? If so, then Splinter is already a better fit, as it can do anything that any other dock can do, just much much better. More efficient and more visually appealing.

May 25th, 2013, 07:06 PM
To each their own i guess,as i find that the dock that you see matches my theme perfectly and is VERY visually appealing.To the creator of the dock who resides here at virtual customs,i thank very much for their hard work that they put into it! It does what i need it to do,and nothing other.And as you can see..thats All thats running is the dock,except of course that clock sidebar gadget which is also from ANOTHER GREAT ARTIST HERE.You can sit there and tell me till your blue in the face how splinter is the best,but i prefer,as i said..simplistic and not alot of junk all over my desktop. Everyone has their own opinion.And i thankyou for your feedback.And please forgive me of my arrogance as im not one for overly egotistical,self absorbed,people who try to hype up their junk and say its better then anything out there just to get someone to try it.what you may find visually appealing,others may have difficulty swallowing.Thanx again,and have ah good day:Smile:..P.s. Again,my apologies for my arrogance as i will refrain from commenting on this subject any longer.

May 26th, 2013, 11:47 AM
XxHackThisxX (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/245518-XxHackThisxX) i'm sure gor and big v along with myself would completely disagree with you on winstep products. winstep does come with a lot of eyecandy, but make no mistake that IS secondary to it functionality. deema (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/225755-deema) i still stand behind what i said above about once you get over a certain amount of apps.

May 26th, 2013, 04:43 PM
I am sure many will disagree.However,i never said anything about its functionality.I will explain in another way so as to not confuse anyone as to what im implying.I used winstep extreme back when windows xp was out.I only wanted something to make my desktop look good and theme out the rest of my computer.I was not too familiar with themeing back then.I did not want all the extra's with it.I was also looking for speed at the same time.I found that while winstep looked great,it had more then i actually needed or wanted. winstep has hundreds of options,whether it changing the way your icons look,react,multiple docks,gadgets such as cpu,clock,network,weather..etc,the way your menu's look and react..the list goes on and on.However,although it made my computer look nice,it was way too much.when i say "eyecandy",thats exactley what it is,but with ah whole lottah un-needed features that i dont use.I dont want icons popping out at me,or several docks on my screen,or ah bunch of gadgets all over my desktop..blah blah blah.It is very customizeable.But then again,the more yah add the more ram or cpu you use.Now that i have windows seven,and i know how to theme it out,i found exactley what i wanted.A nice looking theme.One simple dock with only the icons that i use and no extra's.Plain and simple.My computer now looks nice and is very fast.I only have 28 processes in task manager running on this machine.It takes all but 12 seconds to boot from being powered off to desktop.So to put it simple,yes winstep may be highly customizeable and is just more then eyecandy,but it's just too much for me.Do yah know where im coming from? No arguement here.As i said,to each their own whether yah agree or not we all have our different opinions.Thankyou for your comments with respect :)

May 26th, 2013, 05:09 PM
deema, I have to agree with MrGrim (and some of the others) in this; I also like a clean look, with just one single dock, no clutter. While I respect what you have done with your Splinter interface, and I'm in no way trying to disrespect you, man it looks WAAAY too cluttered and visually conflicting for me to ever use. I've been a member of a few other sites that you've rolled out your Splinter interface on, and I thought the same thing then. All those big icons scattered everywhere....I mean, you could achieve the very same look by just pinning a bunch of multi-colored icons on your desk the Windows default way, you know? No offense, really man. But I don't foresee you making a dent in the customization world with this.

I personally use one single dock (RocketDock), with all my shortcuts looking uniform and sleek. I think the majority of peeps want pretty much the same thing, at least those who are old-hands at customizing their computers:


The only 'clutter' I personally can tolerate is a few Rain Meter thingamajigs......
You really should strive for 'sleek' and 'uniform' with Splinter. Just my opinion bud.