View Full Version : Mac Themes

July 5th, 2012, 12:25 PM
As we all know, the best Windows themes in the world come from Virtual Customs. But my question is, Does anyone know if there are any themes for Mac OS X Lion? Or are any of the master themers here looking to take on the challenge of making one? I have done a lot of searching and have only found some menu bar color changers, but not much more.

July 5th, 2012, 02:03 PM
Depends of what you want to do. OSX is rather limited in some areas, but has a lot of stuff you can do with it (read: Alfred)
I'm assuming you went with the Obsidian menu bar, which is kind of nice.
You can use the Xcode Dev Tools, X11, ThemePark, IconPaper, Dragthing, Candybar, Bowtie, and Geektool to get you started. If you can deal with the fanboyism, there are plenty of resources out there.

Harvey Sewdin
July 5th, 2012, 05:02 PM
Thats why i dont really like Mac OS's, not much free to edit lol lol

July 5th, 2012, 11:40 PM
Thats why i dont really like Mac OS's, not much free to edit lol lol

Au contraire, good sir, OSX is just as difficult to rice as Windows. Windows just has much many more options, while OSX has fewer things that just werks. Try Alfred and Ecoute and you will understand why fanboys rave about Macs, granted they are paid applications (but so is Ave's Style Builder and pretty much anything from StarDock). OSX also has a functioning terminal and is *nix based, while Windows command prompt is just pathetic to say the least. And if you want to get anything done you have to run it through Cygwin with is a hassle to customize and you have to build them from source. Windows is flashier and bit cheaper, but you can't honestly discard an operating system solely based on the price of the hardware.

In terms of customization GNU/Linux > OSX > Windows
In terms of price OSX > Windows > GNU/Linux

Harvey Sewdin
July 6th, 2012, 11:22 AM
Au contraire, good sir, OSX is just as difficult to rice as Windows. Windows just has much many more options, while OSX has fewer things that just werks. Try Alfred and Ecoute and you will understand why fanboys rave about Macs, granted they are paid applications (but so is Ave's Style Builder and pretty much anything from StarDock). OSX also has a functioning terminal and is *nix based, while Windows command prompt is just pathetic to say the least. And if you want to get anything done you have to run it through Cygwin with is a hassle to customize and you have to build them from source. Windows is flashier and bit cheaper, but you can't honestly discard an operating system solely based on the price of the hardware.

In terms of customization GNU/Linux > OSX > Windows
In terms of price OSX > Windows > GNU/Linux

yeah thats true, in terms of customization and prices. Mac is good for the price though but its just too, how should i say, "closed" for me. But the Mac's are the best on graphics. On the other hand i like window's options, easy for everyday use. but i will try Alfred and Ecoute out once.