View Full Version : VIRTUAL CUSTOMS RULES UPDATED 06/29/2012

Big V
June 30th, 2012, 02:13 AM
Welcome to VirtualCustoms

We would like for you to take a few minute and review our rules for our forums.

First off I would like to say
Not everyone is artistic or inclined to create art.
That is fine if you are not.

I would like to encourage you to post comments or thank you's if you are using art from our artist.
Our artist work very hard and spend a lot of hours, days, and weeks creating things for your enjoyment.

Without them you would be stuck using a drab & ugly microcrap OS.
So please take a few seconds to say thank you to them.

Next I would like for you to review our site rules

1. General Rules

While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters.
Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) non-sense posts, or the such.
Multiple or repeated posting in order to increase your post count is not allowed.
Advertising, spamming and trolling is not allowed. This includes using the forum, email, visitor messages, blog comments, picture comments and private message systems to spam other members.
Please wait a reasonable amount of time before bumping posts. For style changes and general 'how-to' questions this should be 24 hours. For specific troubleshooting issues, use 12 hours as a guideline.
We also do not allow posts or links to sites that are sexual in nature or violate community standards. The Virtual Customs team shall be the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate community standards.
Discussion of illegal activities such as software and music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed.
Each member is allowed one login account. Registering with multiple accounts is not allowed.
We reserve the right to remove offensive posts without notice.
If you are going to post non-English on these forums, please also post an English Translation of your post.
Also while these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything. Consequently we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way.
You cannot post any affiliate or referral links, or post anything asking for referrals. Such posts will be subject to removal.
You cannot post advertisements or notices for contests.
Support tickets should be considered to be confidential information. Support tickets posted in the forums will be deleted.
Posting links to other themeing sites is prohibited
We also reserve the right to ban anyone who willfully violates the forum rules, as access to our support forums are a privilege and not a given right.
Discrimination in any form rather it be racial, religious, sexual, or about sexual orientation will not be tolerated. Nor will any comments that can be considered discriminatory be tolerated. The staff at it's discretion will determine if a comment made should be removed and the maker of the comment be warned and or banned.

2. Advertising Services and Solicitation

We do not allow people to post threads or to send private messages or emails to users here that advertise or solicit any products, services, sites, funds or donations. Explicit advertising and soliciting in signatures is also prohibited.

Linking to a commercial product/service is fine.
Promotional text for a commercial product or service is OK, provided there are no price(s) of product(s) or service(s) listed.
A link and promotional text for a site that is not commercial and does not contain product(s) and/or service(s) is allowed, provided the site is not sexual or does not violate community standards. The Virtual Customs team shall be the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate community standards. (Examples include sites about drugs and/or sex.)
Duplicate links to the same URL in a signature are not allowed.

3. Avatars

Animated avatars are allowed.
Avatars that may be confused with official staff avatars are not allowed.
Use of the Virtual Customs logo in avatars is allowed.

4. All signatures should not exceed the following limits

You can have both text and images in your sig.
For images in signatures: 1 image up to 600 pixels wide, 300 pixels tall.
Animated images in a signature are allowed.

5. Copyright

Virtual Customs is, unless otherwise stated, the owner of all copyright and data rights in the Service and its contents. Individuals who have posted works to Virtual Customs are either the copyright owners of the component parts of that work or are posting the work under license from a copyright owner or his or her agent or otherwise as permitted by law. You may not reproduce, distribute, publicly display or perform, or prepare derivative works based on any of the Content including any such works without the express, written consent of Virtual Customs or the appropriate owner of copyright in such works. Virtual Customs does not claim ownership rights in your works or other materials posted by you to Virtual Customs (Your Content). You agree not to distribute any part of the Service other than Your Content in any medium other than as permitted in these Terms of Service or by use of functions on the Service provided by us. You agree not to alter or modify any part of the Service unless expressly permitted to do so by us or by use of functions on the Service provided by us.

6. Reporting Copyright Violations

Virtual Customs respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects users of the Service to do the same. At Virtual Customs discretion and in appropriate circumstances, Virtual Customs may remove Your Content submitted to the Site, terminate the accounts of users or prevent access to the Site by users who infringe the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe the copyright in your work or in the work for which you act as an agent has been infringed through this Service, please contact Virtual Customs Administrator, Mr GRiM. You must provide us with substantially the following information, which Virtual Customs may then forward to the alleged infringer:
A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site.
Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material.
Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted.

A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner.
A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

7. Copyright in Your Content

Virtual Customs does not claim ownership rights in Your Content. For the sole purpose of enabling us to make your Content available through the Service, you grant to Virtual Customs a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce, distribute, re-format, store, prepare derivative works based on, and publicly display and perform Your Content. Please note that when you upload Content, third parties will be able to copy, distribute and display your Content using readily available tools on their computers for this purpose although other than by linking to your Content on Virtual Customs any use by a third party of your Content could violate paragraph 4 of these Terms and Conditions unless the third party receives permission from you by license.

8. Monitoring Content

Virtual Customs has no ability to control the Content you may upload, post or otherwise transmit using the Service and does not have any obligation to monitor such Content for any purpose. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for all Content and material you upload, post or otherwise transmit using the Service.

9. Illegal activities and posting of Software

You may post trial downloads
You may post freeware
You may post software which is from example GiveAwayOfTheDay
You may NOT discuss any illegal activities
You may NOT post links to illegal software
You may NOT post links to Warez sites and/or torrents site (containing things like pirated Music, Movies, Software etc.)
You may NOT post or discuss ways to activate Windows illegally
You may NOT post serials for paid applications

If you violate these rules, the post you did any of the above in will be edited or deleted. You will also be contacted via Private Message about it.
First time you will get a warning.
Second time you will be banned.

10. Third Party Software

As a convenience, we may make third-party software available through the Service. To use the third-party software, you must agree to the terms and conditions imposed by the third party provider and the agreement to use such software will be solely between you and the third party provider. By downloading third party software, you acknowledge and agree that the software is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranty of any kind. In no event shall Virtual Customs be liable for claims or damages of any nature, whether direct or indirect, arising from or related to any third-party software downloaded through the Service.

11. Chill out room

The Chill out room is where members can gather to chat about almost anything, technical or non-technical in nature. If you have a question that doesn't fit into any other forum, or just want to chat, this is the place.
Although the administrators and moderators of Virtual Customs will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and Virtual Customs will not be held responsible for the content of any message.
By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violate of any laws.
Virtual Customs Administrators reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

12. Staff Disputes

Any disputes with the staff of the Virtual Customs Forums will be handled in private through the Private Message


When posting art to our site.
If you are using someone else's resources please give credit and get permission from them to use it.
Try to link back to the original artist resources if possible.
Don't just assume that giving credit is enough.
It is not ok to change someone else's work just because you are giving them credit.
Ask before you alter someone else's work or use their resources not afterwards.
If the work is already an altered piece of art (created by a second artist or containing a second artist work).
You need to obtain permission from both artist - the original and modifying artist before alteration. Not after the fact.
This should also apply to reposting of other artist's works. Get permission and give them credit where possible.
If in doubt ask a staff member we are all available to help.
By violating these general courtesy's you run the risk of having your account banned, along with the material being removed from the site


The reputation system is in place to say thanks and rep the artist for their hard work, and or rep comments from posting contributors. Members abusing this system to gain personal rep or net fame will be given an infraction for the first offense, and or possible account suspension depending on severity and staff discretion

We reserve the right to update and modify these rules as the needs of the community dictate to ensure the smooth operation of this community.