View Full Version : Mediafire account closed at the moment

June 29th, 2012, 11:03 PM
Hi Everyone :)

Well I have some bad news at the moment, after seeing a bunch of messages from a few of you guys about my mediafire account being suspended I had just gone and checked to see what happened.

My account is indeed gone, it has been suspended due to a copyright claim from Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation for the theme I made Prometheus.

It seems by doing a theme on that movie which in reality was just wallpapers from it that were freely available to anyone to download from the net, even though the theme itself is just a basic glass theme that really has nothing to do with the movie other then the wallpapers is infringing some copyright bullshit wall they have closed my account because of this. Here is the e-mail I got in relation to my account being shutdown.

BDM user "samantha" says: Notice of Infringement via Email Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation P.O. Box 900 Los Angeles, CA 90035 06/29/2012 mediafire.com http://www.mediafire.com Dear mediafire.com: I, the undersigned, confirm under penalty of perjury that I am an authorized agent of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and/or its subsidiaries and affiliated companies ("Fox") and am authorized to act on Fox's behalf in this matter. I am writing to notify you of the infringement of Fox's intellectual property rights on your site as identified below and demand that you take immediate action to permanently stop the infringing conduct. I have a good faith belief that the links / files identified in the attached addendum (below) are examples of links / files available through your site that are not authorized by Fox, any of its agents or the law, and therefore infringe Fox's rights. On behalf of Fox, I demand that you immediately remove and disable these links / files. To the extent that multiple different copies of the infringed copyrighted work identified in the subject line above can be found on and through your service, you are required to act expeditiously to remove or disable access to all such infringing copies. This email is not a complete statement of Fox's rights in connection with this matter, and nothing contained herein constitutes an express or implied waiver of any rights, remedies, or defenses of Fox in connection with this matter, all of which are expressly reserved. I may be contacted at: Email: antipiracy@dtecnet.com Sincerely, DtecNet If you have some issues please reply to info.antipiracy@dtecnet.com, reply to no-reply@dtecnet.com will be ignored. Addendum to Notice of Infringement PROMETHEUS (2012)

Information about the party that filed the report:
Company Name: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Contact Address: P.O. Box 900 Los Angeles, CA 90035
Contact Name: DtecNet
Contact Phone:
Contact Email: antipiracy@dtecnet.com

Copyright infringement violates MediaFire's Terms of Service. MediaFire accounts that experience multiple incidents of alleged copyright infringement without viable counterclaims may be terminated.

As this e-mail is from today I was not even given the chance to respond or reply to this outright BULLSHIT copyright notice they slapped my with they just closed my account without warning and thats it.

I mean seriously now thats copyright infringement to make a theme that really has nothing to do with their movie besides freely downloadable wallpapers that anyone can get off the internet, this theme was not for sale nor did we make any money from it,
why are the wallpapers freely downloadable from the net if they cannot be used in this way, I could understand if we were making money or something of that nature from it. In some way taking a few bucks away from the lousy movie studio that must hurt their pocket book considering the millions they rake every year. Ok maybe that I could see being a reason to complain, but in this case using freely available walls that can be downloaded from anywhere on the internet and nothing in the way of a copyright notice considering I downloaded most of them from their offical movie site for fucksake to boot.

Well all I can say honestly is this is utter bullshit and I am pissed beyond belief that I was not even given a chance to respond to this so called copyright infringement claim, and now I will find another site and have to reupload all my shit I had stored on mediafire which is going to be a real big pain in the ass for the amount of things I had stored there.

What pisses me off the most is I was not even given the chance to reply to this claim in any way shape or form they just closed the account down basically giving me the big **** YOU for honestly what reason I do not understand.

I have filed a counter claim report with mediafire on this bogus infraction report to try and get my account back I apoligise for any inconvience :)

June 29th, 2012, 11:41 PM
Sorry to hear that bro. I closed my mediafire account because I heard they were literally just opening their doors like this to anyone who claims any wrong doing. Damn that just sucks.

June 29th, 2012, 11:44 PM
MediaFire is just like youtube. But that does suck here are some suggestion maybe while your account is in question

i hope everything works out for u

June 30th, 2012, 12:07 AM
MediaFire is just like youtube. But that does suck here are some suggestion maybe while your account is in question

i hope everything works out for u

Thanks bud I was considering 4 shared as one of the alternatives to upload everything back I mean its not like I lost all my stuff I do of course have everything backed up on my computer and an external drive that I had uploaded there it's just the pain of having to reupload everything now again and go edit all my posts with the new links thats a real bitch lmao 5000 posts to edit should be done by the end of the july lmao

June 30th, 2012, 12:10 AM
lmao dam that alot of post to edit i dont like 4shared because u have to be a member to download a file.
i prefer file factory i got 2GB uploading free and i get 1gb every month free so i got it made lol but i dont even use that much

June 30th, 2012, 12:14 AM
lmao dam that alot of post to edit i dont like 4shared because u have to be a member to download a file.
i prefer file factory i got 2GB uploading free and i get 1gb every month free so i got it made lol but i dont even use that much

ya lol there is a few other very good sites that are just like media fire that dont give u any wait times and u get the same fast dl speeds and also can download multiple files at the same time jumbofiles is one and zippyshare is the other I just need to check to make sure they don't delete your files if they have not been downloaded for a certain amount of time if one of those 2 does not do that then I will be using them I am leaning towards zippyshare as I have used that for a while and its been very good to me lol

June 30th, 2012, 12:20 AM
ya lol there is a few other very good sites that are just like media fire that dont give u any wait times and u get the same fast dl speeds and also can download multiple files at the same time jumbofiles is one and zippyshare is the other I just need to check to make sure they don't delete your files if they have not been downloaded for a certain amount of time if one of those 2 does not do that then I will be using them I am leaning towards zippyshare as I have used that for a while and its been very good to me lol

Well if u have basic membership i think its 90 days if not used i believe im checking as i type

This is copied directly from there
Free member
To get unlimited storage, unlimited downloads and unlimited speed, please upgrade to FileFactory Premium. Currently, your files are removed after 90 days inactivity.

This is what im using
You are currently storing 108.09 MB out of your limit of 500.00 GB

June 30th, 2012, 12:36 AM
Well if u have basic membership i think its 90 days if not used i believe im checking as i type

This is copied directly from there
Free member

To get unlimited storage, unlimited downloads and unlimited speed, please upgrade to FileFactory Premium. Currently, your files are removed after 90 days inactivity.

This is what im using
You are currently storing 108.09 MB out of your limit of 500.00 GB

ya thats the only thing that suck is stuff removed after 30, 60, or 90 days I hope to find one for ppl to use free where they dont take ur stuff down I could always reopen another mediafire one and rename everything as well I guess to hide the names as it seems they dont check just see the name and figure oh pirate movie or something upload lol

June 30th, 2012, 12:46 AM
as long as the file has download and isnt dormat it will remain up there

June 30th, 2012, 01:37 AM
Sorry to hear that Razor,what a bunch of bullshit.Sounds like a bunch of people who have too much time on their hands

Big V
June 30th, 2012, 02:25 AM
This has really got to suck razor
From what i have seen jumbofiles seems to be pretty good site
I don't know about if they delete inactive files or not but think they would be worth checking into.

BTW 5000 post = spammer :ban:lmao

June 30th, 2012, 03:23 AM

Im so sorry for your troubles, man... That sucks...
Come to think of it, yesterday, someone had an issue with Pauliewog's mediafire account, when trying to snag his 'Dark Knight' theme...
Also, a movie title...
In fact, looking at that notice, Im willing to wager, that had you named the zip file... Brometheum?... or some sh**...
you would have gotten a pass...
They probably searched 'Prometheus' (as though Twentieth Century Fox coined the term), and made the assumption you had posted a pirated copy of their film...
Which, by the way... yawn...
like... f***in'... super yawn...
The best thing to come about, as a result of that 'movie'... (imo)
was your goddamn theme...
Youre an artist, man...
and you deserve better than mediafire...
and we all deserve better than Twentieth Century Fox...

I love you guys:drink:

June 30th, 2012, 03:48 AM
Its really sucks.. all of your theme are the best.. and just because 1 movie theme, you lost your mediafire's account.. omg.. :sigh:
May be Oshea was right,, after you repost all your arts, you need to rename it on your new account, so some people like Twentieth Century Fox Film or maybe government, can't found it and not gonna claim it.

June 30th, 2012, 04:21 AM
mine too, they close it without notice...:hell:MEDIAFIRE is SUCkS..!!!

June 30th, 2012, 05:45 AM
Thanks for all your comments guys :)

I wanted to post this to make sure anyone that was trying to download anything of mine and got the suspended account notice you would know why lol

I was pretty pissed before I still am but more laughing about it now for how stupid these ppl can be, whats most funny is the file they made me click to do the counter complaint on was called prometheus instructions.rar and that was flagged in the complaint that is just a word document that tells you how to install a theme on windows 7 if anyone needed help it did not even have anything to do with the theme or the movies hows that for bullshit lmao

I do have everything backed up that was on there so it's not that I lost everything thank god lol, but it will be quite the pain to reupload all that stuff and edit all the links on the site I have my work cut out for me there. I am giving it a day or 2 maybe monday at the most to see what happens with my counter claim so I apoligise for links being down at the moment I am close to finishing a huge icon pack for retrubition that I have been working very hard on for weeks now so I would like to get that completed and give them a few days to deal with this lol

I also realize if my account does come back up I am going to rename a ton of stuff I had gotten hit in the past from microsoft about a few themes I remember star trek being one of them and some names of things where I had say Star Trek windows 7 theme or something of that nature and spoke directly to microsoft and they recinded the complaint from mediafire but this is the first time where I have ever had a complaint that my account got shut down so I am not too optimistic that I will get this back, will know in a few days lol

June 30th, 2012, 05:57 AM
Sorry your havong these troubles m8, the most rediculous thing is you probably did them a favour in the first place, making that theme well before the release of the movie was probably to their advantage with free advertising for their damn film.

There should be a rule that they take the time to look at what they are complaining about before they actualy do complain about it, i really cant see that they would have complained about a theme with free walls if they actually knew what the download was, i really doupt they looked at all.

June 30th, 2012, 06:37 AM
Razor that sucks that they just closed your account without just cause because like you I did a search of the definition of Prometheus and one return was of a species of tree (Wicikpedia). I myself had 2 WD external drives fail in 1 Year containing many beloved VC themes, backups - etc. so I experienced a teenie tiny inkling of the work it takes to restore files and backups.

Also I never realized before now how many links were needed to maintain a large theme collection, I think I can also safely say that you have the respect and gratitude of every single member for the fortitude to rebuild your awesome Windows 7 theme collection that we all enjoy using on our computers.

June 30th, 2012, 07:26 AM
:flirt: I'm sorry for what happened
I do not understand that the images on google why not ban it

Harvey Sewdin
June 30th, 2012, 11:58 AM
This just sucks! Razor you deserve better. The people of the TFC have gone nuts, plus we are doing this for free.
5000 post = !!! massive !!!

June 30th, 2012, 12:01 PM
i'm sorry to hear about the account being closed, but i have to say peeps did it to themselves. well over 50% of what is claimed to be copyrighted is, and content on forums like this is more like 70% that isn't actually copyrighted. this has made anything out there fair game of companies and individuals to claim copyright and get the content pulled.

June 30th, 2012, 01:39 PM
Exaggerate the hopeless.Now these names are not allowed to use it at all only because they have made ​​this film, or what?
or you have to ask for permission?:superman:
wants is the name of the Greeks Titan to be used by one mans like, without asking permission of the company!!!:greedy:
Prometheus (http://Prometheus)

I'm sorry that with the case Razorsedge :worried: (http://virtualcustoms.net/forumdisplay.php/855-Razorsedge-Windows-7-Themes)

June 30th, 2012, 01:55 PM
Sorry to see this happen Bud.....I can't believe that they didn't warn you first.....even YouTube warns you before pulling copyright stuff.....:worried:

June 30th, 2012, 06:39 PM
It's all because of that megaupload bull crap, that resulted every filehost site to shiver and get paranoid they would be next. Funny thing is that dotcom is actually winning the battle in court; you would think they would get some confidence back. Can't wait when he finally wins so the fbi and all these big company's against it can finally back off from filehosts.

Anyways razor you can also use puttlocker to upload your stuff.

June 30th, 2012, 06:56 PM
Lol this is so stupid just because couple of wallpapers:sigh:

June 30th, 2012, 10:38 PM
That's a shame I should of DL everything the first chance.

July 1st, 2012, 12:58 AM
Sorry to hear that dude. It sucks having accounts closed. I had a youtube account where I did video game playthroughs for fun and I had copyrighted strikes put against me so I had to close mine. Keep making your awesome themes dude and don't feel bad. It happens to more than you think lol

Dark Knight
July 1st, 2012, 01:07 AM
Dam, thats a shame dude :unhappy:

To be quite honest though, it doesn't necessarily mean Twentieth Century Fox actually wrote and sent the email, realistically anyone with a grudge could have sent the email. Dtechnet is not human but tracking software.

From the Detechnet site:
"DtecNet software solutions cover everything
from online tracking of illegally distributed
files, to pre-release monitoring, to
electronically generated cease and desist

In my mind, if mediafire wants to just close your account on a bogus electronically generated email ..... fuckem, take your file to another service and upload it there, you are right, the images you used are downloaded FREELY in alot of places, you made no cash whatsoever from the theme so the way I see it they can all eat shit and die.

July 1st, 2012, 03:17 AM
Thanks for all the comments everyone :)

Don't worry though I have not lost any files at all i still have everything here backed up to my partition and an external drive mediafire I used just to host links so I could share the files I will reup them for the site lol

What pissed me off is cause I had so much stuff to reup and edit all those posts is going to be a big apin in the butt I am giving them till monday to sort it if not done by then I will pick a new hosting site lol

July 1st, 2012, 01:47 PM
Woah Dude, that's unfair and utter bullshit, atleast they should have given you a chance to say for yourself Damn THEM..

Nonetheless I think it might have been the sounds which you took from the movie (well that's copyright) but still SCREW THEM =D

July 2nd, 2012, 09:46 PM
Hey Razor,
That's a load of crap man! I hate that happened to you. You put a lot of time into saving your data. Bunch of punk wussies over there at mediafire running the show. Keep us updated; let us know if they reply to your request.

July 2nd, 2012, 10:09 PM
Hey Razor,
That's a load of crap man! I hate that happened to you. You put a lot of time into saving your data. Bunch of punk wussies over there at mediafire running the show. Keep us updated; let us know if they reply to your request.

He Bud lol

Thanks man it does not look like anything is gonna happen I have not recieved any replies from either mediafire or fox and today was my cutoff day for that so looks like I will have to do something else, I am very close to being done this huge icon pack I should be finished it today once it's ready and I go to up it is when I will make my new account thats just the way it goes lol

Big V
July 3rd, 2012, 06:22 PM
I spoke with razor this morning he still had not heard anything on his old account from either 2oth century fox or media fire.
He has started a new account but has not begun to repost anything as of yet. He did release his new icon pack early this morning so it should not be long before he starts working on reuping all his files and gets the links fixed on his post. But please be patient he has alot of work ahead of him and limited time due to work and family obligations.

July 8th, 2012, 07:27 PM
man this whole thing sucks, all over a few wallpapers....rediculous!

July 10th, 2012, 02:51 AM
Damn man I am sorry to hear this. I hope that you are able to get it all sorted out. The fact that you were not even given a chance to defend yourself with the accusations is terrible, yet in this day and age not really surprising. Shit you were giving them free advertising if anything. Again I hope that it all get resolved for ya soon.